
reformational philosophy
Christian, husband, father, historian, podcast host
Kerry Baldwin is an independent researcher and writer with a B.A. in Philosophy from Arizona State University. Her website is and is developing two podcasts: Dare to Think and Flashes of Liberty (coming soon). Her writing focuses on libertarian philosophy and reformed theology and aimed at the educated layperson; challenging readers to rethink prevailing paradigms in politics, theology, and culture. She is a confessionally Reformed Christian in the tradition of J. Gresham Machen (1881-1937) an outspoken libertarian and defender of Christian orthodoxy. Kerry became a libertarian like so many others have in recent years through exposure to the ideas of Ron Paul and a re-acquaintance with the US Constitution. In late 2016, she was introduced to the works of Roderick T. Long, Gary Chartier, and Gerard Casey (among others), and became convinced of anarchism. Kerry holds libertarian anarchism to be properly grounded in Reformed Christian convictions, and finds an alternative to patriarchialism, feminism, egalitarianism, and complementarianism in a Reformed perspective. Kerry is a single, homeschooling mother of three. She enjoys outdoor activities in the Jemez mountains near her home, and stereotypically introverted hobbies such as puzzles and brain teasers, reading, and learning more about herbal and nutritional medicine. She enjoys studying Reformational Philosophy by way of Roy Clouser, and appreciates the theology of Meredith Kline, Lee Irons, and Aimee Byrd. Find me at
Self-ownership absolutist Market absolutist I strive for logical and ethical consistency. Though I'm not always right, know that I have given careful consideration to anything I post or remind. I am willing to discuss my views, and am capable of changing my mind, so I encourage interaction. I will assume that downvotes without comments are a sign of mass mindedness or lack of conviction. Either way, it displays weak intellect and/or laziness, which makes it much easier for me to dismiss your opinion. These folks have good content and/or provide quality discussion: @salmayweather @mancerayder12 @deanofiles @insanityisfree @anarchyball @birdarchist @carcampit @rollomcfloogle @slappyjones2 @Miketront @adamantanarchy @jlydasrevenge @zk_snarks @notgregorym @peacefultreason @cecilthefleabag @Jeffreyhann @gpslife12 @thevoluntaryjoe @ancapman94 @therecoveringstatist @statismiscancer @katsawitch @idiotsquery @marketoff @urukagina @teaflavoredharborwater @mstreet @0sumG @priapristicmonk @NatureNerd @thoughtslave @kibls @heavymetalpedal @tinfoiltops @goldfoilhat @robertimay @greendeen @shannon222 @Willieleev1971 @chrisdogood @volanarchist @shaunf521 @russellcrowley @Monty_P_Muffinfluffer @nemisor @bashkirianprince @agirlhasnomasters @Darrenatherton @anaarkei @rothbardsgulch @yung_bastiat I'm sure I left a few off and misspelled a few since I compiled this list from memory. It's in no particular order; somebody had to be first and somebody had to be last. I'll add to/correct it as I go.
Christian, Orthodox Presbyterian, married 24 years with five unschooled kids, αὐτάρκης, Vosian, Van Tilian, Klinean, amillennialist, peace-loving anarchist, beer snob, hockey fan, retrogamer
Feb 2020
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