Henry Knox-Redleg
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Henry Knox is my spirit animal. I write blogs, short stories and take pictures of my garden. I'm a drone pilot and former Artilleryman. I Block Nazis, racists, and loli adult content. No, I am not some SJW, just a normal person who doesn't blame my problems on the Jew or Black man because I'm not a little bitch. Please consider supporting me in my effort to spread the ideals of Liberty and self dependence. How can you support me? kindly tip Minds tokens or subscribe. remind or like good posts. help spread discourse. Subscribe to either tier to gain access to videos and my novel at tier 2.
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Henry Knox is my spirit animal. I write blogs, short stories and take pictures of my garden. I'm a drone pilot and former Artilleryman. I Block Nazis, racists, and loli adult content. No, I am not some SJW, just a normal person who doesn't blame my problems on the Jew or Black man because I'm not a little bitch. Please consider supporting me in my effort to spread the ideals of Liberty and self dependence. How can you support me? kindly tip Minds tokens or subscribe. remind or like good posts. help spread discourse. Subscribe to either tier to gain access to videos and my novel at tier 2.