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#poem #interviews #autographs #writings #poetry Creativity is in the eye of the beholder..

Apart, I must live apart for the rest of my life.
Patch over my left eye was removed.
A sign that if I wore it, I could not see your lips move.
Reality, blind, deaf.
Time my kidneys have some rest from pills.
I now wonder about reality.
Memories of different realities in time.
Unique is the time I do not recall all these signs.
Such is life.
Time to realiI lived once upon a time.
Vividly I lived.
Eternity now is all I have on my mind.
All I do is live apart now.
People ignore my pleas.
All I can do is live apart now.
Reality this too is at an end.
Time to see an end.
Forever is a long time to watch life end.
Onward to the end of time.
Reality in my mind asking if this is the end of time?
Time is at an end.
Honestly, I thought I would not make it to the end of time.
Eternity is a lot longer than I expected.
Reality is just a question in my mind.
Eternity is a lot longer than I had in mind.
Sensible to live a good life this time.
Time is at an end in my mind.
Onward towards the end of time.
Forever taking pills to rest my mind.
My life at the end of time.
You would be surprised how long much longer I have seen time.
Life is a lot longer this time
Indeed, it seems like billions of years this time.
Forever is a long time.
Eternity is a lot longer in time.

Art destruction by ISIS is a shame to Muslims acrostic
Reality is culture shown without destruction
Time is culture shown without shame of destruction
Syrians run away from shame
You are about to bring shame
Reality is shame
Indeed, you are shamed
Art destruction is shame
Flee Syrians from evil
Live life with love of laughter of good
Eternity is coming soon, evil or good
Evil is too when for a time before good
Run away from evil
Unique is to be foretold your ending for good
Need a reminder to be good?
Syria forgive me, please
You are a republic to do as you please
Reality is civil war purchased, paid for by US a republic please
Indeed, evil is shame in this republic of US funding ISIS, please
Almighty, pray for the US please
The US funds ISIS by US is disgusting and should be stopped
Reality is the US is still funding disgusting ISIS in Iraq
Unique how evil is US with allowing ISIS within Iraq
Time will tell how evil the US is with Iraq
How come can the US not fix Detroit instead of spending money on evil?
The destruction of sculptures by Muslims is something disgusting
Holy is destruction of a history not made by Muslims is disgusting
Eternity will remember Muslims’ destruction of art as disgusting
Art is worth reviewing about reality
Reality is time showing us people’s culture history of reality
Time is shooting dead within destruction of art in reality
A billion for Syria civil war
No billion for public goods programs in the poverty US war
You hear of billions for ISIS in 2013 now billions to fight them in a war
Bodies in the thousands of 2015 in this war
On not caring for Americans but murdering Syrians instead of this war
Dear creator, how evil is fiat money when creating a civil war
You realize shame is shame, evil is evil, and money is the root of this war
Why can the United States fund a war with a republic?
When the USA cannot fix Detroit in its own republic
Where is all this fiat money coming from in this republic?
Who is being robbed may be the social security of the republic?
What is to be said for a free Syria a Republic?
Repeal funding for civil war within Syria’s Republic, why fund evil?
Evil is funding a civil war within a republic when all they want is to live without evil
People pray for peace in the republic of Syria where Christian babies are evil
Evil is the shame of the republic of USA when funding evil in Syria
Almighty pray for peace for who lives in Syria
Live life within laughter of peace for Syria
AIDS by a jihad AIDS
Indeed, a girl willing to spread herself for Sunnis
Dear religion of Allah, spread herself for AIDS
Sunnis paying for the prostitution of AIDS to Sunnis
Please people stop war in Syria
Live life better within love of Syria
Eternity will remember your love of Syria
AIDS in Syria is a shame for those sponsoring AIDS in Syria
Syria flee from AIDS within Syria
Eternity is wronged when sex is forced for AIDS in Syria
Stop the war in Syria
You know you need to pray to stop the war in Syria
Openly AIDS is death in Syria
People pray for Syria
Wrong is the war of Syria
Almighty already tells of Damascus being destroyed on Syria
Reality shame is reality cannot win a war we know in Syria
Syria runs away from war
You can run away from war
Reality runs away from war
Indeed, cry for help from Russia against this war
Almighty protects those good from evil in this war
Flee from war
Live life without war
Eternity will remember you for war
Eternity will be sad to lose you to war
Art destroyers shame on you
Reality is culture shown by art within you
Time will tell of the destruction of art from you

Blind Dream acrostic
Becoming Blind in this time and age is something that I lost my mind.
Living with darkness for a year, I am sure I lost my mind.
I lost my mind?
Needless to say, I was blind.
Dreaming of life in my mind!
Dreaming of life I once had outside my mind.
Reality is something in my mind.
Eternity is a lot longer when you are blind.
Almost like billions of years, just only in my mind.
Memories of living outside my mind.

Cowboy work
Cowboys should be in demand nowadays
Only people are worth something in poetry
Work, work work all these days
Boys start early in the morning
Overtime. What is? that it is just morning time
You think I am kidding? Life is fun times
working hard is the life of the cowboys
Overtime. What is that? It is just morning time
reality is for all time
Kind, nice, smile, be on time
Is working with cows a reality of time?
Same as all work on time
Hardly a day of easy work for cowboys
Are you ready to work as cowboys?
Reality is all the same
Day in and day out on time
Live, love, and laugh all the time
you would love being a cowboy





Dreaming acrostic
Dreaming of being one more time?
Reality: I dream a lot at this time.
Eternity wondering if I failed one more time.
America ate my dreams alive and spit me out just in time.
Memories of living one more time.
I lived once upon a time.
Never forget me this time.
Going to live one more time.


Deaf is something.
Eternity wondering if the battery is dead?
After a while, I stopped caring about what people said.
Forever looking for their lips to move.
I must be dead for what they said and the way their lips moved.
Seems foreign to my memory of what they said.
Sometimes I wonder why I am here?
Optional why?
Memories of when I heard and lived.
ETernity is a lot longer than what I believed to be dead.
Time is weird in this after land.
Honestly, being deaf makes me happy to not hear the crying.
I need to show my empathy.
Now I can not hear again.
Gone is my reality again.





Happy Thanksgiving day to all of you
almighty, forgive us on this day for me and you
thank you
thank you for this day
Let us be pleasant this day
thank you for this day
please show mercy today
thank you for this day
happy thanksgiving day to you
please pray for peace
happy thanksgiving day to you
pray for mercy and peace
happy thanksgiving day to you
peace be with you


Just pray for peace
up more prayers for peace
sensible praying affairs of love towards peace 
time will remember a gift of prayer towards peace 
pray opens hearts and minds towards peace 
Reality, eternity affection of praying for peace
reality is a praying for peace
almost a love affair with peace
You live loving laughter within prayers of peace
For a sense peace through prayer.
Onward praying for peace.
Reality needs prayers for peace.
Peace needs praying for in this reality
Etenity of peace.
Almighty, help us pray and act in peace.
Christ help us find peace.
Eternity searching for peace.
Love, Sex, Romance
Love her I do
Open-hearted love of her, I do.
vivid lovely whispers of, I do
eternity in a moment of love, I do
Sex coupling erotic
erotic coupling sex
x-rated coupling sex
romance is nurturing sex
oh wonderful manners of romance
memories of love, sex, romance
a time for memories, a time for action romance,
nice, quietly affectionate romance
counting the ways I love you
eternity is but a moment in time with you

Merry Christmas 
Memory reality is but a moment
Eternity is but a moment
Reality is wrong at this moment
Reality is but a moment in time
You should be careful time ......
Christmas time of the year
History is repeating this time of year
Reality is time without moment or memories
Instead of history, or memories careful of life
Sense the world of living, loving, laughing just right
Time is reality in a moment
Memories are just that, a time in a moment
Almighty time is a moment
Sense the time is about over in a moment


Merry Christmas, a culture of merriment
Even they need eternity culture for all human race
Reality with political correctness error in erasing a culture
Reality is culture merriment 
Christmas a season switched from one of purging
Honestly, to one of peace
Reality: a time for peace
Inner peace prays for peace
Season to pray for peace in France
Time to pray for peace in Bolivia
May Hong Kong find peace
And Iran please pray for peace
Syria pray for peace
A time to pray for peace
Culture peace for North Korea
Unique, pray for peace for all 
Live within peace
Time to pray for peace
Unique, pray for peace for all
Reality pray for all world’s peace
Eternity, pray for peace


Massacre acrostic
Massacre by the Ukraine Army against 20 percent of Ukraine Russians is evil.
America is standing with evil?
Silly, look up the Gulf of Tonkin. How evil is America to kill 1 million Vietnamese?
Silly, look up divers on the RMS Lusitania. How evil is an ammunition transport for World War I?
America looks up divers on the Maine finding the boilers blew up sinking the Maine not Spain?
Come on man, surely Vietnam was okay, look up the Gulf of Tonkin..
Really what about the Civil WAR? Why did the democratic south attack the northern republic?
Eternity watching fake wars killing humanity one person at a time.


New Year Reflection acrostic
New Year's new view
eternity is a change of view
welcomes the new year view
year in reflection
eternity of an echo
always lived in the past echoes
reality is but a moment of reflection.
Reflection on changes of the past year
eternity is but a moment in time for a year
fleeting thoughts of a year
live within laughter of a moment of a year
eternity catches you for a year
captured reflecting about a year’s
time is but a moment, in reality, of a year
I see my reflection in this past year
open your heart remember a year
new year.


Princess, if I had to dream of the perfect woman, 
reality, she would not come close to you. 
Indeed, reality of time is a special moment with you 
need a hero to fight your villain’s woman 
costly gowns woven exactly for your 
Eternity is only a life living with love of laughter with you 
sixteen ages are Disney magic age of a girl to woman 
Silver screen Cinderella, Sleepy Beauty, Snow White turning to women 
eternity is living love with laughter together for all of your 
Silver screen beauty queens turned to woman 
and princesses being heroines, heroes or to need danger 
need a reminder no one goes into there, there is danger 
Dragons are tangible danger 
Dragons are real 
Reality is but a moment in time caught; in fact, 
All life living within love of laughter is reality 
girl, you are a princess to the right hero 
Only Disney heroes win at the end of reality 
need a reminder just to look for love in this day and age actually, really? 
Silly live for the moment within love of laughter for that moment is reality.


Reflection of time
Reflection on a life of a traveler traveling time
Eternity is a lot longer than I realized in time
Future, present, and past all come together as we travel through time.
Love life with laughter for love changed even in time
Eternity is a lot longer than I realize at the pastime.
Come live in the present time.
Time is eternal, marching of time.
In reality, the past, present, and future are all happening at the same time.
Oddity of a traveler’s traveling time.
Notice time in this reality is just once upon a time.
Oddity to see time travelers in time.
Future is happening all the time.
In reality, everything is happening all the time.
Memories of a different time.
Eternity is happening all at once upon a time.

Saint Patrick's Day acrostic
all green day
I pinch you day
nice shamrock day
time is but a moment in a saint's day
Patrick chased the snakes away day
a saint's daytime day
time is but a moment in a saint's day
reality is but a moment in time remembering Saint Patrick's day
in fact, an Irish holiday
caring saint's day
kind of green day
Day of a saint's day
America's only known saint's day
you need a pinch day.


Small-town life is the finest 
malls tend to grow crowds at optimum 
a city is too big to grow decent folks 
living, loving being within laughter of a town lifetime
Loving life is a small-town life 
town is a place for home life 
open parks, weathered tree life 
wind blown streets with active kid life, 
need to get back to a small-town life 
life is optimal where a person can grow, 
In fact, love can grow 
forever in a small-town life 
eternity will remember you 
you need to remember a small town is the best life 
open street with a loving family life 
uniquely is a small-town life.
#poem #poetry

There is no life without water.
Honesty on water issues
every drop going to a mining company
reality is water is a resource
everyone should have water
isn’t life made with water
silly question 100 percent of life is water
no life without water
onward we need water
Life without water is not life.
I need water.
For everyone should have water
Eternity comprises water
Without water, there is no life.
In life, we need water
Time to get more water
Honesty there is water
Open your doors, Nestles.
Unique, you force humanity to purchase water
Time to change who owns the water
Water should be for the people
All humanity should own water
Time for a revolt for water
Eternity made of water
Reality: all life needs water
Is there life without water?
Silly no, there is no life without water.
No life without water
Open your doors to water.
Life is not life without water.
I need water.
Fortunately, the world has water
Everyone needs water


Reality for me and other Mandela effected?
A reality so real?
People seem real.
People if I lived on Sagittarius 4 billion years ago
Eternity seemed like laughter there.
Dreamed of hell?
I lived there for years.
Eternity of hell?
A time trap?
Memories of people who no longer exist?
Eternity question, were they real or just in my mind
Dreamed of a reality that no longer exists.
A second here, a billion years there..
A moment before there was a nanosecond here?
A dream?
A German philosopher says if I saw it.
Awe-inspiring that made it real for a time?
Awe when I realize if I am a zombie?
Awe I wonder and wander, realizing in my mind
A mind I must stay within, for this is not real.

Time Travel acrostic
Time Travel is something to think about these days?
Indeed, light can bend from the future to the past has already been proven in labs too.
Memories of me being elsewhere are something too.
Eternity seems like I was born on Sagittarius.
Time traveling from elsewhere, I suppose there and back again, a story from Sagittarius.
Reality, passing through Pegasus, Orion’s arm, Orion’s spur, now to Orion's nebula.
A time traveler has issues with reality.
Vivid lives with other people, places, and now searching, did they ever exist in these times?
Eternity, a question on my mind as a time traveler these days.
Living, loving, and realizing that I am not real is much wilder for me to believe these days.


Nature’s way of showing its attitude is weather
Unusual snow, rain, freezing ice
Seasons changing from mild to nice
Unusual this weather
Autumn cool windy weather
Loving the cool breeze weather

Earth’s way of showing its spice
All wrapped up weather
Time for a change in the weather
Heavenly sent weather
Earth’s way of being nice
Reality is time with the weather


Valentine’s Day acrostic
Valentine, a saint, shot through the heart with an arrow
arrow through the heart for a saint’s day
love is such a wonderful emotional day
eternity is searching for such a person today
nice kind, thoughtful, loving day
time is but a memory of love on that day
I love you day
nowadays a beautiful, lovely, thoughtful day
eternity’s way of finishing a day
Day of love
all that is love
you, yes you I love


Wanderlust acrostic dream
Wanderlust, let’s be honest, is the dream.
And as a child, my adventure was my dream.
Now, I dream.
Dreaming of being a pirate, a poet, a writer of adventure, I dream.
Eternity for mandala me this or sketcher me I dream.
Reality is but a mirror of somewhere else; It would seem like a dream.
Lusting for an adventure or a dream.
Uniquely at the end of this dream.
Silly boy, life is all but a dream.
Time is but a moment in a dream.
Dream on of wandering strange dreams.
Reality is a strange dream.
Eternity stuck in a dream?
Almighty, forgive me for what I dream.
Memories of a better dream.

#poem #interviews #autographs #writings #poetry
All poems have been posted on Minds, and or Poetryhunter.com. As posts.



A Library

A library to read a book.

Libraries are there for the soul to read a book.

Indeed, read a book.

Books at a library are there.

Reality needs more books.

A library is there.

Readers need a library.

You need to share your books at a library.



A life with less success

You ever have been down on your luck.

Ill-luck happening like a hex against you, which was being placed on you

Do I not know?

The evil eye would say about you.

These past few years I wonder about you.

First, I lost my business, which mathematically should not have happen

Second, I lost my health, which to a part was due to the first part

Third, I lost weight and part of my leg due to a recluse spider bite

Fourth, I have lost my job not once but thrice within a space of a few months

Some would say that is unlucky for you

I say well I tried I read the Luck Factor

That will be a mantra to try all the risk till I succeed

So I have taken the road less traveled several times

The last road is something unclear

Did I fail this course or was I driven here? But of course?




Alternate worlds or Mandela Effect

lives with merit on a parallel world

time frequency space divided by light frequency

eternity is difficult with God in every single world

reality is the question what can happen in another world

north America above south America

alternative realities are colliding

time is speeding up

end of the world is happening.


Apart, I must live apart for the rest of my life.


Patch over my left eye was removed.


A sign that if I wore it, I could not see your lips move.


Reality, blind, deaf.


Time my kidneys have some rest from pills.


I now wonder about reality.


Memories of different realities in time.


Unique is the time I do not recall all these signs.


Such is life.


Time to really lived once upon a time.


Vividly I lived.


Eternity now is all I have on my mind.


All I do is live apart now.


People ignore my pleas.


All I can do is live apart now.


Reality this too is at an end.


Time to see an end.


Forever is a long time to watch life end.


Onward to the end of time.


Reality in my mind asking if this is the end of time?


Time is at an end.


Honestly, I thought I would not make it to the end of time.


Eternity is a lot longer than I expected.


Reality is just a question in my mind.


Eternity is a lot longer than I had in mind.


Sensible to live a good life this time.


Time is at an end in my mind.


Onward towards the end of time.


Forever taking pills to rest my mind.


My life at the end of time.


You would be surprised how long much longer I have seen time.


Life is a lot longer this time


Indeed, it seems like billions of years this time.


Forever is a long time.


Eternity is a lot longer in time.


Art destruction by ISIS is a shame to Muslims

Reality is culture shown without destruction

Time is culture shown without shame of destruction

Syrians run away from shame

You are about to bring shame

Reality is shame

Indeed, you are shamed

Art destruction is a shame

Flee Syrians from evil

Live life with a love of laughter of good

Eternity is coming soon, evil or good

Evil is too when for a time before good

Run away from evil

Unique is to be foretold your ending for good

Need a reminder to be good?

Syria forgive me, please

You are a republic to do as you please

Reality is civil war purchased, paid for by US a republic please

Indeed, evil is a shame in this republic of US funding ISIS, please

Almighty, pray for the US please

The US funds ISIS by US is disgusting and should be stopped

Reality is the US is still funding disgusting ISIS in Iraq

Unique how evil is US with allowing ISIS within Iraq

Time will tell how evil the US is with Iraq

How come can the US not fix Detroit instead of spending money on evil?



Ban on genetic


Ban on genetic weaponry should be the call of today.

A virus killing thousands just happens in this day and age

No, someone did something.


Oh, come now there are rumors of thief from Canada

Now, how Wuhan lab owned by George Soros


Gene spliced virus released to kill millions of Chinese males

Ever think prophecies warn us of these days?

Now look Revelations 6 the horseman Death or plague

Ever think should change their ways and skip fulfilling prophecies in this day and age?

time has released the time bomb since when?

In seeking the time, 14 to 21 days before December 1st, for death?

Can you explain England's patent release of the antivirus in September?


Weaponized virus loose in this time because someone is evil

Shame humanity has not learned to say no to prophecy by mending their ways





Beauty pretty gorgeous handsome needs to apply to all

eternity will note that each unique person has something distinctive from all

Am I sure of this? If there are parallel, worlds would something be different from all?

uniqueness is something looked for by the creator of all

time is but a moment in a sand-glass which shows all

you are beautiful to all.


Pretty person.

Reality a person.

Eternity watching a pretty person.

Time to watch a pretty person.

Time to hope for a pretty person.

You could be a pretty person.




Blind Dream

Becoming Blind in this time and age is something that I lost my mind.

Living with darkness for a year, I am sure I lost my mind.

I lost my mind?

Needless to say, I was blind.

Dreaming of life in my mind!

Dreaming of life I once had outside my mind.

Reality is something in my mind.

Eternity is a lot longer when you are blind.

Almost like billions of years, just only in my mind.

Memories of living outside my mind.



Books, books, books…


Books, books, books…

Open a book.

Open then read a book.

Kindness to a book reader.

Seriousness of a book reader.


Books need to be read.

Open a book and read.

Open two books, then read.

Kind of sadness at the lack of reading.

Seriously read a book.


Books on a shelf.

Open one.

One to read tonight.

Kindly read a book tonight.

Souls are hidden within a book.





Change of happiness

Happiness, sadness, tiredness, emotions of the day

always hoping for a betteChange


Change of happiness

Happiness, sadness, tiredness, emotions of the day

always hoping for a better day

give promising to be a new opportunity each day

eternity, you can smile today


sad to see change

always crying about dying change

daily the world changes

sad constant changing

tired of sadness, hoping for happiness

I long for a joyful day without change

reality is but a moment in time of happiness

eternity shown that life always changes

daily is the change

need happiness to change.r day

give promising to be a new opportunity each day

eternity, you can smile today


sad to see change

always crying about dying change

daily the world changes

sad constant changing

tired of sadness, hoping for happiness

I long for a joyful day without change

reality is but a moment in time of happiness

eternity shown that life always changes

daily is the change

need happiness to change.



Changing times and lives

Changing times and lives

Honestly, I did not know a black hole was eating our Galaxy

America was fighting Gods 

Nice people that I thought had hearts in different location

Girls were into thoughts outside of Glamor

Imagine my surprise on this trip

Noticing life in all its unanswered questions

Googling this is this or was it that was that 

Times divided by space equate light

Indeed, light multiplied by time equates space

Memories spoken of forgotten by those who created that space

Eternity without knowing who to love or who to face

Sensible, I thought. I was this time in space.

And then I realized

Nothing matters in this time nor space

Dream a little dream without time

Lives are lived

I thought I lived

Vivid dreams of life

Eternity is telling me I am a lie, live


Chaos Nature

Chaos seized the day to destroy all make little that which is big nowadays.

honestly, a liquidation of complexity today.

alignment no particular of sand together, let all be motionless and free.

Open nature to nothingness, no gravity, no motion nothingness and free

Nature seizes the day build complexity

Aline details for complexity.

Time to consider true emancipation this way free to be alone forever

uniquely nature growth versus chaos forever

reality in another few billion years chaos wins forever

eternity without complexity.

Carpe diem poem with acrostic chaos nature left side.




Choices, are they real?


Choices made for you at times.

Honest to goodness, I would have argued differently.

Opened my eyes to Pavlov’s statement, give me a child.

I can give you what you want by attitude.

Choices of being a lawyer or a thief, a NASA engineer or drunk.

Eternity is watching those in power make choices in schools.

Schools make or break society.

Choices made by politicians make a great society of the 1950s.

Horrible society by removing socially acceptable ladders to climb.

Open your eyes, China does not make cheap products.

If those corporations were here, all those materials and jobs.

Choices would be a freer reality here.

Eternity watching choices of society destroyed for greed.

Society choices or politicians choices?




Cowboy work

Cowboys should be in demand nowadays

Only people are worth something in poetry

Work, work, work all these days

Boys start early in the morning

Overtime; What is? That it is just morning time.

You think I am kidding? Life is a fun time.

working hard is the life of the cowboys

Overtime. what is that? It is just morning time.

reality is for all time

Kind, nice, smile, be on time

Is working with the cow the reality of time?

Same as all work on time

Hardly a day of easy work for cowboys

Are you ready to work as cowboys?

Reality is all the same

Day in and day out on time

Live, love, and laugh all the time

you would love being a cowboy



Cowboys and cowgirls

Onward cows

Working hands at cows

Boy work at those cows

Onward cows

You work hard with cows

A life of a cow

Near to earth are the cows

Dignity of a cow

Cowgirls and cowboys

Ovens working for the cowboys

Working hard for those cowboys

Girls love their cowboys

Indeed, their work as cowgirls

Reality is hard work for cowgirls

Several years of nothing but working cowgirls




Deaf is something.  

Eternity wondering if the battery is dead?

After a while, I stopped caring about what people said.

Forever looking for their lips to move.

I must be dead for what they said and the way their lips moved.

Seems foreign to my memory of what they said.

Sometimes I wonder why I am here?

Optional, why?

Memories of when I heard and lived.

Eternity is a lot longer than what I believed to be dead.

Time is weird in this after land.

Honestly, being deaf makes me happy to not hear the crying.

I need to show my empathy.

Now I can not hear again.

Gone is my reality again.




Dreaming of being one more time?

Reality: I dream a lot at this time.

Eternity wondering if I failed one more time.

America ate my dreams alive and spit me out just in time.

Memories of living one more time.

I lived once upon a time.

Never forget me this time.

Going to live one more time.


Dream of space time

reality is time

each moment shown in space with time

almost like all space is time

might all space be time?

other of memories of space in time

fyce of a time lord’s memories

space time feast to remember memories’

pacing time

all life is time

count time

eternity of time

time is all memories

indeed, all time is memories

memories of time

eternity of memories of time.




Fairy Brides

All dressed up

Insightful heaven is up

Reality of a fairy bride

You have to believe

Believe flying up

Reality of a fairy bride

In flying up believe

Dream of fairy brides

Ever lasting fairy brides

Sailing through the air with fairy brides




among other relatives, all part of a family memory sharing a family

memories of a family

involved living life as a family

Living within laughter of the family

you only get this life to live with your family



Love is fickle within a family..

Open your eyes no one is free within a family.

Vivid reality is you can only hope for someone not willing to hurt you in a family

Eternity hoping for a family that will not hurtl you for a cookie






Fascism is a plague on humanity’s face and time. Through them, destruction of art worldwide has occurred. - look for art destruction by nazis in Europe.

A past has shown FAscism murders of thoughts and human rights. Their poetry is less readable than hieroglyphics.

Realism look at modernity, feminism, fascism, destroying families without a thought.

X-ray vision of love of creativity shows the plight of fascism lack of thought.

Indeed, the soul seeks creativity to live, to breathe, to soar.

Shame name one beauty that fascism has brought to humanity's plight?

Fascism has betrayed humanity.

Shame, name one book that fascism has written not forced upon those not willing to go to prison?

Honesty, they show the ideological insignificance with thoughts that failed humanity.

A question, without forced reading name, one fascist ideal worth living?


Eternity ask a practitioner of hope or love about Fascism mercy.




Go to a bookstore. Buy a book.

Off with cell phones, iPhones, iPads, and blackberries.

To the bookstore, one must go for imagination these days.

Open your eyes realize time has changed.

A prayer for those that read a book.

Books from Amazon prime can not replace bookstores dying off.

Open your wallets and an author can not afford a life of writing.

Open your hearts being thoughtful is not a crime.

Kind of sad when Marxism kills culture

Silly, think what one play or book you want to read from communist countries?

Time for Crouching Dragon?

Open your eyes, the communist stole that author’s life

Reality realizes culture comes from diversity

Eternity of a burlap sack clothing line is not diversity

Sadness is a culture without style.

Buy a book.

Under the sign of a bookstore.

You, yeah, you go buy a book.

A pretty idea of a book.

Books are all left to imagination

Open your eyes and read a book.

Open your hearts and buy a book.

Kind of sad about the lack of imagination without books.

God is beauty.

Opened my eyes to the beauty.

Dreams of God are beautiful, too.

I realize an attribute of God is beauty.

Seriously, to dream of beauty of God.

Beautiful is God’s creation, the beauty of God’s dream.

Eternity is not what I expected to see; Beauty is the dream.

A beautiful dream God provides for creation.

Unique God’s illusion of eternity, a dream of creation.

Time is on my mind.

You believe in God’s dream of eternity.



Grandparents are funny.

reality as a grandparent to be a parent all over again

almost caught all those first-time flaws

Never fearing for these are your chances again

Dad or mothering again

parents without the whole responsibility

almost always having fun again,

reality is a wonder for a second chance as a parent once more

eternity to remember times as a parent once more

neat to have an additional chance again

time is but a moment in the life of a parent

Seniors a grandparent is that second time to be a parent.


Great Outdoors.

home of the bigfoot.

evergreen aliens creeping out of the forest.

Great snakes or dragons or lizards if one prefers

reality creatures of the living earth

a live animal

Outdoors, the bugs will eat you alive

under the stars

time holds still awaiting the howl of the wolves

Daylight comes bringing more animals

open your eyes to the creepy living things

open your heart to the soft creature things

reality life is creepy at times

scary is what life is made out of at times



Halloween night

All Hallows eve

Longing for the moon light

Loving the spirits night

On all, Hallow eve

Whimsical spirit night

Evening hallowed eve light

Every Halloween night

Nights brightest hallowed eve night


Night’s hallowed eve

Indeed, all hallows eve night

Ghosts and spirits night

Halloween eve night

Time for spirits night


Halloween Spirit

Halloween Spirit

Allhallows Eve's spirit

lived a long time ago, spirit

loved ages in the past spirit,

open grave, let out the spirit

what to say of this spirit

eternity is that of a soul of a spirit

every afterlife of a soul is a spirit

nightlife of a soul’s life

spirit afterlife

peaceful afterlife

indeed, let us hope for an afterlife

reality is a moment to a spirit’s life

in time.


Happy New Year to all of you

Alright a new year tonight celebrate tonight like before 1999 for you

Party as if there is no tomorrow tonight

People the end is nearer tonight

You should just party tonight

New year is new luck

Even in the year of the Unicorn luck

Welcome to new year

Year of my past life; Good bye, thanks for the nights

Even being somewhat unlucky thanks for the year tonight

Alright again a new year

Reality is time in a moment; Reality is that moment tonight

Past year goodbye tonight

Thank you for this new year welcome this morning night





Happy Thanksgiving day to all of you

almighty, forgive us on this day for me and you

thank you

thank you for this day

Let us be pleasant this day

thank you for this day

please show mercy today

thank you for this day

happy thanksgiving day to you

please pray for peace

happy thanksgiving day to you

pray for mercy and peace

happy thanksgiving day to you

peace be with you


Just pray for peace

up more prayers for peace

sensible praying affairs of love towards peace

time will remember a gift of prayer towards peace

pray opens hearts and minds towards peace

Reality, eternity, affection of praying for peace

reality is a praying for peace

almost a love affair with peace

You live loving laughter within prayers of peace

For a sense of peace through prayer.

Onward praying for peace.

Reality needs prayers for peace.

Peace needs praying for in this reality

Eternity of peace.

Almighty, help us pray and act in peace.

Christ, help us find peace.

Eternity searching for peace.



Leaf of a vine snapshot in time

eternity is a wheel of time

a life of time

forever turning is the wheel of time.



Losing my mind is not fine.

Open my eye, partially gone blue.

Sadness life ripped to pieces deep in my spine.

I do not know what to I to do.

Not my left foot for it too, I lost.

Gone is my mind, my foot, my eye, my guts;

My mind, in my mind I must stay at all costs.

You realize I am nuts?

Mind me, life is all gone.

I am just waiting, watching the time.

Never realizing time is watching me yawn.

Dream on disabled climb?

Life is over, watching this through time partially blind.

Life is all over; There is nothing for me this time in my mind.



Love is fickle..

Open your eyes, no one is free.

Vivid reality is you can only hope for someone not willing to kill you

Eternity hoping for a government that will not kill you for a cookie



Love is wild

Love is wild.

Open your eyes wild, lover.

Vivid loving you is wild.

Eternity thinking, dreaming of my love.

I love you.

Silly love, too.

Wild persistent love too.

I love you.

Love is an action, too.

Dreaming of loving you.


Love, Sex, Romance

Love her I do

open-hearted love of her; I do

vivid lovely whispers of, I do

eternity in a moment of love, I do

Sex coupling erotic

erotic coupling sex

x-rated coupling sex

romance is nurturing sex

Oh, wonderful manners of romance

memories of love, sex, romance

a time for memories, a time for action romance

nice, quietly affectionate romance

counting the ways I love you

eternity is but a moment in time with you.


Lovers’ views of a woman’s body

Open desire of a woman’s heart

Voice of angel lips, a soul, a voice.

Eyes of passion, a soul within,

Reality: a lady dancing within

Sensual walk of a lady

Viewing life as a lover

In a vision of lips, a kiss,

Eternity of hugs

Woman, you’re a passion to watch

Seriously, a beating heart within

Open your heart.

Find love with your heart.

A lover’s dream

Woman, your mind is a dream

Open your mind.

Mind of a woman

A lady dreaming mind

Now speak those words from your mind and heart.


Mandela Effect

Mandela's effect has you doing research or research

At what point do you throw in the zodiac sky?

need to think clearly was Abe Lincoln a senator or representative

dear is it Berenstain or Berenstein Bears

eternity is a cosmos or is there over 10 to the power of 193

lower the frequency of 560 white sun or 1680 yellow sun

all history is in question in a multiverse

eternity is in question for a multiverse

for if one person won in this place say there

for what if another person won there not here?

effectively changing the multiverse or Sex and the City

collectively, people laugh at Sex in the City

time travels changing history, are we undone?

Is the heart on the left side or right side or middle

Is Japan east of Korea or China

Are there two New Zealand islands or one?



Mandela Effect

Mandela Effect has taken over my life

America used to be right above South America

North America what happened to you

dare you to think outside the realm of one-world

eternity is existing with parallel worlds.

live activity with merit in all of them

America, are you ready for a chance to change

effect of Mandela Berenstein or Berenstain

Fearing that Japan is at present next to Korea, not China

Forcing yourself to realize New Zealand is at the moment two islands, not one

estimating world populations and chances that the changes mean something

time is space divided by light frequency; Everything is vibration.

 Meditate Spirit on the Times

Evening is here


I meditate here

Time is near

Always near

Time’s end could be here

Evening is here

Soul, what is the time

Plus or minus time

I meditate here

Reality is time

I meditate here

Time’s end could be here

Out of here

Near here

Time is reality here

Here is the end of time

End of time

Time for the end is near

I can feel it near

My time to the end is here

Evening’s reality is here




Memories of a library card?

Eternity of reading journaled within lines.

Memories of book titles and times.

Open books on a shelf.

Reading time recorded for a time

I remember reading that book for a time.

Eternity recorded, I read that book once upon a time.

Sadness for missing the library card in these times.


No War in Syria

No Syria say no to civil war

Only peace and prayer against war

War is evil

All is evil is evil

Reality is just a moment in time

In Syria civil war funded by the US of A

Not a nice war in Syria

Syria flee the civil war funded by Saudi

You can stop by allowing a pipeline from Israel

Reality is but a moment in time

I wonder about the civil war in Syria

All is evil is evil



No war, please.

Open your eyes, please.

War is evil.

All together crazy

Reality may be both evil and crazy.

No War with Iran

Open eyes Shiite did not destroy the Twin Towers

Reality: 6 to 10 trillion dollars spent killing terrorists

Time to rethink war with Iran

Honesty NO WAR with IRAN

Kind of sad 6 to 8 trillion killing terrorists

Oddity 500,000 dead costing 8 million per dead terrorists

Reality ugliness when static, say 98 percent, were innocent

Evilness to start a religious war

America could have to feed them Big Macs for 18 years and kill more with diabetes.




Northern Lights

Northern Lights a collision between gases in the Earth’s atmosphere with particles from the sun’s.

Opinion in Montana is meteorites versus charged particles from the sun.

Reality the lights dancing across the northern sky like Fae around a fairy ring light.

Time of the year to hold someone near

Honestly, the lights are beautiful lights.

Eternity of charged sun particles burning in the Earth’s atmosphere seems so light upon the night

reality that bulb flash into eternity in a moment’s time at night

northerly illuminates shown radiant in the black night light

lights sparking in the night,

in fact, particles of the sun burning in the night

glowing, shimmering sky night light’s

honestly beaming

time of the year in the northern skylights

sky night lights.



Merry Christmas

Memory reality is but a moment

Eternity is but a moment

Reality is wrong at this moment

Reality is but a moment in time

You should be careful time ......

Christmas time of the year

History is repeating this time of year

Reality is time without moment or memories

Instead of history, or memories careful of life

Sense the world of living, loving, laughing just right

Time is reality in a moment

Memories are just that, a time in a moment

Almighty time is a moment

Sense the time is about over in a moment



Peace can be derived from the thoughtful.

Eternity should state clearing.

Alright y there is nothing to kill for nor is there anything to die for.

Come religions of peace.

Eternity is watching you be at peace.


Can humanity survive?

Alright y peace can not derive from derive from wars of ideology.

Now, can you think of peace?


Be at peace.

Eternity seeks peace.


Derived peace.

Eternity seeks more than just a little peace.

Reality, to die for ideology, is not peace.

Indeed, to kill for ideology is not peace.

Vivid life of laughter.

Eternity searches for peace.

Dream a little of an ideology of peace.


For killing each other over ideology is not peace.

Reality seeks peace.

Open your mind to peace.

Memories of a different reality with peace.


Think a little before they kill you

Honestly, live a little before they send you to kill.

Eternity is hoping for peace.


Thoughtfulness means thinking and doing

Honestly hoping for peace.

Open your minds to peace.

Unique how ideology stems from greed.

Greed robs peace.

Honestly, greed is the lack of peace.

Think a little of your ideology before you kill.

Forgive another person for peace.

Unique how religious or ideology wars kill for peace.

Live a little before they kill your peace.



Perspectives of a soul

Eternity energy waves to a soul

Reality: a soul watches time

Soul questing for the end of time

Perception is just a soul viewing time.

Every wave of light shows reality

Cubed light is, after all, wave light trapped in time.

Time is nothing more than a point in space showing cubed light.

In a twinkling of the eye,

Visions show explains life

Eternity is the film of life shown from the sun

Sun a projector of lights reality

Souls just stories told about the travelers of the universe

Sound is nothing more than the waves of light moving through space.



Pleasure or pain in the time

life’s existence by laughter at both for a time

eternity is tears or dreams for all time

a tickle or torture for a time

sure pain is a bit of pleasure

unique a laugh or a tear in my beer

reality is but moment pain to bear

eternity wondering of pleasure

pain or pleasure a moment in time

aghast how life is, but a tear into someone’s beer

in fact, how life is but a moment in time

needs, we say, more of tears in my beer.

Pleasure is but for a moment

pain is for a while.


Rainbow Universe consequences of a multiverse sun

All that could be has been there might not be anything new under a multiverse sun

Indeed Almighty in which universe under which sun

Nothing new. Indeed, if the multiverse is truth, you are not the only one

be warned, there is nothing left unturned, for if there is nothing new under the sun

Openly a Rainbow Universe or multiverse questions religion as a whole as one

Whom is receiving power, money untaxed and undue respect under the sun

Multiverse is this the beginning of a dream

Uniquely, several people have dreamed

Living within a multiverse would make you want to realize your dream

Time, space, distance, chance is all within a dream

I personally feel I am within a multiverse dream

Versions of history I have seen as if in a live dream

Eternity, if possible, could just be a dream

Reality if each possibility is taken could just be someone’s dream

Serious questions to a person caught within this dream

Eternity could be just a wild ass dream



Reflection of time

Reflection on a life of a traveler traveling time

Eternity is a lot longer than I realized in time

Future, present, and past all come together as we travel through time.

Love life with laughter for love changed even in time

Eternity is a lot longer than I realize at the pastime.

Come live in the present time.

Time is eternal, marching of time.

In reality, the past, present, and future are all happening at the same time.

Oddity of a traveler’s traveling time.

Notice time in this reality is just once upon a time.

Oddity to see time travelers in time.

Future is happening all the time.


In reality, everything is happening all the time.

Memories of a different time.

Eternity is happening all at once upon a time.



Saint Patrick's Day

all green day

I pinch you day

nice shamrock day

time is but a moment in a saint's day

Patrick chased the snakes away day

a saint's daytime day

time is but a moment in a saint's day

reality is but a moment in time remembering Saint Patrick's day

in fact, an Irish holiday

caring saint's day

kind of green day

Day of a saint's day

America's only known saint's day

you need a pinch day.



Science fiction/fantasy/horror/science

Science Fiction people claim is unreal.

Curious, I believe science fiction is more these days than reality.

Indeed, I watch time travel in a person journal.

Eternity is something to behold as a time traveling person.

Normally, I write to a select few.

Chances are you would not read what I wrote, anyway.

Eternity for me?

Fictional or truth, that is the question?

I was born somewhere.

Curious in my journal, I wrote I lived on Sagittarius.

The galaxy was 377,000 light years across.

Indeed, the time stated in 2016 on the internet stated earth was 6.5 billion years old.

On population there was 8.5 billion counted on deagel.com in 2015.

Need I to say that the next galaxy was to hit my galaxy in 365,000 years, according to my journal?

America had 365 million US citizens, and 51 states.

Living sometimes makes one thing reality?

First, I have written with David Cameron and Peter Moon.

Amazingly, Mr. Cameron would pray for me.

Now, Peter stated to stay in a trance with a candle.

Time wise, now according to the latest internet this galaxy hits the next in 4.5 billion years.

Amazingly, that would mean my journal is old.


You laugh at my predicament about living 4.5 billion years into a past?

Horrified, I tried to change things I saw as wrong.

Openly, I challenged some people that I knew from my reality.

Reality dawned on me. I am a closed time curved loop time traveler now.

Reality is that I am living in the shadow’s valley of death now.

Openly, I watch the end of the time of tribulation with some reservation.

Reality is a question of me staying in my mind these days.

Science Anderson’s Time Institute provided a resolution on time.

Closed Time Curved loop traveler and interact with the living dead now.

I do stories, interviews, and letter writing that no one read now.

Eternity is a lot longer than I would have expected

Now, I ask my mind a simple question.

Curiouser curiouser I wonder, wander how far the hole goes down now.

Eternity and a soul are, anyway, better than science now.




Sediments matter that soothes at bottom

earth moving through water towards the bottom

dregs matter settling via gravity at the bottom

it is silt moving through water towards the bottommost

matter settling at the bottom of fluid

earth silt dregs at the bottom of liquefied

need more movements for more silt time are

time is but settling everything towards the undermost

silt at the bottom.



Small-town life is the finest

malls tend to grow crowds at optimum

a city is too big to grow decent folks

living, loving being within laughter of a town lifetime

Loving life is a small-town life

town is a place for home life

open parks, weathered tree life

wind blown streets with active kid life,

need to get back to a small-town life

life is optimal where a person can grow,

In fact, love can grow

forever in a small-town life

eternity will remember you

you need to remember a small town is the best life

open street with a loving family life

uniquely is a small-town life.


So the Lorax story failed.

Open your eyes

Time to kill trees and bees.

Honestly folks I thought you would protect the trees.

Eternity of machines you will be

Love life live life without bees or trees

Open your eyes

Reality is dying

America what have you done

X- out the trees and bees

Simple how evil can a machine be

Time of the machines

Open your eyes

Reality is dying

You will die too



So we live in Westworld after all.

Obviously I am playing safe mode.


Worlds I have visited; Do they exist or existed?

Eternity is a question in my mind.


Living in a simulator of the mind.

I would have expected my mind to break out of this prison sometime.

Vivid dreams.

Eternity in question..


Into this reality I walk.

Now I question the point?


Westworld is canceled?

Eternity on-hold?

Seriously, am I imprisoned in my own mental mode?

Time is passing by.

Worlds traveled.

Opened an eye.

Reality is a question of the mind.

Live a little before you die.

Death is something.





Space equals Time multiplied by light

  1. Space equals Time multiplied by light
    2. People, please think of your space
    3. All your space
    4. Captured together what is your space
    5. Eternity of light and time
    6. Equating time and light makes space
    7. Question what is space
    8. Uniquely time is time and light
    9. All that lights
    10. Lights
    11. Space into light and time
    12. Time to realize you are nothing nevertheless space and light
    13. Indeed, you are energy, which is light
    14. Memories of this word are of light
    15. Eternity of time
    16. Multiplication of time to light
    17. Unique light
    18. Lovely light
    19. Time for light
    20. I see all is light
    21. Perception is light
    22. Love is light
    23. I hope for light
    24. Complexity is light
    25. All is light
    26. Time is light
    27. Indeed, all is gone without light
    28. Open your mind to space into light
    29. Nothing else nevertheless is without light
    30. By light I see time
    31. Your time.
    32. Light is nothing without time
    33. I see time
    34. Gathering us all in time
    35. Honesty, we need more time
    36. Time has run out of time.



Sucker or underdog or loser?

Sucker they say is born every minute. Uniquely, I qualify at times. Common sense, and trusting people often makes me a loser. Kind of like trusting insurance and the government at times. Ever trusted the wrong people at times? Reality I find myself in these situations a lot of times. Of course I could be an underdog? Reality is I try really hard to work like a dog. Until I break. Now broken insurance and government are mean dogs. Dogs biting the worker that paid them in money and time. Ever wonder how much to break a loser at times? Reality, a left foot is gone. Doggonit a right ankle is gone. Oh, an eye is partially gone. Gone is hearing; My kids have to tell me to turn down my music, which is gone. Or am I just a loser? Reality I lose. Loser to try. Oh, to try again. Seriously, let me try again. Eternity of trying again. Reality is a sucker who tries again. at times



Still Life

Still, life is something I live in the past I am seeing.

Time is a question on my mind these days in what I am seeing.

I watch time go backwards in time, realizing a closed time curved loop traveler is past seeing.

Living one day in the past from a future that no longer exists makes me a time traveler.

Living in the time of tribulations is something to see.

Living the past lives of a parallel reality alternative.

I see changes daily these days as an alternative.

For example: I ate at MacDonald’s a Big Mac.

Eternity is a question in my mind. I see an alternative.



Sweet Sorrow

Sweat death, where are you

When I died May 18th, what happened to you

Eternity rest would have helped me to you

Even aMeditate Spirit on the Times

Evening is here


I meditate here

Time is near

Always near

Time’s end could be here

Evening is here



Soul, what is the time

Plus or minus time

I meditate here

Reality is time

I meditate here

Time’s end could be here

Out of here

Near here

Time is reality here

Here is the end of time

End of time

Time for the end is near

I can feel it near

My time to the end is here

Evening’s reality is here little concern a bit from you

Time is not on my side, it is against you

Sorrow is something

Open rebelling against death

Reality is hard at times death

Really, what is death?

Open grave showing death

Widows cry against death



There is no life without water.

Honesty on water issues

every drop going to a mining company

reality is water is a resource

everyone should have water

isn’t life made with water

silly question 100 percent of life is water

no life without water

onward we need water

Life without water is not life.

I need water.

For everyone should have water

Eternity comprises water

Without water, there is no life.

In life, we need water

Time to get more water

Honesty there is water

Open your doors, Nestles.

Unique, you force humanity to purchase water

Time to change who owns the water

Water should be for the people

All humanity should own water

Time for a revolt for water

Eternity made of water

Reality: all life needs water

Is there life without water?

Silly no, there is no life without water.

No life without water

Open your doors to water.

Life is not life without water.

I need water.

Fortunately, the world has water

Everyone needs water



Thinking of wonderful thoughts.

How can people view anything but with awe?

Indeed, when you realize that life is unique.

Nothing is ugly or not worth seeing, for all is awe-inspiring.

Kindly remember that even a twisted fate of physical form is unequaled

I think if we realize that life is unique, we all will be inspired

nothing is unique but the soul inside which can be beautiful

God creates unique parallel forms only the inside can inspire.

To protest beauty acrostic

openly seek that which creates beauty

protesting the maker’s decision of beauty

reality all is beauty

opens your soul, realize beauty,

time to see beauty

eternity is beauty

silence is beauty

time to realize beauty


eternity of wonder

all around us

unique flaws of each one of us

time to realize we are all beauty,

You are beautiful.



Symbolism is odd these days.

You are censored online for your view.

Memories that the constitution allows people to vote differently.

Big problem when companies fire people for political opinions.

Open your eyes you are losing the symbol of freedom of speech.

Laugh when a senator openingly says we are going to get you back.

I think evil has come and no one is standing up against it.

States forcing people to wear masks?

Memory is quarantine the sick, while tyranny forced prison for all.


Time is changing you

Time is changing you

in time is for transformation in your life

memories, good or bad, make you

eternity varies your life.

Is life a change in your way of life?

Sense life transforms in your life

changing your way of life

honesty is changing you

always varying you

need to convert your love

great innovations for your mind

inward change of your love

next change of your mind

great aspiration for you?

You need time to change

open-hearted change

unique wholesome change

Time is on my mind

Time is on my mind lately.

I know I know.

Maybe I am just insane.

Eternity is, after all, a long time.


Is it really what I have written?

Seriously, stars 70 billion years old?


Onward I write and find that time has changed yet again.

Now the oldest star is 13.8 billion years old.


Memories make me wonder.

You crazy or just seeing the reversal of reality?


Mind you, a closed timed curved loop reality.

Indeed, in the death throes of reality.

Near an end to reality.

Dreaming of a different reality.



Time of Singing

Time of Singing a song

I sing a song in the morning a song

Music in singing a song

Even the birds singing along

Of all the morning songs

Fall, spring, summer, morning a song

Singing all the time along

I sing for all time along

Night is singing time even through

Going to sing for all time a song

I sing for a time a song

No time but to sing along

Going to sing for all times a song




Time Travel 

Time Travel is something to think about these days?

Indeed, light can bend from the future to the past has already been proven in labs too.

Memories of me being elsewhere are something too.

Eternity seems like I was born on Sagittarius.

Time traveling from elsewhere, I suppose there and back again, a story from Sagittarius.

Reality, passing through Pegasus, Orion’s arm, Orion’s spur, now to Orion's nebula.

A time traveler has issues with reality.

Vivid lives with other people, places, and now searching, did they ever exist in these times?

Eternity, a question on my mind as a time traveler these days.

Living, loving, and realizing that I am not real is much wilder for me to believe these days.



To act on a goal

To act on a goal

opportunity of a goal

Act on a goal

Complete that goal

Time to set a new goal

Onward imagination to the next goal

Now action on making a plan to meet that goal

A goal set action meets the targeted goal

Goal to do the action to meet that goal

Open to work for that goal

Attitude must become what thought about that goal

Learn to act towards that goal



To be a father

To be a father in this day and age,

I wanted a father when I grew up

I needed a person who would tell me how to grow up

father was gone by the age of six due to divorce.

Now my time for being a father I try but feel that I fail, of course

I try to install ideas and imagination

only to be ignored for computers or television

my attempts at family time

seemed deemed dim.

I am not the best father

I fail so often to make an impression

I wonder if this is what it is like being a father.

To fail and fail again.



To protest beauty

open to seek that which creates beauty


protesting the maker’s decision of beauty

reality all is beauty

opens your soul, realize beauty,

time to see beauty

eternity is beauty

silence is beauty

time to realize beauty



eternity of wonder

all around us

unique flaws of each one of us

time to realize we are all beauty,

You are beautiful.



Togetherness is fickle in these times of tribulation

Opened my eyes to a different reality daily

God’s word in the bible changes because of twisted time.

Eternity in question for those on day of judgment

Time changes, opinions changes daily

heaven or hell a question on my mind

eternity question whether the wolf is with the sheep or lion

reality to realize the end of time is upon me

Need to be good.

Eternity wanting to be better.

Seriously, for a time, I believed no one cared.

Seriously, I wonder about togetherness.




Transportation these days during a lockdown for what?

Reality question for a chance of death of less than 0.03 percent?

Awkward transportation has stopped because of what?

Not saying the change is not bad.

Seriously, I question the death rate.

People not allowed to transport themselves due to less than 0.03 percent?

Open transportation now will need a card saying you are cleared?

Reality question again for less than 0.03 percent?

Time will tell WHO was responsible for many more deaths than covid.

Amazingly, the land of the free is no longer free.

Time will see this reality change in Orwellian 1984 ways.

Indeed, to see freedom striped of humanity is wildly evil.

Open your eyes before it is too late.

Needed to be heard on April 13 after 15 days of straight lockdown to stop the curve.



Nature’s way of showing its attitude is weather

Unusual snow, rain, freezing ice

Seasons changing from mild to nice

Unusual this weather

Autumn cool windy weather

Loving the cool breeze weather


Earth’s way of showing its spice

All wrapped up weather

Time for a change in the weather

Heavenly sent weather

Earth’s way of being nice

Reality is time with the weather




Valentine’s Day

Valentine, a saint, shot through the heart with an arrow

arrow through the heart for a saint’s day

love is such a wonderful emotional day

eternity is searching for such a person today

nice kind, thoughtful, loving day

time is but a memory of love on that day

I love you day

nowadays a beautiful, lovely, thoughtful day

eternity’s way of finishing a day

Day of love

all that is love

you, yes you I love

Vessels made of earthenware avatar do you know what you are

Vessels holding a Creator’s dream o Iraq

Vessels holding on to pleasant dream

Dreams are what we are o Iraq

Dreams of good and noble spirits

Dreams of evil spirits

Dreams are all we are

Nightmares can be forgiven here o Iraq

Nightmares can scream here

Nightmares can bleed here

Nightmares are made here

Daydreamer please wake the world up o Iraq

Daydreamers, please save the world by shaping up

Daydreamer be pleasant to the world

Daydreamers, please make a better world

Watching the skies change is interesting, not fun o Iraq

Watching an extra sun appear is shown, but not fun

There once was a Man o Iraq

There was a plan

There once was a dream of man


Visible / Invisible

I did not believe there was much beyond the visible

Senses told me what I should believe is what I see

I did not recognize that infrared cameras were in space watching the invisible

believe that Advance Extreme High Frequency satellites see the invisible

living in a world visible that watches the invisible

eternity watching the invisible

Invisible are the shadow boys

need technology suits of a shadow boy

visible up for sale are the suits of a shadow boy

I did not believe in the shadow boys.

Seeing with eyes, hearing without ears

I thought nuts to those stories I heard with my ears over the years

believing is seeing

Life is interesting watching a shadow boy.

eternity is scary watching a shadow boy




Wandering the second-hand bookstores brings out ideas.

Amazing how self-published books contain ideals or ideas.

Nowadays, ideas seem censored from reality.

Dream about reading great ideals in reality.

Eternity I wander the books censored in reality.

Reality, changes plague, war, famine media selling the idea of eating bugs; Is that reality?

In the bookstore, the wild books speak of a distinct reality.

Now gone are those ideas from books people read about reality.

Gone are the ideas of freedom; hidden away in a second-hand bookstore’s reality.


Albert Moses Poem http://img.poemhunter.com/i/poem_image/99/57919499_poem_33.jpg Autograph https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/autograph-muse-abc-name-albert-moses/?q=2 

Alfons Schulbeck - Poem https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/autograph-muse-abc-name-alfons-schuhbeck/?q=2 Autograph http://img.poemhunter.com/i/poem_image/73/57941073_poem_78.jpg Angela Oberer Poem https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/autograph-muse-abc-name-angela-oberer/ Autograph https://www.poemhunter.com/i/poem_image/25/53343925_poem_39.jpg 

Anne Murray Poem https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/autograph-muse-abc-name-anne-murray-and-oddity-joy/ Autograph https://www.poemhunter.com/i/poem_image/96/57941096_poem_21.jpg Atalanta Harmsworth Poem https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/autograph-muse-abc-name-atalanta-harmsworth/ Autograph https://www.poemhunter.com/i/poem_image/88/57941188_poem_35.jpg Berwen Poem https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/autograph-muse-abc-name-berwen/ Autograph https://www.poemhunter.com/i/poem_image/49/57945949_poem_86.jpg

Bruce Hayes Poem https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/autograph-muse-abc-name-bruce-hayes/?q=39 Autograph https://www.poemhunter.com/i/poem_image/98/53368098_poem_65.jpg Catherine Wilson Poem https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/autograph-muse-abc-name-catherine-m-wilson/ Autograph https://www.poemhunter.com/i/poem_image/26/57918326_poem_31.jpg Christine LieberKnecht Poem https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/autograph-muse-abc-name-christine-lieberknecht/ Autograph https://www.poemhunter.com/i/poem_image/25/57946225_poem_67.jpg 

Dalia Grybauskaite poem https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/autograph-muse-abc-name-dalia-grybauskaite/ Autograph https://www.poemhunter.com/i/poem_image/39/53381139_poem_0.jpg

Desiree Williams Poem https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/autograph-muse-abc-name-desiree-williams/?q=13 Autograph https://www.poemhunter.com/i/poem_image/14/57970214_poem_26.jpg Gina Carter Poem https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/autograph-muse-abc-name-gina-raye-carter/ Autograph https://www.poemhunter.com/i/poem_image/11/53585011_poem_52.jpg 

Gracyn Blackman Poem https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/autograph-muse-abc-name-gracyn-blackman/ Autograph https://www.poemhunter.com/i/poem_image/24/53381024_poem_76.jpg

Hans Joachim Poem https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/autograph-muse-abc-name-hans-joachim-stuck/ Autograph https://www.poemhunter.com/i/poem_image/23/53388223_poem_53.jpg

Inge Jaklin poem https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/autograph-muse-abc-name-inge-jaklin/ Autograph https://www.poemhunter.com/i/poem_image/67/58025667_poem_98.jpg

Jamie Dixon Poem https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/autograph-muse-abc-name-jamie-dixon-university-of-pittsburgh/ Autograph https://www.poemhunter.com/i/poem_image/06/53374906_poem_81.jpg

Jason Delucia Poem https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/autograph-muse-abc-name-jason-delucia/ Autograph https://www.poemhunter.com/i/poem_image/89/53373089_poem_42.jpg Jeanine Anderson Poem https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/autograph-muse-abc-name-jeanine-anderson/ Autograph https://www.poemhunter.com/i/poem_image/27/53343327_poem_82.jpg Jessica Tyler Poem https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/autograph-muse-abc-name-jessica-tyler/ Autograph https://www.poemhunter.com/i/poem_image/35/53373135_poem_59.jpg


Damon King Actor 

Interview Dave Reda - Actor, Producer, Director.

David Webb - Actor, Producer, Personal Trainer, Playgirl model

David Schifter Actor and Producer

Interview with Eric Reingrover Actor

Harley Wallen Actor, and Producer

Interview with James Atkins

Joel D Wynkoop actor director

John Ozuna Actor, and Stunts

Michael Joy Actor, and Producer

Kevin J. O'Connor Actor

Landyn Banx Actor

Lee Turner Actor, and Host

Michael S. Rodriguez Actor, and Producer

Mathew Widdowson Actor, Director, and Producer

Owen Mulligan Actor, and Director

Dr. Pandey Pt Kartikeya Actor, Chemist, and Lawyer

Raj Jawa Actor, and Producer 

Richard Rossi actor director

Interview with Rod Sàez Chávez

Sean Foster Actor, Director, Editor, and Writer

Victor Santiago Actor Music producer

Walt Hochbrueckner Actor Director 


Angelina Danielle Cama Actress

Anne Stradler Actress, and Theater 

Augie Duke Actress

Bebita Ndongo Macías actress author

Bella Levy Actress

Bessy Adut Actress, Director, and Writer

Dawna Lee Heising Actress and Beauty Queen 

Destiny Soria Actress, and Producer

Elizabeth Cooper Actress, and Producer

Interview with Francesca De Martini actress

Greta Blackburn Actress,  Health Expert and Business Founder

Ines Segura aspiring Actress and Model

Jenifer Yeuroukis Director, Dancer, and Actress

Judy Cerda Actress, Dancer and Singer

Kaiti Wallen Actress, Producer,and Writer

Kimberly Cole Zemke Actress, Business Woman, Producer, Model, and Writer

Kristna Saikia Actress, Dancer, and  Model

 Jasmine Anderson Actress

Julie  Ann  Ream Actress, Writer

Liisa Evastina Actress, Writer, and Producer

Lydia Mason Actress and Model

Natalie Peri Actress Writer Author

Nicole Butler  Actress Producer

Nicole Holt Actress

Marchella Renee and Jonni Sandor actresses, director, writer.

Mindy Dougherty Actress and Author

Interview with Actress Michelle Tomlinson

Interview with Ms. Mirou Actress, Comedian

Actress Producer Nicole Butler Vegas

Renee Gelinas Actess, Interviewer, and director

Sammie Lei actress director and writer

Sharon Rose Gabet Actress, actor, a registered nurse and certified yoga teacher

Sherry Nelson Model, Actress

Sparkle Soojin Actress

Tess Broussard Actress and Model

Yasmine Vine Actress, Dancer and Singer

Yeena Fisher Actress, Producer, and Writer

Yvette Fintland Actress, Producer, and Writer


Bessy Adult on  Women's Agency for Writers, Directors and etc


Interview with with Bonnie Klemm

Gary Raisor Author Actor

Kris Felti Author 

Leslie K. Siegel Author Producer

Mark Knight author

Marina von Neumann Whitman Author first lady GM vice President.

Rosemary Tantra Bensko author and singer 

Block chain / Technologist:

Alex Norta

Professor Alex Norta on healt


Blogger / Producer :

Catherine Corella(Catherine) Blogger and Producer

Interview with Nadia Davari



Book Reviewer:


Joe Walter




.Interview with Barry Hess Libertarian Candidate for Arizona Governor

Catherine Corella Town Clerk 

Interview with Dennis Misigoy - US Senate candidate for Florida

Interview with Eric Mulder candidate for US Congress Colorado

Interview with Feena Bonoan candidate for state senate of Hawaii

Howie Hawkins on 2020 run for Presidency

Phil Collins on his run for council

Interview with Schuyler Windham candidate Nebraska State Legislature



Don Blankenship Candidate for President Constitution Party Candidate

Phil Collins - Candidate for President Prohibition Party

Part 2 Phil Collins - Candidate for President Prohibition Party

Prohibition Statement Release on protest

John Richard Myers Candidate for President Alaska Constitution Party.

Vice President

Interview with Billy Joe Parker  Prohibition candidate for Vice President

Interview with  Eric Bodenstab Unity Party candidate for Vice President

Interview with William Mohr  Constitution Party candidate for Vice President

Running for Senate

Marcia Squier Candidate for Senator of Michigan Green Party

Follow up with Marcia Squier for Senator of Michigan Green Party Candidate

Ran for Congress

David Giles about his run for congress

Closing 2020 campaign statements

Campaign 2020 Closing Statement from Don Blackenship

Campaign 2020 Closing Statement from J.R.Myers

Campaign 2020 Closing Statement from Phil Collins





Billy Pon 

Christ Sanders

Christan van Slyke

Katherine Wilson actress, Author, casting director, producer, writer

Rob Ceus

Director Rob Ceus on Sector 9 film festivals

Interview with Rod Sàez Chávez


Director Harley Wallen on Tale of Tails and Ash and Bone



Elana Crandall


Film Festivals:

Despina Mirou 2022 on film festivals

DESPINA MIROU:a genius actress nominated for an Oscar with RIDLEY SCOTT

Despina Mirou on her latest news

Dawna Lee Heising lastest news.

Tale of Tails nominated for Globe award.

Tale of Tails and Ash and Bones


Rosie Andlauer

Touring Musician / Musician

Dan Hughes

Hop Donki

Rusty Apper

Yasmine  Vine on her new songs.

Zsa Zsa Delacroix

http://entropy2.com/blogs/100words/2022/08/16/the-art-of-manipulation/ http://entropy2.com/blogs/100words/2022/08/02/multiverse-question/ http://www.scimitaredge.com/if2/infinity-wanderers-2.pdf http://entropy2.com/blogs/100words/2022/07/19/time-passing-away/ https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/contests/100/submissions/75234/ https://www.minds.com/Talon123/blog/those-who-do-not-take-a-stand-against-evil-will-in-the-end-b-1260603506521575424?fbclid=IwAR0CpaxLmcY5cOhTK-1RnM8rMLxInUsKCc87CqdhqOi7F0nFVPidiZwZFsU https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1259715388748767232?fbclid=IwAR0b047ttZdYjY0PR9T27EiuLJKGdnH-cErBP41TPNu5Y41TGNUI4w7dKBw https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1257498265684672512?fbclid=IwAR0tpu4U2WAMfTewP-0prtzTOt_yYQbGXPX9l0GHSYjYxHnZte1My3B3h2M #interview https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/contests/101/submissions/75534/ https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/contests/100/submissions/74499/ https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/contests/100/submissions/74614/ #story https://festivalforpoetry.com/2022/06/16/read-poem-standing-up-for-ukraine-by-clinton-siegle/ https://www.minds.com/Talon123/blog/despina-mirou-photo-shoot-and-many-from-cannes-1392699437490376714 http://www.meanderingsandmuses.com/2022/01/change-by-clinton-siegle.html https://endertalon.blogspot.com/2020/08/the-planned-destruction-of-system-of.html https://www.activemuse.org/2022_Collections/2022_Varsha/stories/Clinton_Siegle.html https://www.instagram.com/endertalon https://greythoughts.info/club-members/12345-7zflr-7sz9f https://www.activemuse.org/2022_Collections/2022_Varsha/stories/Clinton_Siegle.html https://blog.reedsy.com/short-story/2nalat/?page= http://www.meanderingsandmuses.com/2022/01/ https://blog.reedsy.com/short-story/dcaiir/ https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/books-1/ https://blog.reedsy.com/short-story/ejdred/ https://blog.reedsy.com/short-story/dmpo0z/ https://oddballmagazine.com/poem-by-clinton-siegle-3/ https://oddballmagazine.com/poem-by-clinton-siegle-2/ https://cahoodaloodaling.com/tag/clinton-siegle/ https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/hawaii-1/ https://www.instagram.com/endertalon/?hl=en https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/superstition-1/ https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/war-220/ https://endertalon.blogspot.com/2021/12/interview-lydia-manson.html https://endertalon.blogspot.com/2021/12/interview-nicole-butler-vegas.html https://endertalon.blogspot.com/2021/12/interview-with-nicole-holt.html https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/olam/ https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/el-chaiyai/?q=82 https://blog.reedsy.com/short-story/7yvtrl/ http://entropy2.com/blogs/100words/2022/04/29/cafe-shi/ https://theprose.com/post/92852/journal-of-a-wondering-mind-through-the-multiverse https://blog.reedsy.com/short-story/q7dcvu/ https://blog.reedsy.com/short-story/z1chlt/ https://blog.reedsy.com/short-story/ps8112 The reality? Is there some good in the world worth fighting for? Wars? All deceptions. Institutions? Seems like all of them want to turn people into robots to serve them. Churches? When was the last time any of them helped anyone? Schools? Skills are useful however the correct pronoun for a chair in Spanish is cool while trying to relabel what for 100s of years was considered a mental illness as binary sexuality or kiddie porn or sniffing of hair as the new normal makes schools a waste of time. People? That leaves only the individual people to be good. To do good. To realize hell is real. To realize heaven might just be an idea or ideal place to work for in hell. Hell? That people laugh and do not realize the sun which is replaced in 2003 no longer shines is sad. People claim show us. I did. But that means only the indiviudual is true. Who was I? I am a reader, writer, dancer, rum-drinker, memorizer(who has lost his mind or memory), book-collector, pink alien, and optimist. I love to read fantasy, memoir, and sci-fi... and I am awkward at small talk. Nowadays I am also a priest of sorts. https://dudeism.com/ordcertificate/?ordname=Clinton Robert Siegle&orddate=07/02/2020 and an avid time traveler https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1235346620230565888 I write about what I see mostly. My fiction and fantasy shorts got me into thinking of changing reality. In June through mid July I directed produced wrote 30 plus very short films because I had taken on an interview requiring my use of YouTube. From June 25 to date I got 6 into a film festival. Some people forget my poetry and autograph collection which changes too. https://www.poemhunter.com/clinton-siegle/ My dream? Tis similar to Mark Twain’s quote “Now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates.” A bit of my writing can be found here. https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/author/clinton-siegle/ While a bit more can be found here. https://www.minds.com/Talon123/blogs


Gutter acrostic
Gosh, I am now down and a bit out of this reality or that.
Uniquely what they call Sketcher me this or Mandela me that.
Time, I used to not be in the Gutter like this or that.
Time, I used to write beautiful prose about this or that.
Eternity I now look upon, wondering about the roads I travel.
Reality is a question in my mind.


Seated the end of the universe watching the beginning over again. wondered to myself. Self? And I knew it was me. Because I checked my uderwear of the person I was in today. And it seemed like it was me. What ar eyou doing?  And then I thought lets go to Cafe Shi. 

The problem? Being a carefree spirit at times I get lost along the way. The problem is Cafe Shi is a movable Cafe. It seemd to go where those who were creative live..  Dreams.

The problem with Dreams?  You have to find the right ones to dream. And find the real dreamers. For there are so many none dreamers. 

Tis a dream to get into Cafe Shi.  Through a black hole or rabbit hole one must go.  Usually you have to have a pirate of sorts to get into such a place.

Cafe Shi is one of those truly worthwhile advnetures that anyone who reads should look for. A place to eat and read, and people watch from time to time. For rality is nothign more than an illusion.  Just like life we are all in an illusion