I am an older gentleman now in retirement. I have paid my dues to the thieves in suits and hope that I can survive my remaining years while retaining whatever human(e)ity I have left. I don't take vaccines or meds and have not seen a Doctor in over 20 years and surprise, surprise, I am still very much alive and kicking.
reason before passion. me i snip wise and crack jokes with words, argue with evidence and against propaganda, mileage varies. subscribing to is sporadic and arbitrary and blocking is too but unblocking is scheduled .. jubilee every so often and go again with better jokes or appropriate humility.either way, learn, learn, learn.
Let me share some of my insights as a
A lifetime of roles and experiences.
I'm so glad I have the wisdom of scripture, loving family, caring friends, supportive colleagues to walk with me on this amazing journey. My hope is to encourage those who read my posts to put God's word into action with discernment and wisdom.
There are many purposes of drawing such: describe or record something, document some evidence or history, explore different objects or nature, remember the past or past moments, change people understanding or thinking, express feelings and emotions and many more.
The Peoples Philosopher. G. Daft Punk Interstella quantum physics Karma energy. Kendrick Lamar needs to meet Ron Paul. 9/11 was a false flag. AZT kills. *With age Traditional Catholicism solves most problems.