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🔥 A longtime researcher of shamanism and spirituality, Sol Luckman is an iconoclastic psychonaut devoted to exploring and exposing the truth about human history and potential—wherever that might lead.
🏅 His new novel, CALI THE DESTROYER—a page-turner of a sci-fi tale set in an Orwellian future seeded in the dystopian present that radically rewrites Gnosticism as well as the origins of the earth and humanity—was selected as Winner of the 2022 NYC Big Book Award and 2022 National Indie Excellence Award for Visionary Fiction, Silver Medalist for Visionary Fiction in the 2022 Readers’ Favorite International Book Award Contest, Finalist in both the New Age and Visionary Fiction categories of the 2021 International Book Awards, Finalist in both the Paranormal/Supernatural and Fantasy categories of the 2022 IAN Book of the Year Awards, and Distinguished Favorite for Audio Fiction in the 2022 NYC Big Book Awards.
👁 His previous novel, the multi-award-winning SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING, was a deep dive into Hindu mysticism, lucid dreaming, parallel universes, and cryptozoology described by INDIE SHAMAN Magazine as “superlative fiction.”
🧬 In his two international bestselling nonfiction books on the “revolutionary healing science” (NEXUS Magazine) of his own unique form of sound healing, the Regenetics Method, Luckman examined the critical role played by DNA and consciousness in healing, transformation, and evolution.
🤣 On the lighter side, Luckman is also an acclaimed humorist. Of his multi-award-winning satirical lexicon, THE ANGEL’S DICTIONARY, Readers’ Favorite remarked that he “picked up where writers like Mark Twain and Ambrose Bierce had left off.”
🎨 More recently, MUSINGS FROM A SMALL ISLAND combines fascinating memoir, hilarious comedy and inspirational philosophy in a stunningly self-illustrated coffee table book any Lowcountry lover or contemporary art aficionado would be proud to display. “It was a joy reading the musings of Sol Luckman,” wrote artist Nancy Tobin for Readers’ Favorite. “So joyous, I’ll reread it. I may even buy one of his paintings.”
🙏 To learn more about Sol Luckman’s writing and artwork, subscribe to his newsletter and enjoy his new exclusive ebook, THE WORLD CULT & YOU: YOUR PLACE IN IT & YOUR WAY OUT OF IT, visit
I am a professional spray painter that worked for Cessna Aircraft in Wichita, Kansas from 1980-1986
was laid off and went to work for Boeing in April 1986 which is now called SpiritAerosystems in Wichita,Kansas. I am currently employed there and have 39 years of aircraft experience.
I seek no fame or fortune, I’m just the average guy that’s trying to make an honest living and provide for my family.