
If you are White, you are in a war. You can waste time bickering with other White people about the fine points of theology and philosophy. Or you can band together against a common enemy who doesn't give a shit whether you are a White Christian, a White Heathen or a White Atheist. https://gab.ai/KenazFilan/posts/33024638 Race above intangible concepts. Reason race should override theology and philosophy. Its a race war against #BloodAndSoil. I'm just interested in #Folk1st. We need a big umbrella to gather as many healthy White Folk as possible. Whites are separated by atheism, christian denominations and Paganism. All white folks eventually will form under an undetermined umbrella for protection and serving their racial interests. Right now the GOYim are discovering they are GOYim. Its only if we can out maneuver jews before they collapse this nation into a race war. We expel the jews in time we can deal with the rest. White Folk are noticing they have a limited way of life and its only getting worse. They will unite for safety in numbers. This is what will happen. White folk will unite for safety in numbers because jews and their violent proxies put our future in jeopardy. Everyone thats does not want to accompany us will be left for dead. All the fence sitter egalitarians will be fish food for all the aliens inside our borders. No jews will be allowed with in our ranks and some whites will not make the cut. All of the jewish historical narratives are breaking down and the truth is gaining ground. Keep suppressing us, it shows the rest of the Stupid GOYim true reality.
Put your ear close enough to a stove top and you can hear how stupid you are
I'm a musician, athlete, paleolibertarian, Paleo-Confederate, Southern Rights Advocate, and a defender of Seattle's Confederate Memorial. #Paleolibertarian #PaleoConfederate #MurrayRothbard #Anarchocapitalism #JoeSobran My Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW-9zST7oUl68vZgdeJw5lQ My Cocoscope (video sharing site) https://www.cocoscope.com/channel?i=11112 BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/knoxiedavis/ In the last 200 years the exploitation of envy, its mobilization among the masses, coupled with the denigration of individuals, but more frequently of classes, races, nations or religious communities has been the very key to political success. Erik von Kuhnelt-Leddihn Check out @whiplashartwerks @NIR1000 @Willieleev1971 @Ultimatethrash @ChrisDoogood @delastman @philosiraptor @ChocolateStarfish @Tomsullivan1 @Inquisitor_Firebrand @TristanGalvin @JusticeT @WalrusMallone @Poepoz @lilycreek @ImSorryIGotFat @jaymundo @abd2038 @doctorfreckles @ZuzecaSape @VolkParty @Necrophage
Mark Collett is a British Nationalist and political activist who has been actively campaigning on a patriotic platform since the turn of the century. The former Head of Publicity for the British National Party and the man in charge of the BNP's successful GLA and European Election campaigns, Mark now works with a variety of groups and individuals within the UK and abroad.
I really need shape up my Minds - I like this place even if it’s very different and appreciate all help by people here. I’ll use Minds more regularly and clean up here. (soon) I’m a Christian the north of Sweden ✞ https://t.me/dufrianord
14 Reasons to live for. 14 Reasons to die for. What gives you strength?
HitlerWasRight 卐 ✞ ✠ "The personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew" - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Vol. 1 Chapter 11 https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ZubLPneRa2Cj/
Truther, Pro-life, Wannabe Photographer, Shy Introvert, Conservative, Ex-Pagan, Book Lover, Proud to be White, Nationalist, Anti-Feminist, Anti-Immigration, Weed Lover, Anti-Soros, Pro-Capital Punishment, Animal Lover, Wannabe Writer, Traditionalist, Ex-Vegan, Proud Ginger, Proud Irish, Anti-Clinton, Housewife and Mammy to two of the best boys... And a beautiful little princess 😘🎔🎔 Etsy Store: https://www.etsy.com/shop/gingerproductionsie/?etsrc=sdt Temu Link: https://temu.to/m/upgb3ajeclh Gab: https://gab.com/Emeraldwitch Poetry Blog: https://www.publish0x.com/emerald-witchs-poetry
Fired and Doxed by Emory University in Atlanta GA for being anti-Communist. Richard Chess, a Communist Jewish individual, whos best past time is doxing political opponents, wrote an article about me on the WOKE newspaper of the leftist, anti-American and anti-White Emory University. Find it just by Google my name.
𐎱𐎼𐎰𐎺 🇮🇷 𐤂𐤓𐤍𐤃𐤟𐤃𐤌𐤓𐤋𐤟𐤅𐤟𐤕𐤄𐤟𐤍𐤃𐤓𐤌𐤃𐤍𐤟#𐤅𐤐𐤃 (𐤓𐤍𐤅𐤍𐤃𐤟𐤃.𐤉.𐤟𐤅𐤟𐤅𐤊𐤁𐤊) Strong VS everything. Immune VS Juda'i mind tricks. ֍֍֍֍֍֍֍֍֍ Freedom to speak: Freedom of speech group: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1139780454843371520/feed Boost referral: https://www.minds.com/boost/boost-console?referrer=Nasrin Minds plus upgrade referral: https://www.minds.com/plus?referrer=Nasrin Minds Pro upgrade referral: https://www.minds.com/pro?referrer=Nasrin
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