
Level 27 in life. God mode in dreams.
Self taught artist. Mom of 1 amazing child! From Seattle, WA šŸŒ²šŸ’– Trying to follow my dreams. People can be anything they want if they work hard enough. Help me prove that to my daughter! Follow me on InstaGram: @_sophiawolf1715 Add me on SnapChat: @Shewolfninja91 Email me at: [email protected] for commissions or art trades šŸ˜œšŸ’ Buy me a coffee at: https://www.ko-fi.com/F1F46NR6 for 3$ get a thank you gift from me. 10$ digitally draw your name 15$ for hand drawn head shot 25$ for digital head shot You may now donate to my bitcoin if you support me as an artist. 1GNQSAU99WbQc1muoCL2ep64YSWQ2dXVJH
Many thanks to all who have Subscribed, given Up-Votes & Shared this channel content. I Aim to Recipricate all Shared "Reminds"! If you are interested in restoring individual sovereignty and would like to support my efforts.:: LTC: LKU6WaT6qiRPXTBpgrL5sDe9heYKww84tU BTC: 37UxguVeUvDe8bSSUJU8y7aM4jksnwEGQw ETH: 0xa1d458d9d7a53c851f9ed54b2bab649966c31c74 ARRR: zs165auk20pwwapzgq6qh8m3dmr9qk6krdvwc06rl8n5vv3p8s4zzuc3kvjmtqxqqq52z4z6hfrn8e QORT: QQho3FL1KZ3gFV446FCPzayDVxWWeFH55e
Sacred Soul/ Hermetic / Spirit Channel / Energy./ Alchemy /Theosophy / Astrology The Superior person works quietly and does not seek acclaim. A good leader does not boast of victories but moves steadily forward with confidence I will not play mommy to the keyboard warriors. šŸ˜‰ I have no time to battle egos and small #minds. ā™¾ I do not communicate through the Minds messenger.ā™¾ Grand Trine in Fire/ Strength 8/ Aries Sun, Sagittarius Moon, Libra Rising./ Ace Spade / INFJ Granddaughter of a Master Mason of the Scottish Rite. ā–³ A Visionary lured to tune Into the unseen. Through symbolism everywhere! 777- šŸŒ™ I conduct Personal Readings and work one on one with clients to understand themselves and to expand. IG @ The_Wicked_Light
Hi, I'm a 36 year old Australian. My channel will contain Music, Art, Astronomy, Religion, Australian Football and Aquaculture. I've done a lot of travelling and have also fucked up a lot. But I'm trying. And I miss you Jess.
Welcome all to our channel Joined on: July 1, 2018 Our channel reflects different angles of the world. Everyone is treated with respect and dignity. Wall of Fame ( Thank you for your support) @John @PayByTokens @Willieleev1971 @Tomtomandt @RedDragonLs @Digiphrenik @JenaGoddess @Pritonsix @bikos_gr @Jeeveebee1978 @ClintonJHurst @Scottcbusiness @lalascott7 @Harp609 @NaturesAngel @Meliae @Qomplainerz @Weaver01 @HumbleHashMaker @JamesTheJust FOR MORE GIFS AND IMAGES PLEASE JOIN https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/844220536770330624 Or check up http://www.reddragonls.co.uk/official-gifs.html Disclaimer: The Contents that we post are not our own, unless stated. If you would like the contents removed please contact us. Thanks to all unknown authors. Please subscribe our friends channels for more Gifs, photos, art works, ect @Anouchkaya @Durandale @Gingered @RedDragonLs @ladyhug @jazzymehar for more photos @JenaGoddess @Pritonsix @DrNorm for fractal Gifs @Halonso61 @TheDreamKeeper @axl100 @Scottcbusiness or https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/878363981540691968 @treasure8 @hayhayla @congbaofgs @namgiangnet for the best Vietnamese platform on Minds @nguyenchaunature @JWBaker by Artist - J W Baker Prints https://www.etsy.com/listing/240090913/inspirational-bear-portrait-remember-me @VisualMatters Botanical commissions welcome [email protected] @Qahel @monstatec @Meliae for politics and art @or1g1nAL All photos/videos https://steemit.com/@origin-al Steemint/DLive/SteepShot @zizisk @pbbogati @Ronaldmanhood @NguoiThanhDat - A platform on Minds of life knowledge @Sexually - Best 18+ Movies on Minds @Thiennhitran @Aodai_Vietnam @Happygirl @nhanthai @looneyboo @PeterJohnson2512 @Thithicute @Huonglegermany @TLCBQuit @Lilleypad for model/photography and life inspiration @DavidNguyen86 - The EXTREMELY BEAUTIFUL pictures @MissKitty22 @Showbizviet @SignYourNameTag
NASA on Minds fan page.
Canadian hip hop artist waking minds with lyricism through Web3 and beyond. šŸŽ¶ #hiphop #rap #music
Ancient Origins seeks to uncover, what we believe, is one of the most important pieces of knowledge we can acquire as human beings ā€“ our beginnings. http://www.ancient-origins.net
Apr 2018
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