The Secret Kindergarten

The goal of The Secret Kindergarten is to get you to receive the keys from young children that open doors or pathways to understanding Natural Law so you can live in harmony with the universe, and have a brighter future for you and your family. The Secret Kindergarten aims to get you to operate from your intuitive mind and interact with your children in this state so you can receive these keys and these messages. We will be talking about discovery, not talking about belief.
Hip hop artist exposing the criminality and illegitimacy of government and spreading the philosophy of true Anarchy under Natural Law.
CubbyWhole is a sacred repository space for the serious students who want to advance in the understandings of Natural Law, anthropology, symbolism, esotericism, the occult, the ancient Egyptian Mythos, and much more. You can find all podcasts, videos and news at
The Conscious Resistance Network is an independent media organization focused on empowering individuals through education, philosophy, health, and community organizing. We work to create a world where corporate and state power does not rule over the lives of free human beings. Our website and channel covers a wide range of topics from politics, activism, spirituality, gardening, music, solutions, and more. We are always looking for new contributors. As of January 2019 our current contributors (to the site and channel) are: Derrick Broze - weekly podcast, interviews, and vlogs that cover the most important news you won't hear from the corporate media, as well as explorations of philosophy, spirituality, and solutions.
Lo scopo principale di questo canale è quello di rendere più accessibile a chi non parla bene inglese quei video, articoli e libri che nel corso degli anni mi hanno aiutata ad aprire la mente e ad iniziare a capire non solo quante informazioni e idee vengano volutamente occultate per tenere noi, ‘le masse’, sotto controllo sotto l’incantesimo del mito dell’Autorità, ma anche e soprattutto ad apprendere le conoscenze esoteriche che sono necessarie per capire perché siamo in questa situazione e come poterci liberare da essa. Spero che questo materiale possa aiutare anche altri nel loro percorso di scoperta della Verità e di allineamento con la Legge Naturale.
James Corbett is the editor of The Corbett Report. This is the official Corbett Report Minds account.
Jan 2020
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