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DArling, and the boyz... I hoPe this is something fun and unexpected.. if you miss a rabbit hole or link.. you miss something you would not believe.

The past few years have been surreal living at this time and place. At this time and place, the Mad Hatter. Who was exiled 150 years ago by the Red Queen in a different plane existence. The realm is taken care of by a great great granddaughter.

The jabberwocky still lived in Wonderland and, for the past 150 years. The White Rabbit had not come back for the Mad Hatter. He had a family back 120 years ago. Who took care of him as their old Uncle Albert. 

Aong with his two wild and weird animal pets a tiny mouse named Tea or the tea mouse, and an enraged hare named Hare or the Mad Hare. Remember them from Mr. Dodgerson’s famous book about Alice and Wonderland.

 This was the family secret. Or guidance provided to one of the family’s members. Who was either considered very lucky to be chosen or unlucky depending on whether the person’s family loved a good tea party. There had been six generational changes since Old Uncle Albert had been placed in an elderly folk’s home. 

The care had passed down from father to daughter to mother to her son. Who became a father to his daughter who became a mother to her son. Who became a father then to his daughter. This brief history of the past brings the family up to today’s time-frame roughly.

The woman being one of the latest caregivers. Who was a professional poker player and paranormal hunter named Laura. Who could still remember her first visit to Uncle Albert at age 13.

Her father, who was Albert’s caregiver. He had not initiated the whole family to Albert’s existence. After the initial introduction between his wife and Uncle Albert had turned out rather badly. Laura’s mother was cute, kind, but vicious, with a mean streak that made some people fear her for a reason. 

Her father, not knowing of Albert’s age and only remembering wonderful tea parties with his mother. He did not know of Albert’s long-lived life and, therefore, did not know about his future responsibility prior to marrying. Laura’s grandmother, who she had never met having died prior to Laura, had hidden the facts, for some reason, all to her private rationale.

 Laura’s father, with some foreknowledge of how much time the mind takes to get used to being a family member of a historical fictional character. He had introduced Laura to Albert when Laura’s mother was away visiting her own family. Laura’s first visit was more of a get to know and not much about the past. She loved the wild Hare, who actually sat seated at the table drinking with its paws. 

She was delighted that a mouse would go through the tea service set and pluck sugar into cups when asked for one lump or two. She enjoyed getting to know Albert, whose character had not changed nor personality from that of a story book which she was about to receive. The whole nursing home, however, was an experience. 

Much different from any Laura had experienced before with her grandfather or grandmothers on her mother’s side. The staff served the Mad Hatter as if he was unique, and indeed he was very special, having outlived roughly several generations of staff at the home. Laura’s father did not let Laura know all this he just watched to see if she could handle such a wild person. Laura’s sister had a similar experience four years before but had forgotten about the tea party, thinking the whole affair was a dream. 

For having a tea party with an aged relative named Albert with his wild creatures running around his table, well, just was not her cup of tea. However, Laura loved the party. And her father realized that she should be the next person to be a caregiver to old Uncle Albert, which is how he introduced her to him.

 Thus, on the way home from the party, Laura’s father stopped at a bank and checked out a savings deposit box which contained a ledger and a dairy. He asked Laura to read them that night before her mother got home, and she was to give them back to him as soon as she was done. She said she would read them. The ledger was a compilation of sums of money from an old-hat company that had been created in 1863. 

The owner of the company made a wonderful sum of money, which was invested not surprisingly in tea, tea service sets, tables, hats and apparel. The last major purchase which continued to add dividends along with the other companies was an old folk’s home. The name seemed similar because the name was the same as the one where Laura and her father had just visited Uncle Albert. Upon reading that Laura, being 13.

 She went to sleep. Sh imagined the wildest dream of Alice in Wonderland Disney cartoon version. Where she was actually the main character, and her dream was wonderful. Her mother returned home that morning, so Laura did not read the diary. Her father was anxious. Later that day, her mother cleaning Laura’s room came across both ledger and diary.

 She opened them both. At which point she had a heated discussion with her husband. Discusion about filling young people’s minds with nonsense and tea parties with wild unclean animals. The argument between Laura’s father and mother did not end well with her father. He was lucky to have returned to him the ledger and diary. Laura was forbidden to see Uncle Albert, and that was that.

 On the other hand, at least that is what Laura’s mother thought. Laura’s father, who has always been an avid fisherman because he went fishing once a month, whether winter or not, soon invited Laura along. The first-time Laura and her father did go actual fishing and on the way back had a conversation about secrets and consequences. The end was Laura told her mother all about her fishing trip, and how much she loved to fish. The next month, Laura and her father went and visited Uncle Albert, who was delighted to have tea and talk about the weather and such. Laura, of course, loved the party with Tea, Hare and, obviously, Uncle Albert. These trips continued through high school, and she started going on her own when she moved out for college. When her father passed on, Laura was granted custody of Uncle Albert. The wildness of course for Laura began, of course, when Uncle Albert started Laura on cards. 

The Mad Hatter, of course, was a fortune teller on the side back in 1863. Nowadays, big money for those willing to play with their souls. However, to Albert, who was Jewish, the whole affair represented a way to foretell the future. One time Laura was about to tell the tea mouses’ future when the wildest adventure to be told happened. Instead of summoning a spirit to foretell the future, a demon who was listening got caught in the chant. 

He took Laura into her past when she was in college to relive the following story told by a college friend. I had just entered college. I was trying to get accepted and start a life as an adult. I started with a job in the cafeteria and joined a few groups on campus. I was introduced to the fraternity system. 

After several weeks, they decided to pledge a fraternity and join their more famous groups on campus. The group was known as the time travelers. The club was more specifically a group of game players. Who had formed a literature exchange club along with risk night, dances, and role-playing activities. The risk nights were a variety of dungeons and dragons, the game Risk. With actual physical activities to accomplish tasks from painting tanks in the army reserve blue. To noble charities of mowing an old lady’s lawn. 

Forming tea party groups to party with an odd elder of the club, simply known as Uncle Albert. To pranks that made the movie Animal House popular to watch. The whole thought process behind the game was to ensure that when the zombies or wizards attack that this group would be prepared. It sounds silly. However, PX90 fifteen-minute workouts, along with some gorgeous ladies, made this the club to get into. That is where I met Laura.

 She was witty, a physicist who often played as not a daughter or niece of the Mad Hatter. She loved to interpret events and how they would go about in the land of Wonderland. I was a new freshman pledging Phi Sigma Kappa, which had numerous members in the club. To get the extra circular note in my pledge class, I joined the time travelers to ensure time with a group of people that enjoyed reading as much as I did. The literature exchange part of the club meant that I did not have to buy as many books. The group shared both their personal reading books, along with college books, making the deal even sweeter. 

Any way that was the first few weeks of my freshman year. I was working, studying, gaming, and pledging all at the same time. The story gets kicked off on fall custom dance where the pledge class has to ask a girl to a formal dance and ask her to dress up as her favorite book character. Since my time was pretty much spent trying to figure out calculus, working, and reading, I opted to ask a coworker to the dance. She kindly agreed to go and asked that I dress up as a knight in shining armor, for she was going as a lady-in-waiting to King Arthur’s court. 

The night of the dance arrived, and we walked. The whole place was decorated as a fantasy castle and star war bar. I was introducing my co-worker when in walked Albert attired to the t as the Mad Hatter and next to him Laura. Her garment was like Alice’s blue and white dress down to the petticoat in the cartoon movie. 

Just walking up from behind them was a miniature White herald rabbit. I was in awe. I walked forward and bent down in my armor to feel the rabbit’s ears. I thought at the time it was the best robot rabbit I had ever seen. Imagine my surprise when the rabbit actually talked saying, “Hey, watch your hands.” The next part is a sort of climax. I fell over. Laura squealed a “Time tunneler.” pushing Albert the Mad Hatter over my back into a cosmic tunnel which appeared right, as if on a queue during Laura’s squeal. Laura jumped, trying to get over me, but she caught a piece of me and took me into the tunnel with the rabbit, Albert, and Laura. Landing some place, I got up to discover we had been transported to a turret of a castle overlooking what looked to be a future battle. 

The turret was only three stories in height, so I could see pretty much everything for a solid mile around. In front of us was a red small size card army, and a white dwarf card army. By this time, Albert got up along with Laura. “Oh goodie, I get to watch this time!” says Albert. Looking around, I am sure of a chair. Laura, on the other hand, was addressing the White Rabbit. “We are in the wrong plane of existence,” Laura stated, sounding saddened. Myself, I was pretty much bewildered. Watching the two armies stand apart, I could see a dragon later to realize it was the jabberwocky the size of a horse approached. What could only be Alice in armor? The fight went pretty much like the book. 

The only difference? This time was the watchers who included Laura, Albert, who introduced himself as the Mad Hatter but not on this plane of existence, and myself. The White Herald rabbit had poofed off to announce the match between Alice and the Jabberwocky as soon as he had finished talking with Laura. At the conclusion of the fight, the demon poofed Laura back. After that brief reflection in time, Laura was transported back to her tea table with the tea mouse. While the writer of the story went to the past to college only to finish college as a microbiologist instead of an engineer.


Alice in Wonderland famous quote acrostic

Ah, that's the great puzzle who in the world am I?

“Let’s consider your age to begin with — how old are you?’

Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality.

“Curiouser and curiouser!

“exactually,”’ the Queen remarked: ‘I can believe it without that. Now I’ll give you something to believe.'

If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense.

“No, I give it up,” Alice replied: “What’s the answer?”

“We're all mad here.”

Only I do get tired.

“No, I give it up,” Alice replied: “What’s the answer?”

Do you know, I always thought Unicorns were fabulous monsters, too! I never saw one alive before!"

eternity is looking through the looking-glass

Real name was Charles Lutwidge Dodgson

“Lewis Carroll. He was an odd one.

"And dear me, you're a human child!"

"Nothing, just now."

“Do you know what they call themselves, all these people? "

Pirates acrostic

Pirates arrre needed today

indeed swashbuckling pirate should this way stay

reality is a ship sailing away

always searching for a place to harbor or stay

time is but a moment to those under the black flag sail

eternity is a prayer for those under the sail

sailing away


Wonderland? Why, yes, I have been there. It is off the coast of Never-land, a sort of between Oz and Katmandu however on the Chinese side, not the Nepal side of the Tibetan hiding place of the garden of paradise near the ocean.

Few people realize that in England, with the assumption that Alice was English that small portals or wrap hole or rabbit holes lead to the tunnels that crisscross Europe, leading to all sorts of places in the world and elsewhere.

Any ways, Charles Lutwidge Dodgson talks with great-great Uncle Richard Francis Burton lead to his rather oddity book about a place that great uncle Burton talked about during the night tea.

Uncle Burton talked about how h and a madman that made hats for a living once fell through a hole following a historical piece stolen by what only he could describe was a fast moving bunny rabbit which he never caught.

The hat maker in one of uncle Burton’s many tales was given the name of Gregor MacGregor after a discussion that he never was sure of his real name but that how as a hat maker was for sure. The title, unofficial or not, was part of the real tale told by uncle Burton when he would take a shot of whiskey.

There was this map. Which was the special historical piece which was stolen? The map that could take people cross time, space, and supposedly worlds. The mad hatter MacGregor had stumbled upon this map during his conquest of the republic of Poyais.

Just where had the map come from? Who knows, however, uncle Burton told how titling MacGregor at times pirate or cacique of Poyais had at one time pirated a Spanish ship that had treasures coming from Europe to Venezuela.

At times, one had to ask uncle Burton was he sure that the ship was not coming from South America to Europe. Or why would Spain send treasure to South America? Whiskey, at times, tells tales and you have to verify and wonder about them. No. Uncle Burton was sure that MacGregor had said the ship was bound to Panama City. A catholic cardinal or some high official carrying books, maps, and to a pirate, very little useful spoils to be spent.

Anyway where was I? Oh, yes. The dream. Or was this the dream? Dreaming is awful sorrowful these days. Watching the end of time. The wheel has spun out of control and, watching time spin backwards, billions of years people forget. Pray for peace. Anyway, a twinkle in my eye I am not there any more. Humor a map. Yes, yes, that was where this story was suppose to go.

Instead lets talk.

I hope you have a lovely day. I hope you pray. I wish you a deep conversation with family and friends on this your unbirthday. HAPPY unbirthday, hope you have a wonderful day. Some thoughts.. U lost your mind and I am making no effort to look for it. If you do not live for something.. you will die for nothing. Humans should not meddle in the affairs of dragons... humans, after all, taste good with ketchup... A book is a magic portal to another dimension- taken a book is better than any drug to be high on for to read brings about imagination and dreams. The secret is not to tell those that could reach this stage but to hold on to this reality a bit by bit to make it yours. It is the first responsibility of dreamers to question the authority of those seeking to enter. Secrets, after all, are only true when one and only one knows them. To reach these secrets, visiting a person that happens to see the world a little differently, such as a poet, writer, or those just a bit off and talking with them happens to open their minds to ideas. Think before thinking becomes illegal. Read before they burn or destroy the books again... Imagine before the end... Do not wish, not to know. Because you prefer to remain unenlightened, to better be a cow slaughtered in the dark. The end was here and a poor poet I am. A hero to no one who remembers. However, within my imagination, I am someone as important as the next person, an influencer of good with a little naughty on the side. Someone you are pleased to know of but do not really know for sure. For how can one know a poet’s heart when his words on paper stray from politics to famous people to a cartoon drawn just recently by noon? To say I am recognizable is a short statement to those that read tiny articles or notes pinned here and there. Alternatively, poor poetry sent to people that had half a mind not read it for what is a poet, but a small person within himself caught by today’s light and in the night as unbalanced as a mad hatter at a tea party with Alice in Wonderland So few actually remembers days as a poet nor see through his eyes how the world was changing due to people lack of kindness or rareness. Shame is but sadness today. Forgotten is the way to be true and heart-felt best friends to a mad hatter. I am currently unsupervised, I know; it freaks me out too. but the possibilities are endless. Blessed are the weird people-poets, misfits, writers, mystics, painters, troubadours-for they teach us to see the world through different eyes. So you are okay with the government having the weaponry to annihilate all life on earth.. But you are upset with someone that owns a rifle that holds 30 rounds? When someone tells me I live in a fantasy world, I take that as a compliment. Never be afraid to sit awhile and think. The most precious jewels you will ever have around your neck are the arms of your children. Can you handle all this awesomeness? We are each given a limitless capacity to love and attain wisdom. The extent we use these gifts is our choice. One can not be spiritually fulfilled until another animal has touched one’s soul. “YOU FALL IN LOVE WITH PEOPLE’S MINDS” writer’s block when your imaginary friends stop talking to you. clint the world is an odd place nowadays. Is it a life of ease just losing its ease? or is it life just being what it is hardship due to overeating, over borrowing, etc.. Do your research. Read stimulate your mind. Challenge yourself. Don’t just be puppets on a string. I might be crazy, but crazy is better than stupid. I am the same person I was before you found out I have a mental disorder. Crazy people do not know they are crazy. I know I am crazy, therefore I am not crazy, isn’t that crazy. Welcome to my page! Straight jackets are on the left and meds are on your right and keep your hands off my crayons. You do not need to be yourself here. Pick a personality that would fit you and try it on. Some days I color outside the lines and other days I color within the lines. Now accepting applications for partner in crime. Must be a fluent smart ass and little to no morals kids language please and partial nudity is up to you. Also you must by Happy. The six voices in my head do not want that goofy character. Be happy all the time it drives people crazy. You meet me on the internet. I do live in a gated community. I have taken up photography because it is the only hobby where I can shoot people and cut their heads off without going to jail. There is only so much insanity you can blame on the full moon. The rest is just everyday bat shit crazy people being themselves. Being happy doesn’t mean everything is going well. It just means the drugs are working. I like being at home in my own little world with my books, kids, and wife. The real world is full of too many assholes. Good friends offer advice and words of wisdom. Real friends come over unannounced with vodka, chocolate, glitter, duct tape, cat suits, explosives and a plan. If you’re happy and you know it, what combination of prescription medication are you on? Every family has one weird relative. If you don’t know who it is, then it is probably you- welcome to the family. happy unbirthday, hope you have a lovely day. remember to talk with your family. Hope you remember God.



No turning back now??ARe you sUrE?

 The reanimation of this world is sick.. Today, for example, the streets are almost all paved new.. What has that to do with reanimation of this world? Same with the masks.. Some people’s faces do not come back from the zombie plague about to hit and instead of reanimated and relighting the whole world.. the designers of this game are just hiding people’s faces.. Wild.. And I know my television English shows no longer are speaking English.. Makes me wonder what reality this is? Dilemma? Sure, I have several of them. That no one listens nor cares that the mark of the beast is already patented. Revelation 13:16-17–“He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no-one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.” That the US government is already legalized your death and is preparing for war.  That evil seems to have won. That I appear to be in a dead reanimated world where several people and buildings need repair from whatever game was played here last. How to tell you are in a reanimated world. One, the sun is not yellow it is white. Two people's lips move but their words are not coming out like their lips movement. 3. You read Mandela effect articles and know JC Penny and where Japan was off the coast of China once up on a time. Time travel is real folks. My dilemma or dilemna in my reality is would I go back. / I share this other post to see if you are from this reality or not. I mean think. If you could go home, would you? How is time travel possible? Quantum leaps? Sort of. What I have seen so far? My dilemna in my first few months was the rapture. I lost close to 1.3 to 2 billion people. I know what my world’s population was. And what about the world’s population at each of the new earths I passed through. How did the rapture occur? They murdered them through abortion. This was not what I expected of a rapture. IS there no way to find any of those missing 45 million US citizens or 500 million Chinese or 500 million Pakistanis? I have no idea. I am not God. I am a time traveler by mistake. I died. And somehow ended up here. So dilemma or dilmna could I go back? Would I go back? What is funny is this time travel loop was set up a lot longer back than anyone believes. Why? Solomon traveled time. Jesus speaks of time travel. The first will be last and last will be first.. I did not expect this in my reality. Lets be honest. I worked for projects that are conspiracy level and so I can say I know conspiracies are real. Taht this time travel is set up by the Montauk project to kill Christ is wildly not what I expected. Neither being 4.5 billion years old if location and distance of where I started my journals was to where the internet currently states I am at.  Why do I post links to my reference? Simply pointing out a dilemma for me grows daily. Sort of like today. DO I SAY hey you know I say a dead person today? Or hey someone’s mask slipped off, and either Halloween is on early today or masks are being used to cover up zombies that can not be reanimated or setup correctly from whatever happened to this reality billions of years ago? I mean. I am just pointing out what I see. What am I talking about? To travel here, I must be dying somewhere. And? Well, in a closed time curved loop, I travel the past. Meaning? You all are dead if I lived where I lived. And yes, Virginia Zombies are real. So what is the end dilemma that I have to deal with? Reality. What is real? Should I tell you? I suppose it can not hurt. Fate has your soul bound for hell or heaven. And this? All of this is a light show. Say what? You eat plants. Plants eat light. You are basically recycled light and in the end, God or the great storyteller is retelling his story. And? A lot of people are not getting out of this hell. That is more wildly something I did not expect in my reality. I expected Zachariah to be a nuke going off against a Turkeyish army or Chinese army. While here, Zechariah, you have zombies fighting each other. Wildly not what I had in mind when I read the bible for forty-plus years when Zachariah was spelled with an A. The same dilemma that the lion no longer lies with the lamb here. Does that mean what? What are the wolves? Montuak assassins against christ? I suppose. Evil is evil. Pray repent and if you can change your ways. I doubt this rant will improve anyone or change anyone. However, that is the dilemma: nothing can be changed by me or the millions of other people traveling through here. And why is that? Fate. I did not believe in fate. I believed in choices made or broke a man. And now? Fate is all I can see and I wonder sincerely if heaven is some place that is wonderful as wonderland or weirder than the past few years of my life? How weird? That is the dilemma if I talk about I get sent back to the shrink. However, when I point out to the people I know are affected, they deny their memories and now? I am no longer sure of reality. That is the dilemma I have faced since 2016 plus or minus billions of years from this current distance and location from when I grew up on Sagittarius on a galaxy diameter supposedly 377,000 light years across and the next galaxy was to hit in 365,000 years.. Which is real to you. Something you read. Or is all science made up. Maybe that is the dilemma I did not do the tests myself I read and said. Ah hay. No black holes discovered in my reality outside of hypothesis and lab studies of a theoretical nature. And now? Seems like there are a lot of black holes here. What is the real dilemma reality is ending and I believe in Christ. Is there an end for me, or is this just the beginning of another story?

I was at the library when I bumped into a shelf. The shelf clicked and swung open. There was a dusty old room. I walked in and on a table was a book. So I picked it up. Going out of the room, I pushed the shelf back in place and sat down. The book was old. I flipped through the book, and a page fell out. It was an old MacDonald map from the 1960s with the town blocks and an x in the middle of what was an abandoned car lot? I went there with a shovel I found what looked like a folder with one page. The folder was labeled page of the book of life. Reading it was like reading a person's whole life on one page however, the page did not just show one life story. His, hers, theirs hopes, desires, everything from good too bad, and back again. A page from the book of life. The page was wild. By closing one’s eyes, you could see the same soul living within different lives. The page was just one soul, living and living and living over and over again, trying to figure out an experience which seemed to have no meaning. The story shared a lot, sure there were good points and parts to the story, and then there were many, many bad parts showing whole lives that did not make sense at all. I mean, how one soul can experience the same types of despair over again. The unexpected happened while I continued to read. I realized I had met this soul. The awkwardness of reading a soul’s story and realization that within the story you were at any given moment pointing that soul on to the soul’s next experience was wildly unsettling. The stories shared how you react to a person’s action pivoted the story form and from good too bad to excellent to depression to complete emptiness. The story just kept on repeating itself over and over again, trying to find something that was missing. What the page was trying to fix was the story missing happiness? At times. What were the stories about to fix sadness? At times. When I realized that the soul was searching for a meaning and purpose. I started over rereading each story. I say all the stories were on one page. I say each time I looked at the page, the soul had a different story to tell, which was awkward to see in the written word. How many times I read at times the soul would or could a soul reach for something that was almost there and then poof. The story would begin again. The purpose was the search for God? In yet, in many many of the stories, the soul found God. In many forms shapes, however, never the right form evidently for the story started right away again. I tried to reread the same story again and could not find that story. That story seemed to vanish or not exist on the page any more. I tried figuring out what to do. Reading a single page in a folder is awkward on the best of days, with a shovel that day made the reading extreme.

So I went home with the page.

One thing was certain, that the WHITE kitten had had nothing to do with it:—it was the black kitten’s fault entirely. Yes, as a wino, I assigned blame for the law of gravity at times. The reason? Obviously, the White kitten did nothing to move my glasses from my reading stand. One might say that is an odd assertion or memory. Why would you be mad at a kitten moving your glasses? Well? It was not just my glasses. It was a lot of things of late. I was missing books. That I thought my wife was trying to kill me. How? I was guessing she got in the night and rearranging my whole room made me think I was going mad. Thus, I attempt to drink some sense into myself. That I had locked the door and only had two kittens in the room with me. Well, the White kitten was my friend and was on my lap. And I certainly did not drop my glasses on the floor behind a stack of books long overdue to be read. That left the black kitten. However, even as I say this, I wander about and realize the room had changed. What if the black kitten had not knocked my glasses off the reading stand? And why on earth is the top book open? Whose title was Ender’s time journals now open to a passage on something that I knew by heart. I looked at the journal. A madman’s find in a Bolivian second-hand book story in 1997. The words were. Egads, the words changed. Laughing at both kittens, I hugged them and sat down to re-read a book that kept on changing daily for the past. Well, exactly how long have I been caught in a trap of time? I remember waking up and observing that I was no longer in my room a long time ago. All I can say is do not tell the doppelganger wife or wives that you are seeing things, and that history has changed. Why? After spending 1,000s of dollars on 15 or 17 doctors, they all said the same thing. Which was? I was fine for a disabled man. In yet? How could I be fine? What was at stake was reality? What could be changed in the time of tribulation if Ender’s journal was correct? Was he correct? I doubted that much at the beginning of this story, and you too can see why? Come now. My first attempt to communicate the dilemma, which in my reality was spelled dilemna. Sent to roughly 538 members. Of various political groups, and associates met with silence. A glass of wine to think. Here kitten play with this. One might say, what did the shrink one of the 17 doctors tell you? Well? He said I was living a past life. I pointed out if the internet was right along with my journals; he was the one that was dead. He kind of got anxious at that statement. I said would he like me to prove it? Prove it? Yes. You see, there is physical proof. And well I did. He prescribed me some rather unique blue pills sent me away. I sent him an email with a journal and never heard back from him again. Makes me love my kittens even more. Now, a funny meme. I wonder what people would think of a kitten drinking wine? So what have I been doing these past few years? Trying to fix things via email is interesting. No one responds to a crazy person, evidently. What gets me is my resume here as well as where I was? My resume shows a rather high level of expertise in maters that I write about. When nothing seemed to happen, I begin to consider other possibilities. If there was more wine. I think yes if people were drinking more wine, there would be more peace. Where did all the winos go? Like what had brought me back to La Paz, Bolivia. Meaning? How many pink expatriate from the United States wander the streets? That is looking like a one legged, one-eyed pirate? Think a mostly Spanish native America country. How many aliens do you see? Laugh with me. My journals tell of me seeing some rather strange people. Maybe the café I ate at is a crossroads for parallel time traveling with strangers. That often I would bump into and say hello. Spooky? No, not at all. Kind of fun to freak out a 8 foot giant white man. Why? Bolivia is populated with people roughly 5 7 feet tall or below. To see giants here is an experience. Make me want to drink. Great, the kitten has taken all my wine. Enough of details because that would not explain the new worlds I was seeing daily. I wrote about them for a while on paper and then one day they were all gone. So I posted a lot of them on Cosmofunnel and that too disappeared. So I wrote a rather long journal, one night, copying from here to there and posed. If you would like a laugh. Read “A wondering mind of the multiverse” by Clinton Siegle. Realize I have been attempting to communicate with people for a rather long time to say hey, stop being evil. I think when the winos left, this world became evil. I think the test is to find out what would make people rethink their actions. I mean, having traveled through worlds. Seeing different realities’ endings, I should be more concerned. After all, it is not every day occurrence. Let alone a few years that a person can see a new world each day. Quiet, an expensive experience. Maybe that is the question. What began this journey? I wrote about it to a few friends. I remember the day rather well. Hey, kitten, stop that. I was writing on Facebook Pirates of the Caribbean when my computer started doing things. Hacked? Sure, my computer is not hack proof. However, what it was doing was amazing. What was it doing? It was reading journals and stories and poems and ideas that I had placed in hiding that no one should be able to see. Why? I had already submitted them to publishers and awaited their reply. So? Well, like this story. I expect no one will read it. Or if they do, they did not understand the concept. Or thought the ideas were maddening, let alone not worth of anything. What got me was how whatever or whoever was reading my stuff was letting me know it or they or she was there. How? I date my journals. I time stamp a lot of things because of issues in my life. And well? They changed. That was in September 2015, plus or minus a 4.5 billion years. I lived on an earth according to the internet which was on Sagittarius. On the outer edge of the galaxy 377,000 light years across, where in 365,000 years that earth was to hit the next galaxy? Memories. The question is if I dreamed this too or is this some sort of wine induced dilemna now spelled dilemma? Why are the kittens playing with my shoes? Oh? Great Sketchers now spelled Skechers in, yet the spellcheck shows Skechers is wrong? Look kitten, see the screen? So what has this to do with two kittens, Ender’s journals, and a madman locked in a room? Let me be honest. In my reality, I did not expect to see the Mark of the Beast. Nor that Microsoft would turn evil. Like some movie director Microsoft becomes Umbrella corporation and tries to sterilize humanity? Kind of eye opening evil discovery. I wonder what to do? Pray? Dear Lord, change the hearts and minds of Bill Gates and George Soros to believe in Jesus Christ. Sounds good. Kind of plan of peace. Kitten stops that. That is my message from a future that can no longer exist if I am telling you the truth. Why is that? I have met many travelers. So have you? Meaning? People tell their tales and you realize they think their memories are real. Example? George Bush Jr Saddam killed Mandela. Obama visited 57 states out of 58. Hillary Clinton and I came to a very similar reality. Where Abe Lincoln was a senator for a few years prior to being the president. Joe Biden fighting Corn Pop. Has my message be good, turn to peace, stop evil worked? Laugh with me, folks. I see humanity fighting each other, not for the same reason you do. Why? I have had to rewrite and review almost all of my history. To my recollection, I never heard of Montauk project in my world. I was a conspiracy reader there, too. Why? I knew things and knew they were true. If they were considered conspiracy stories, most likely, they were true elsewhere too. Meaning? Through time I discovered that Montauk Project. The story changes through realities. It went back in time to steal souls. From those that were to be good or saved and placed them in realities in which they would be corrupted. Laugh all you want. I thought I was going mad the first few times I listened to the story. They would say the project took 2,500 people. I re-listened to the story following that. The story changed. From 25,000, then to 250,000 next jumped to 2.5 million. I gave up listening for a time. I finally I went back to the number was 25 million people they used in the project. So what? The story was pretty easy for me as a planner. It was not too hard to realize that they stole souls. Spreading throughout the galaxies until they could not find those souls anymore. Being allowed into or going into heaven. Meaning? I am either heaven bound, which I doubt. Or I am dimensional traveler possessing this body for one day at a time. Until I reach back into time, or more specific I might be what is called a demon? I doubt that too, however it is one or the other. Meaning? You have heard of the Mandela effect? The story goes, those souls most likely are returning to their bodies for the day of judgment. To realize one night’s sleep is opening a doorway to. I am not really sure nowadays. I believe in Jesus Christ. Still, I remember what I did and what I am doing. That anti-fas, according to Montauk project, is trying to move all the good people out of harm’s way. Of the future wars, earth quakes, and volcanoes which will soon hit these realities. It is awkward, to say the least. Do I stand for right? Which side is right? The tale is told in, yet no one seems to believe me one way or another. Stop that White kitten. The sense of danger increasing is wild. In the reality, I was in October 2019 plus or minus billions of years ago. The last super-moon happened until 2035. Now, I see that there are two super-moons and 12 full moons in 2020. Kind of different reality? No? Black kitten please, stop. Meaning? Well. I studied calendars when I was a child. Specifically, I wrote about them. I remember the current calendar being off by thirteen years in my reality. Here according to the only calendar that matters, the Ethiopian calendar that is now only 8 years. Meaning? The end of the real 2012. It is happening on September 8 through the 19th, depending on the reality should be something to see. And that the super-moon on August 31st should be interesting. Why? Mandela effect souls travel via moonlight for those passing through these worlds. What is the sad moment? The sadness is realizing people will laugh at this story and not change their ways. Stop being evil. Do good. Be Good. The final battle has already been won by God. What? If you have not figured life out by now let me clue you in. Energy equates to light times light times light. Meaning? Light is matter too. This reality is nothing more than a reanimated reality. The sun projector rewinding the souls to a point in time when the Great Story teller God will have his way. What about all the other realities? I have heard of them nuked. I have heard of them being frozen to death. Via a CO2 cloud coming out of the Atlantic ocean covering Europe and much of east coast and Africa. I have heard of their endings. I have seen the zombie story in a very vivid dream in 2003. In the end, the battle is God’s. He will have his way. That he explains that the bad branches of the vine are pruned and burnt is a reality that I am seeing these days. That I read a little more of the journal of Ender and wonder. What could I have done differently? Should I do more? Life, what is it but a dream?

The Skimmer was being refitted at the dump. Several spaceships from a variety of realities of human colonies to planets completely owned by humans had taken refuge in the dump. A planet caught evidently on the edge of a black hole. Not falling into it. But without the proper speed and navigational map, a place where whole fleets could be lost.

The Skimmer a smuggler spaceship fitted with extra large generators and weaponry that used some of the dumps natural resources of waste. The invention created by some refugees from a planet that had been the most advanced technological site for humanity before being wiped out in the galactic wars.

That Ender had been placed now third in command of the Skimmer did not mean much. He was still cleaning, patrolling and installing equipment instead of overseeing anyone.

That the next pirating or pillaging was going to be coordinated with what was left of the human military space fleet: some total of 423 variety of spaceships that had survived the holocaust that had wiped out most of humanity and left only the dump was going to be interesting. The reports of mass slaughter of humanity were still coming in and since the black hole at times spun and time was a question of one’s mind. The whole idea was to take back at least one world where humans were still fighting. The problem was every single ship coming back reporting in saying the same thing. Aliens had taken their world.

The dump a waste protection site built for storing weapons waste of aliens some 130 years ago. The last solo human survival site. The decision was to hit as many worlds with as much power as possible to make sure that the aliens were hurt.

A total of fifteen planets were chosen. The Skimmer was assigned to capture supplies ships that we’re supposedly going to planet New Hope. In the search for food to feed the growing human population on the dump.

The Skimmer went out with a total of 49 ships to do a planet wide scrap. Which meant to burn the atmosphere from the planet and pillage as much as possible from the aliens. The main goal? Retaliation, meaning the dump had now only three million people. Out of a population of some 60 billion that had been spread across some 400 colonies, planets, etc. That the planets which were most valued were the target to take away resources was the plan.

The Skimmer, finding a small vessel without much weaponry, easily overpowered the ship. Taking the ship complete, however, per orders taking no prisoners. The few aliens that surrendered all non-humanoids were pushed into the airlock and into space.

The new vessel was quickly re-christened Mad Dog and a complement of the Skimmer ship sent to crew it. The rest of the ships went on a scorched earth ravage. Burning the atmosphere away from the planet. The planet tried to surrender, but since they had burnt the three billion humans that had lived there some 50 years ago. No truce was reached. Everything that could be found from space as targets was hit. The atmosphere burnt away. A total of six ships were destroyed from a variety of weapon platforms and three military ships that had been stationed there.

Several non military ships were seized, replacing those listed missing instead of 49 ships going back to the dump there were 71 ships.

Back at the dump, the war on the planets was declared interesting. There were more ships in the fleet now. And no more humans were found on any of the planets that had been destroyed. What was remarkable was that the aliens seemed to think that humans had died off some thousands of years ago and thus the defense systems for the planets they had stolen had been less than expected. Meaning the alien empire had expanded across what was human domain and forgotten about humanity, it would seem that the black hole had hidden what was left of humanity from the aliens for a time being.

Ender was given command of a small personal craft which could hold a total of six people normally. However, since pirating was the only way to maintain three million human souls on the dump at a total of fifteen was assigned the ship. Ender liked the name Skimmer. Re-christened his ship the Black Skimmer.