I don't know who
  • flight_takeoff

"If you always do what you've always done, you will always be what you've always been." -I don't know, some guy, I suppose Now on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/harbinger50 Youtube (taking a break, but plenty of videos here) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCne7Elzl63-I9TF8szYf1ZQ Now on PATREON! If you like my videos, consider becoming a patron. Thanks! https://www.patreon.com/Harbinger50 https://steemit.com/@harbinger50
Rude. Loud. Opinionated. Pissed off. Criticism survivor. Chronic collector. I make jokes about myself so you don't have to. Also a shitty youtuber. PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=5349615 STREAMLABS: https://youtube.streamlabs.com/stutteringsoliloquy
40 years old, getting really tired of this way of life.
Working stiff making cartoons on the side a poet and a M.G.T.O.W all of my videos are on Vidme @JeffStrike if you want to see them all in one place. Pinterest link also https://www.pinterest.com/jessstrike901/ I use a fake name but that is par for the course.
An avid learner, amateur historian and curious at heart.
Beta fag, misogynerd, islamophobe, rape apologist, shitlord, race traitor... because it's 2016
Feminist & SJW - Kidding! Constitution Enforcer, Individual Rights Supporter, Truth Teller, & Master of None.
  • flight_takeoff
Aug 2016
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