
Self-ownership absolutist Market absolutist I strive for logical and ethical consistency. Though I'm not always right, know that I have given careful consideration to anything I post or remind. I am willing to discuss my views, and am capable of changing my mind, so I encourage interaction. I will assume that downvotes without comments are a sign of mass mindedness or lack of conviction. Either way, it displays weak intellect and/or laziness, which makes it much easier for me to dismiss your opinion. These folks have good content and/or provide quality discussion: @salmayweather @mancerayder12 @deanofiles @insanityisfree @anarchyball @birdarchist @carcampit @rollomcfloogle @slappyjones2 @Miketront @adamantanarchy @jlydasrevenge @zk_snarks @notgregorym @peacefultreason @cecilthefleabag @Jeffreyhann @gpslife12 @thevoluntaryjoe @ancapman94 @therecoveringstatist @statismiscancer @katsawitch @idiotsquery @marketoff @urukagina @teaflavoredharborwater @mstreet @0sumG @priapristicmonk @NatureNerd @thoughtslave @kibls @heavymetalpedal @tinfoiltops @goldfoilhat @robertimay @greendeen @shannon222 @Willieleev1971 @chrisdogood @volanarchist @shaunf521 @russellcrowley @Monty_P_Muffinfluffer @nemisor @bashkirianprince @agirlhasnomasters @Darrenatherton @anaarkei @rothbardsgulch @yung_bastiat I'm sure I left a few off and misspelled a few since I compiled this list from memory. It's in no particular order; somebody had to be first and somebody had to be last. I'll add to/correct it as I go.
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