"A great inner revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation and, further, will cause a change in the destiny of humankind." Daisaku Ikeda
Can one person's spiritual journey help make the world a better place?
Im a wife, mother, grandmother and a believer. John 14:6 I love life and try to bring positivity to a fallen world. @chrismadzier RIP 2-24-67-12-22-21 You will be truly missed my buddy. Minds member since April 2018.
Howdtside Da Baax Edjutainment is a mouthpiece for alternative perspective beyond the knee jerk. A Weigh Knew Whirled !! Join Freelance Scientist Doctor Lenny Thyme. The plan is to stage play learning and create learning environments on human scale that address specific issues of societal repair. Doc Thyme is a PhD chemist, inorganic Group Theory, an educator and a Radio Talk Show Host. Doc works with the Treei calendar of nature to interpret reality using Fibonacci fractal scales. Welcome to Sociochemistry.
Ame libre aimant observer et apprendre de la nature.
même si je suis pauvre, je m'enrichi l'esprit
Argent = Art Gens
Image = Magie
En espérant qu'un jour la planète se libère de ce mal qui la ronge.
que la misère et l'injustice n'existe plus afin de libérer toute la créativité de l'être humain
Si vous voulez me faire un don pour m'aider à survivre dans cette société voici mon adresse
Dieu vous le rendra 1000 fois, je vous remercie d'avance.
Mes prières et mes pensées vont à tous les enfants victimes de pédophilie,
les miséreux ,les malades, les animaux et la nature ...
Pour que l'amour, la sagesse, la paix, le partage, l'entraide règnent sur terre.
que nos ennemies retrouvent la raison
ou quittent la terre.
Voir ma chaîne Odysée
Installer Brave de ma part
Gagner des crypto (BAT) et naviguer en sécurité + avec respect de la vie privée
Chaîne qui enquête sur les réseaux pédophiles (à soutenir svp)
God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?