God's Libertarians is a compilation of articles, videos, and opinions by me, the creator of the page. Bottom line is that we need to question along with supporting those who do respect our Constitution and act with this in mind. I hope it enables people to discern truth by watching or reading whatever will help us understand the most intense attempts to destroy humanity. I am not a cheerleader. I am a realist and a Christian Patriot. I will post whatever I discern to be helpful to whoever comes to this page. Join me, share, and pray that we survive this spiritual battle we are in. May God protect each and every one of us.
RV'er, Astrophotographer, Shooter, Welder, Wrencher, Drone Pilot, 3D Printer, Reloader, Biker, Bike Wrencher, Rock Picker, Fisherman, Hunter, R/C Cars, Meat Smoker, Boomer. Libertarian,,, Sort of.
Always choose Dangerous Liberty over Peaceful Slavery.
Anything posted on this page is not necessarily the opinion or belief of the owner (me).
(_8(o) Dohhh!
Myths are our History.
The Universe is Electric.
The Sun controls our Atmosphere.
Velikovsky was Right.
Do your Research,,,,,,
The Second Amendment was created to also protect all the other Amendments, primarily the right to FREE SPEECH...
Man Cannot live on Mars, The Solar and Galactic radiation will damage his chromosomes and prevent red blood cells from producing. He. Will. Die..
Dark Matter, Dark Energy and Black Holes do not exist, they are things made up by man to make their math work. It's their Philosophy, their Religion.
Get OFF my LAWN,,,,,,,,, Unless You Buy me a Beer;
P.S. Reminding Is Best.
Be A Re-Minder
Where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission.
Behind this mask there is more than just flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea... and ideas are bulletproof.
I'm just an old country boy. I try to avoid town as much as possible. Directions to my house include "turn off the dirt road, and it's another half mile up the driveway".