Minds Official Gifs Group - All Welcome - 😀
A group for sharing unique gifs; invite like minded users. Easily create gifs via links @ http://www.reddragonls.co.uk/official-gifs.html
Video to Gif converter @ https://ezgif.com/video-to-gif
Lunapic editor @ https://www298.lunapic.com/editor/
Resize animated gifs @ http://gifgifs.com/resizer/
Zoetropic app @ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.zoetropic.free&hl=en_GB&gl=US
VIMAGE app @ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vimage.android&hl=en_GB&gl=US
(APK downloads can be found if you do not wish to use google play store)
PLEASE ensure your posts contain a TITLE
and these TAGS below as this indexes your files on a database and increases visibility.
(PLEASE post directly to the group otherwise exterior news feed page links will be deleted)
Whenever possible please credit original artists if you share material that you have not created yourself.
Easy access to editor apps and tools in the beginning of the conversations section. Please add any editor tools/apps you use. Remember you can always use my website link at the top for finding apps/tools. (This will give new members a starting point if they have no knowledge of gifs and wish to make their own).
Common Sense - Remove spam/static images etc...
Many thanks and best wishes from Official Gifs 🙂
The one thing you need to know about MINDs is
it is directly funded by George Soros and Soros' proxy, Byrne, sits on the board of MINDS.
#MemeWars Freedom To Meme!
This group is run by #MindsGaming and gives rewards for original memes.
Group Rules:
- Freedom to meme
The only way to get banned is by posting things that are not memes.
Community rewards are given out by community runners or our community channel, to receive rewards you will need to add the ecosystem network: https://www.minds.com/MindsGaming/blog/what-is-mtcg-1378152628772409352 tag them or our community channel in your original content with your wallet address.
MemeWars Chat:
This Group would like to remain independent to the “system” if you report users in this area, or this area itself follow the terms of service and block and unsubscribe from that user, and leave this area immediately ; this area is run by @MindsGaminghttps://minds.com/p/terms
Meme wars! Freedom to meme! The original #Memes#Gif#Gifs#MindsGaming#minds#MemeWars
ATTENTION: All Gabbers In Exile!
Temporary(?) refugee camp for displaced Gabbers. All #gabfam welcome, especially those who know #gabisgayasfuck. This Group is my way of gathering all my lost sheep in one place.
admin: FedraFarmer
⚑ It is Time to End Our Fraudulant System of Law and Restore Justice in the United States to serve as an example for all.
Stay on topic - Law of the Land and its relationship to the other jurisdictions. - within Reason * Respect all - Moderated - Soil Jurisdiction Focused.
#Remind#Real#Law#legalese#Living#Lawful#Sharing Encouraged
Observers Welcome *** Same Issues 4U2
This is a learning and discussion group to explore and discover the true nature of our nations history with a focus on the rule of law that is supposed to support our natural rights to life, freedom, voluntary liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Our primary goal is to assist our local communities as well as those throughout the country renew genuine trust and faith in each other in order to achieve a strengthened foundation of truth and justice for us all in self governance and Lawfulness.
It is recommended you scroll to the first article and work your way up. Those articles and videos that are consi
- Tdered most important are notated, though all are good.
Do you REALLY know American History?
Taking Back America - EMERGENCY
- ALL Delegated Gov Services Contracts are Illegitimate.
Abdicating Personal Responsibility:
Real Freedom and the New World Order:
The Power of Words. The World of His Kingdom and the Words of the World Compared. How They Got YOU Tricked. ➝The TRUTH Shall Set You FREE: https://www.minds.com/blog/view/839162160775471104
Natural Law, Freedom And Morality:
⚑ Government Tricks. Natural Laww Natural Man, Natural Rights. The TRUTH Shall Set You FREE
Natural Law - Concept of AUTHORIT
Welcome new members! Hopefully the 2020 election will be overturned and our true President, Donald J. Trump, will be reinstated back into the White House. Everyone needs to get involved in the 2022 election on the precinct levels so we can oust as many dirty, lying Democrats and deep state RINOs from Congress as we can. This is a battle we need to win!