
ALOHA DUDE SNACKBAR!!!!! #PraiseKEK #ClownWorld #HonkHonk #Shadilay Welcome to the Republic of Kekistan. Home of Honkler. Champion of the Great Meme War. All shitposters are welcomed.
Type: All

Most of this video is NOT about Trump. RFK JR is making a lot of good points about many different things. While I do have my own criticism of RFK JR regarding some topics, for this video specifically he has made many good points and so I'm more than happy to acknowledge that.


I agree, with the exception of only one thing. Way, way, way back in the early days of the modern internet, when something even remotely resembling a deep fake could only be accomplished on a Hollywood budget -- there are some videos that I personally saw back in those days, and...See more

ALOHA DUDE SNACKBAR!!!!! #PraiseKEK #ClownWorld #HonkHonk #Shadilay Welcome to the Republic of Kekistan. Home of Honkler. Champion of the Great Meme War. All shitposters are welcomed.