
I'm an idiot that has queries, opinions, and things. You'll not be alarmed that darkness and crazy are my babies, but know that critical thinking is the mother.
Co-host of the Friends Against Government podcast with Birdo. Agorist, engineer, surfer, sailor, snowboarder, ham radio and DIY enthusiast. Medium: voluntarymess friendsagainstgovernment.podbean.com
Whisky drinking, cigar smoking, SOB. I also dabble in photography.
Annoyed Minarchist Otter
Father of 3, Husband to 1, Voluntary Association, NAP
Is it voluntary? If not—why not? Shouldn't it be?
Voluntaryist libertarian, old school Juggalo, animal lover, love offensive comedy & hate pc culture. I believe in self-ownership, voluntary actions & transactions. I hate all authoritarians on the left & right. You don't have to agree with someone's words or actions to believe that they should have the freedom to say those words & do those actions. Just don't physically harm peaceful people, & don't steal people's stuff. Ethical people don't support the unethical actions of government.
I've been tweeting about liberty things and #antiwar stuff for a few years.
Kwashiorkor Nakamoto
Aug 2018
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