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Self-realization requires a morality (ethics) and a politics built on it. It requires ethical individualism and an objective, transparent, rights-based rule of law (self-governance). This kind of social system -- which respects the inherent dignity of human beings -- is the only way that people will ever be able to experience general happiness.
A Skeptical Misanthropic Raging Wannabe Behavioral Economist.
I ❤ Science, logic, freedom and art... (Superhero by night) #censorship #all #quotes #freespeech #minds
Self-ownership absolutist Market absolutist I strive for logical and ethical consistency. Though I'm not always right, know that I have given careful consideration to anything I post or remind. I am willing to discuss my views, and am capable of changing my mind, so I encourage interaction. I will assume that downvotes without comments are a sign of mass mindedness or lack of conviction. Either way, it displays weak intellect and/or laziness, which makes it much easier for me to dismiss your opinion. These folks have good content and/or provide quality discussion: @salmayweather @mancerayder12 @deanofiles @insanityisfree @anarchyball @birdarchist @carcampit @rollomcfloogle @slappyjones2 @Miketront @adamantanarchy @jlydasrevenge @zk_snarks @notgregorym @peacefultreason @cecilthefleabag @Jeffreyhann @gpslife12 @thevoluntaryjoe @ancapman94 @therecoveringstatist @statismiscancer @katsawitch @idiotsquery @marketoff @urukagina @teaflavoredharborwater @mstreet @0sumG @priapristicmonk @NatureNerd @thoughtslave @kibls @heavymetalpedal @tinfoiltops @goldfoilhat @robertimay @greendeen @shannon222 @Willieleev1971 @chrisdogood @volanarchist @shaunf521 @russellcrowley @Monty_P_Muffinfluffer @nemisor @bashkirianprince @agirlhasnomasters @Darrenatherton @anaarkei @rothbardsgulch @yung_bastiat I'm sure I left a few off and misspelled a few since I compiled this list from memory. It's in no particular order; somebody had to be first and somebody had to be last. I'll add to/correct it as I go.
The American Spectator was founded in 1924 by George Nathan and Truman Newberry over a cheap domestic ale in McSorley’s Old Ale House. In 1967, the Saturday Evening Club took it over, rechristening it The Alternative: An American Spectator, but by November 1977 the word “alternative” had acquired such an esoteric fragrance that in order to discourage unsolicited manuscripts from florists, beauticians, and other creative types, the club reverted to the magazine’s original name. Published remarkably without regard to gender, lifestyle, race, color, creed, physical handicap, or national origin. The American Spectator Foundation educates the public on new ideas, concepts, and policies that favor traditional American values, such as economic freedom, individual liberty, self-sufficiency, and limited government. To this end, the Foundation also trains and cultivates young writers for careers in journalism and serves as an outlet for a host of both young and established conservative writers and thinkers.
Perennial Philosophy
This is a space for me to try out some ideas and share stories of men who decided to stop being ordinary, and who are becoming heroes. Some good friends, please subscribe: @Censorshipsucks @GailMcGowanMellor More channels I like: @Danasfreemind Series: -- The Debt-Free Society -- #debtfreesociety https://www.minds.com/RecoveringAStudent/blog/the-debt-free-society-1001248153084264448 -- The Plan for Action -- #planforaction https://www.minds.com/RecoveringAStudent/blog/the-plan-for-action-2nd-edition-987536714310471680 -- What is Left and Right? -- https://www.minds.com/RecoveringAStudent/blog/what-is-left-and-right-anyway-947019251100819456 -- Why Socialism Fails -- https://www.minds.com/RecoveringAStudent/blog/why-socialism-fails-948014897971818496 Check me out on Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/users/rastudent-9975377/
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Sep 2018
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