Michelle Romanek

Amplifier of #empathy . Questioner of everything. Promoter of mindfulness, dialogue, and collaboration. I'm not going to beg for subscribers or reminds for tokens. I don't care about tokens. I want #conversation.
MusicDiy is an international booking agency for musical artists. Works with the distribution, promotion, launches, booking, Gigs and tours. Founder and manager of the record labels 1001 POP ALBUMS targeted to pop music, and 1001 STONED ALBUMS to rock’n roll music. If you appreciate our work be a supporter and give us some Wires to keep it rolling.
INTJ Continuously Gauging the Merits of: Open-Source vs Closed Source Reason vs Compassion Rejoicing vs Mourning Tradition vs Ingenuity Strategy vs Whimsy Writing vs Listening Scars vs Perfection Watching vs Doing Debate vs Support Mercy vs Justice Science vs Faith Safety vs Risk Life vs Death Seriousness vs Sarcasm Wearer-of-Many-Hats: Conservative & Liberal Libertarian & Socialist Patient & Advocate Believer & Doubter Scientist & Empath Teacher & Student Gauche & Suave Single & Beloved Robot & Human Lover & Fighter Gracious & Salty
ancora imparo Mamihlapinatapai reveler
self employed self
arm chair monster diaboliholic ____________________________________ #ATV #Nature pics that I post are taken by @Reesemann and myself while out riding. As he now has a Minds channel, I will be tagging him when appropriate.
Best Brain Beats brings you outstanding binaural beat therapy, beautiful music and amazing sounds to improve your quality of life and well being and delight your ears. Tell me what sounds you love and we can share in them together. Because the world needs more beauty in it. It is my intention to follow nearly everyone on minds, unless you are ugly...in your soul. If so, then I pray for you and send you love so that you may recover. It is my obligation to bring you the best sounds for peace in your existence, it is your job to enjoy, share and follow. Binaural beats can help with, increase and improve: Reducing anxiety and stress Increase focus and concentration Can lead to a increase in your confidence Have a impact on meditation. Improve psychomotor performance Increase DHEA output Decrease Cortisol Production by 70-80% Increase Melatonin Production by up to 98% Can increase arousal 4 known categories and freq. patterns of binaural brain beats Alpha Patterns 8-13 Hz., encourages relaxation Beta Patterns
 14-100 Hz., promotes concentration and alertness / higher freq. beta tones can increase anxiety. Stay on lower end of spectrum Delta Patterns .1-4 Hz., Dreamless sleep. Theta Patterns 4-8 Hz., R.E.M Sleep / Meditation / Creativity How to use Best Brain Binaural Beats for Maximum Benefit and Well being Pair of stereo quality headphones Music system or quality MP3 player Quiet relaxing area free from interruptions 15 to 30 free minutes of time for listening Peace, patience and harmony to all. Follow Me and I shall return the favor. Please follow, sub and share my youtube channel. Blessings to all my followers, supporters and all that wire for the cause. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwhPqETEviTCOysGPnXqq7w?
Unorthodox Unconventional Spiritual Wisdom
Kei Markov. multi-disciplinary artist, writer, and librarian.
May 2017
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