
Voluntaryist libertarian, old school Juggalo, animal lover, love offensive comedy & hate pc culture. I believe in self-ownership, voluntary actions & transactions. I hate all authoritarians on the left & right. You don't have to agree with someone's words or actions to believe that they should have the freedom to say those words & do those actions. Just don't physically harm peaceful people, & don't steal people's stuff. Ethical people don't support the unethical actions of government.
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Peace, Love and Anarchy. Nationalism Kills by the millions. Spontaneous Order. Mind your own business. Agorist. Homeschooler/Unschooler
embrace the suck.
Disclaimer: This Channel is purely my opinion and should not be regarded as a primary source. I am not a financial advisor and this is not a recommendation to buy or sell securities. Always do your own due diligence. Want to support my Channel?... look through and UPVOTE, COMMENT AND REMIND my IMAGES, VIDEOS, BLOGS and Other POSTS! THANKS! I have the power! I Can! I Will! I Am!.. Everyday in Everyway.. I'm Getting Better and Better! #DooBetter
The only place you get maximum security is a prison. no feds allowed to follow me, sry
News, Entertainment, Humor, Trivia, etc. ●Mandela Effect Community● https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/628817356868558858
Funny jokes, memes and general shithousery
Music in video games are often taken for granted, but some of the best music I got the pleasure to hear comes from just that! from video games! This channel is dedicated to show you the best music that video games got to offer, sit back and relax, and enjoy the ride :) I'm making music mixes of games that have very good music. Both old & new games, also many different styles of music and types of games. Official Minds account for GameMusicHallberg You can also find me on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/c/GameMusicHallberg Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/gamemusichallberg BitTube https://bit.tube/GameMusicHallberg BitChute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/aACTea8BrLDE Twitter https://twitter.com/GameHallberg Steemit https://tinyurl.com/ybo7gjrv Enjoy the music!
Sep 2018
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