
Hi I'm new to this type of site but looking forward to see what it has to offer, and to giving my own perspective on the world. I love music in all it's many forms and styles,enjoy playing guitar and singing. My latest hobby is spray painting, I'll be sharing some of that soon.
Minds Founding Member 2017 S'hauni Waterdragon Retired, Living the Dream, Writing the Great American Pagan Novel #DoNotDisturb I have #DragonEnergy I DECLARE WORLD PEACE #IDWP http://www.ideclareworldpeace.com/ Sweet Waterdragon Banana Muffinettes DO NOT MEDDLE IN THE AFFAIRS OF DRAGONS BECAUSE ITS RUDE THEY HAVE STUFF GOING ON ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS
I find cool pieces of artwork from the internet and post them here. I did not produce these. #Art #Aesthetic #Psychedelic #DigitalArt
Curious, sensual, humorous, honest. I laugh at the world but mostly at myself. The future will soon be a thing of the past, and with it, all of us. The Present is all we have.
Kindness is never wrong or wasted. It’s a very simplistic view but we have got to start loving each other more. Random acts of kindness are the only way forward for me.it doesn’t take much- a smile,kind word or a genuinely meant compliment can really lift someone’s mood. We never know what demons or problems someone is facing on a daily basis. Be kind.  Left wing pro Corbyn cat slave who loves her sleep
My name is Ty and I create webcomics! I update my comic, Grab Bag, every Wednesday!
Aspiring Marketer. Love to solve complex business problems. Trying to become an expert communicator.
Technology career during the week and volunteer Habitat for Humanity House Leader on Saturday. Open minded means interest in your opinion and not that I don't have one.
AUTHOR: The Essential Guide to Confidence https://www.amazon.com/dp/1521350124 & Managing The Diversity Maze https://www.amazon.com/dp/1720027129 #All ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF YOU ARE A NEWBIE to MINDS you should find this very useful. https://www.minds.com/blog/view/742327794419113984 JOIN THE POSITIVE PEOPLE GROUP https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/739776485623078912/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you find my posts helpful and informative, you can support them through TOKEN wires (see the VIP list of donors below), or PAYPAL donations, here: https://www.paypal.me/ElaineSihera It really helps the creativity and motivation!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH! :o) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Opinionated British writer, speaker, sociologist, Cambridge postgraduate, and Open University doctor, who enjoys positive people and life in all its amazing forms. LOVES laughing a lot, celebrating diversity, and empowering others to increase their aspirations, activities, expectations, and social interaction. DISLIKES: Injustice, negativity, ageism, sexism, racism, and any other awful ism, because they all share one major factor: low self-esteem and a naked FEAR of difference. #motivation #socialinteraction #diversity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLEASE NOTE: I believe in mutual respect, and prefer politeness and civility, even if we disagree. Anyone who cannot reciprocate that basic requirement will be blocked. I do NOT subscribe to negative or hate-filled, sexist/racist posts posing as 'free speech', that do nothing to enhance my life. As Oprah Winfrey once said: "Surround yourself with people who uplift you. Everyone else will drag you down." I live my life by it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TOKENS DONATION Tokens help to BOOST popular posts to a wider audience. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Channel's VIP Supporters (5 TOKENS, or more) @Shannon222 @Bernie4 @TOPI_Wolf @LMCD @skydog @MinnieApolis @SkylerBearGunn @John @TOMBEEGEE @GemDigger @pinn @ottman @pwaldrop @Tanawatee @Gorfski @JohnMcKenzie @goldpointe @TheronH @lolatthat @TRACYARTHURKING @LaRevolutionEstEnMarche @Robin6 @FatherGuido @VerbalBarb @Silvino @twodogs29 @Twido @Qomplainerz @Saboin @huy_guitar108 @Par4thecourse @aboniks @Wishful_Thinkin @LynneParker @scottychams @scottcbusiness @Lebowsky @Thyers @ladyhug @nguyenanhtu @Chrischel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $ PATRONS Dollars (or £s) enhance efforts and quality of life. Your support is warmly welcomed. :o) @Peggy2 (very first donation: THANK YOU!)
Retired Software Engineer, Biologist Never forget: "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel"
Just your regular Iguana hanging out on Minds...
Aug 2017
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