Hello Folks, Welcome to my channel. You will find it conservative with a little eclectic thrown in.
I rarely watch videos as they usually take far too long to communicate the information. I can read several other posts in that same time. Likewise I post videos even more rarely. I Do like to comment on other's posts.
I don't necessarily agree with or like everything I post. Some posts are just funny, thought provoking or something I think should be seen.
You may notice in my posts and writings that I didn't capitalize something like a name or religion, etc. I don't give special treatment (like capitalization) to things I find repugnant or highly offensive.
Welcome to ALL Things JAPAN aka Universe Japan!
Wall Of Thanks!
(Thank you ALL for your Support!)
Kazuhiro aka @Aragmar
Daisuke aka @ano_nym777
Nobuo aka @Bunjaman
Katsuo aka @Darkminaz
Katsuro aka @driftz27
Takumi aka @FoxFox
Hiroki aka @gangstermailsexy
Ryuunosuke aka @GemStar7
Satoshi aka @JonW116
Mitsuo aka @KresimirPavlovic
Haruto aka @LeonRebodos
Ryoto aka @MichaelJGerrior
Satoshi aka @Sentinus
Yuudai aka @SGTHoc
Ryuu/Mamoru aka @SleepingDragon
Masaaki aka @thatbigboi
Riku aka @TheBradyReport
Atsushi aka @VaudevilleVerne
Your name here :)
Sekiwake Bronze
$1.25 - 1 token per month
1-4 Tokens Thank you post
Ozeki Silver
$6.25 - 5 tokens per month
I will give you a Japanese first name
+ Thank you post
Yokozuna Gold
$12.5 - 10 tokens per month
I will add your channel name to the Wall of Thanks!
+ Entered into a giveaway each month (of course Japanese related) Choose giveaway choice from anime, Sumo, Pokemon, Naruto, Godzilla, and more!
+ Get a unique Japanese first name
+ Thank you post
Banzai Platinum
$25 - 20 tokens per month
I will add your channel name to the Wall of Thanks!
+ Get a unique Japanese first name
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own the rights of some images, Unless stated. I Do however, try, when ever i can, provide a source and credit the artist. If you would like the image removed please contact me :)
Philosophical Art !
Through the leftist lunatic Lense :
I am a Racist ... a Trans-Homo-Xeno-Islamo-Pedophobe ... a Cis gendered Woman hating Nazi "Jesus freak son of a Bitch" crazy man. I am an evil Gun slinging, beer drinking, cigarette smoking, country loving 3D right wing extremist.
I am the Discriminator.
Through the Lense of Reality :
I am just a Man, that seeks Truth, God and Wisdom.
My youTube channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDYcFCJ-qOCH2Fh-yO-bMiA