the mad doctor thyme

Howdtside Da Baax Edjutainment is a mouthpiece for alternative perspective beyond the knee jerk. A Weigh Knew Whirled !! Join Freelance Scientist Doctor Lenny Thyme. The plan is to stage play learning and create learning environments on human scale that address specific issues of societal repair. Doc Thyme is a PhD chemist, inorganic Group Theory, an educator and a Radio Talk Show Host. Doc works with the Treei calendar of nature to interpret reality using Fibonacci fractal scales. Welcome to Sociochemistry.
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Independent movie maker ! Redaksjon.Kaktus @ youtube Donasjoner, ja takk :) Vipps Redaksjon.Kaktus : 606389
Revisionistic Geology, Titans, Petrified Organs
Social Worker | Ethicist | Educator | Radio Show Producer/Host
Just wanna share interest about nature. "There is pleasure in the path less woods, there is rapture in the lonely shore, there is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and the music in its roar; I love not Man less, but Nature more."โ€‹ Lord Byron
trump gal posting her favorite pro trump content
Babies Are People. They Are One Of Us.
Jesus said, "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you."
Original Content Creator You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey whose boundaries are that of imagination. If you wrote a comment and I didn't reply, please tag me (again) @istruththelight and make sure you did not reply to your own comment. I will try to answer every comment and reply to it! But I might not do, if it is just a generic comment you leave on other posts too, or trolling ;) You can comment in every language, I will use a translator and reply in your language. Check out #myphoto : Watch my video content on Odyssee:$/invite/@exittoeden:7 Listen to my audio content on Soundcloud: Follow me on Hive : #nogov #humansarefree
Photographer World of mushrooms group: All my content marked with #myphoto is original. Thank you for tips and everything !!!
Raised on final fantasy, Don't @ me bro
Gamer and social media curator Captain falcon posters? ๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿฅต๐Ÿฅต part of sm101:
planet earth
Aug 2019
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