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Interview with William Mohr Constitution Party candidate for Vice President

William Mohr as VP candidate for the Constitution Party. Tell people about yourself.

I am 61 years old and a working man. I have six children, four step children and 18 grand children. It is obvious I believe in the value of marriage and family. Currently, and for the last ten years, I am self employed, which is one of the best decisions I've made in life. For eight of the last ten years I have chaired the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan, which is the Michigan affiliate of the Constitution Party. During this time, the party has seen significant and stable growth.

What made you go into politics?

It was the understanding that the moral structure of our country is swiftly declining and that decline is destroying the quality of life and liberty for the people. The United States of America was once, and arguably still is, the greatest country in world history. My political drive is not only to preserve the fragments, but restore the original American principles and life for our posterity.

What story do you wish everyone would know about you?

I'm not one to promote myself. There are numerous stories from my years, some funny, some where I have made very poor decisions and paid a high price for it and some where I have achieved and overcome very difficult circumstances. The best stories are yet to come, and if elected to public office, they will be seen by all.

What are you happiest you have accomplished in your life?

The greatest accomplishments a man can have are his family. I have some great children, now making their own great accomplishments. I see some good character in my children. It is a wonderful thing to think I have been influential in building their lives.

While you are a VP candidate, the policies stated online are there. What policy outside those stated do you think will help the most people? And how would you do it? And how will you support say another president in doing so?

The primary objective is to restore this country to the principles it was founded upon in order to ensure a stable and free environment for our posterity. We have strayed from these principles with the implementation of bad, unconstitutional and unjust laws over the last several decades.

If you want the results you used to get, you have to do the things you used to do. If elected, I will fight to abolish all departments within the federal government in which its purpose is the implementation of policy that rightfully belongs to the states. Our founders established a federal government with very limited duties. I will work diligently to operate within those boundaries.

What one thing can you say you have done that has helped people?

On a professional level, my efforts as Chairman of the US Taxpayers Party of Michigan, placing qualified candidates on the ballot and offering a venue for people to be involved certainly falls under that category.

On a personal level, my work to aid missions is probably the greatest. I support Christian missions in Mexico and travel to Mexico annually to assist with a variety of projects for churches and a children's home.

What outside of politics are you doing during the lockdown?

My life hasn't changed much during the lockdown. My business is considered an essential business, so I have kept busy.

What long-term goal other than winning the vice presidency are you looking to accomplish?

I don't set too many goals. I've found I am happiest doing the things I do well and letting God direct my steps. Living strictly by principle and trusting God has worked well over the years. There is no need to change it.

What question do you wish I had to ask? And what is that answer?

The question would be, "What do you think of Presidential Candidate, Don Blankenship?" The answer would be, Getting to know Don Blankenship has been a privilege for me. Don is a good man, rock solid and strong. I firmly believe he is a stronger man than Donald Trump or Joe Biden. He is more rational than any of the other candidates on the ballot and history will show Don Blankenship to be one of the best Presidents in the history of our nation. Some think that voting for a "Third Party" candidate is throwing your vote away, but is voting for the right and most qualified candidate a wasted vote? Never!!!