
Writer/Blogger | Digital Artist | Philosophical | Visionary | Jack Of a Few Trades |
:::::::Her name was Ashli Babbitt::::::: ~~~ My credentials are my actions, So judge them as you see fit. But it's also wise to keep in mind: I may want you to think I'm a nitwit. ~~ We need to begin to reclaim control over the institutions which have such oversized roles in our lives. As you read this people work tirelessly to see to it that you are dumb and docile. Let's stop them. friend of all fellow travelers; enemy of the Globalist American Regime Be sure to check out the PP Guide: Like: Used liberally Remind: I want to show this to others Quote-Remind: Acknowledging posts that instantly spark an idea Building the Next Americans: Join the MAGA Shadow Government: Weaponize Your Wallet: Want to worship or curse me? See you in church: Just cause you're older don't mean you can't be a good digital soldier. Happy to help all elder #maga soldiers who might need a hand with basic tech & privacy. #FightBack #ResistTechnocrats A piece of performance art, if I were real I'd be schizophrenic. But performance art with a purpose may be just what the situation calls for in our Brave New World of Unreality...
Happily, nonmongomously married, stay at home, #homeschool mom to 3, unashamed and unapologetic Jesus freak, essential oil enthusiast, anarchist political junkie, sex positive slut, avid blogger with a side of prepper and natural living interests. An interview where I share my thoughts on homeschooling: Listen to what I really think on the kNOw Freedom podcast Letting people just talk and listening to them is interesting. Have an Interesting Interview? Share it here: I'm not an affiliate with anyone/thing. If I share a link it's because I think it's worth sharing. "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye may know how ye ought to answer every man." ~Colossians 4:6 Grace isn't enough in order to effectively answer every man. Our speech must be salty too.
Jun 2021
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