
Self-ownership absolutist Market absolutist I strive for logical and ethical consistency. Though I'm not always right, know that I have given careful consideration to anything I post or remind. I am willing to discuss my views, and am capable of changing my mind, so I encourage interaction. I will assume that downvotes without comments are a sign of mass mindedness or lack of conviction. Either way, it displays weak intellect and/or laziness, which makes it much easier for me to dismiss your opinion. These folks have good content and/or provide quality discussion: @salmayweather @mancerayder12 @deanofiles @insanityisfree @anarchyball @birdarchist @carcampit @rollomcfloogle @slappyjones2 @Miketront @adamantanarchy @jlydasrevenge @zk_snarks @notgregorym @peacefultreason @cecilthefleabag @Jeffreyhann @gpslife12 @thevoluntaryjoe @ancapman94 @therecoveringstatist @statismiscancer @katsawitch @idiotsquery @marketoff @urukagina @teaflavoredharborwater @mstreet @0sumG @priapristicmonk @NatureNerd @thoughtslave @kibls @heavymetalpedal @tinfoiltops @goldfoilhat @robertimay @greendeen @shannon222 @Willieleev1971 @chrisdogood @volanarchist @shaunf521 @russellcrowley @Monty_P_Muffinfluffer @nemisor @bashkirianprince @agirlhasnomasters @Darrenatherton @anaarkei @rothbardsgulch @yung_bastiat I'm sure I left a few off and misspelled a few since I compiled this list from memory. It's in no particular order; somebody had to be first and somebody had to be last. I'll add to/correct it as I go.
yeah, we're here too
Hope for Peace but Prepare for War For it is better to be a Warrior in times of Peace than a Gardener in times of War ------------------------------------------------------------ Avatar and Channel Banner made by @anaarkei ------------------------------------------------------------ Creator of the #MathsInMinutes blogseries that is posted Monday, Wednesday and Friday on this platform Donations to boost this blog series are appreciated and come with a shoutout for the donor ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently working on creating a recording of #Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov This project will be updated daily (it will be small readings though, between 5 and 10 minutes on average) ------------------------------------------------------------ You can also expect entries to my creative writing blog every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday ------------------------------------------------------------ Do you like petite girls aka Lolis? I do. #FlatIsJustice because small girls deserve love, too and small breasts are a rare drop! ----------------------------------------------------------------- #Traps are also welcome here, this is turning into a den of #degeneracy ------------------------------------------------------------ Midna Inverse is my #Waifu And I will fight for her! Hack-Doll-3 is my own, personal #Trap and I will fight for him! ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently Playing (barely playing): League of Legends (PC) Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (WiiU) Splatoon ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently Reading: Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov Think and Grow Rich 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson The Primarchs (Horus Heresy saga) Books about Buddhism & Zen ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently Watching: ------------------------------------------------------------ Currently learning: Japanese 10 Finger Typing NLP CBT Lightworks ------------------------------------------------------------ My interests include but are not limited to: Music Literature Creative Writing Paintings/Drawings Voice acting Cinema Anime / Manga Vidya Lifelong learning Psychology NLP CBT Weight training Health Nutrition Weight Loss methods and BPM Life coaching Weight loss coaching Data Analytics Drones RC Planes FPV Recordings Shitposting 34604263883
A new anti-feminist, capitalist, libertarian forward thinker.
An enemy of the State
I am a Voluntaryist. Some Voluntaryist.
I'm an idiot that has queries, opinions, and things. You'll not be alarmed that darkness and crazy are my babies, but know that critical thinking is the mother.
Awesome libertarian, anarcho-capitalist artist and writer! Find me at
Jun 2018
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