Retro Sonya EDM

If you are an electronic music lover who is a fan of Electronica with subgenres such as Trance, Progressive House and 80s #Synthwave with world music influences, give me a follow! I am Retro Sonya aka Sonya Marlene, and I am a GenX/Millennial who creates #EDM. It has been my lifelong dream to create my own songs and music since youth. I have been singing since childhood and started writing my own songs since early teen years. Today, I plan to publish my first 11 songs I have written for my first music album "Rainbow of Promise". I have written my own lyrics and composed the music as well. Check them all out at If you love the style of #synthwave and all things retro, subscribe to this channel to get continuous updates on the latest electronic music releases including my upcoming albums!
All about animals.
A channel dedicated to the beautiful minds that love science! Be Kind, Subscribe and Remind!!! Science Group Page! List of hashtags #science #biology #chemistry #physics #math #astronomy #nature #environment #technology #engineering #medicine #space
"Watson is a brilliant polemicist." The Spectator.
Peaceful Parent, Philosopher and Host of Freedomain, the world's largest philosophy conversation!
World-Monger! This Future Sucks! Time to fix it. (You might wanna' hold on to something.)
I am the mother of two young men. I have been observing the growing islamasation of the Western world. I can no longer sit back and do nothing. I will post and share what I have learned from the last 5 years on reading the unholy quran, hadiths and sharia law that islam wants to inflict upon the entire world. I challenge everyone to read the quran, understand the law of abrogation and know what islam truly is. It is NOT a religion, it is a political ideology with a god and a prophet with the goal of ALL to submit to their evil god, allah and sharia. Educate yourself on the doctrines of islam. Know who and what moHAMmed did. He was a paedophile, slave owner, murderer, thief, warlord. He was evil to his core. Our governments and media are lying to you. Doing my part to spread the truth of islam throughout the world and throughout history. Islam cannot coexist with human rights, women's rights, LGBTQ rights, children's rights, animal rights or the belief in the Western values of freedom, freedom of speech or critical thinking. Islam is not a religion it is a political ideology with a god and wants complete world domination by replacing all governments with sharia law. islam is hate of ALL things that are not islamic. This death cult is not compatible with freedom and liberty. If you don’t have the freedom to leave a religion, there can be no freedom of religion. It is our duty for the sake of our children and future generations to keep this hateful ideology and these deadly people the hell out of our countries. islam is a sadistic hysterical “religion”, a mental disease, and a curse on humanity. It poisons everything it touches, and its supremacist caterwauling has no place in western civilisation. You might notice that I refuse to capitalize anything to do with islam. It does not deserve my respect, so moHAMmed, islam, muslim, quran, hadith & sharia will always be lowercase letters. All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to not act. Time to act! We must stop the replacement of Western society with the evils of globalism and islam. There is nothing wrong in wanting to protect your people, culture and society. Diversity is not our strength. Not all cultures are equal. Europe is for Europeans. America should not allow for the mass immigration of illegals. It is OK to be White. There is nothing wrong with taking pride in who you are, where you come from and who your ancestors are! We must secure the existence of our people and a future for our children! I am now banned for life! Like to buy me a cup of coffee?
YouTuber and podcaster talking politics and culture from the refuge of a wilderness fortress | business or private inquiry: [email protected]
Sep 2016
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