
ALOHA DUDE SNACKBAR!!!!! #PraiseKEK #ClownWorld #HonkHonk #Shadilay Welcome to the Republic of Kekistan. Home of Honkler. Champion of the Great Meme War. All shitposters are welcomed.
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In my opinion, it is more accurate to say that things as they have always been, have gotten revealed since 2020. Lets use a metaphor. A man is married for 60 years and finds out his wife is a vampire. He finds out, because after 60 years she still looks 25, so now the husband has...See more





UBI is like patching a hole in the floor of a boat, by having as many buckets on the boat as possible. Would humanity be better off if everyone's base needs were auto-met by default so that people had more time and money to be able to better themselves? Of course. But money is...See more


While this video is spot on, the only aspect where I differ is that in my opinion, promiscuity is a symptom, not a root cause. I think we've been trapped in a trauma cycle feedback loop that is not normal or natural. It all perhaps may have started due to some ancient natural...See more


This video explains something that many Conservatives fail to get, simply because its not a political issue but tends to be mistaken for one. Toxic work place environment. No system or president within that system can really do anything about this. There is no law that can be...See more

ALOHA DUDE SNACKBAR!!!!! #PraiseKEK #ClownWorld #HonkHonk #Shadilay Welcome to the Republic of Kekistan. Home of Honkler. Champion of the Great Meme War. All shitposters are welcomed.