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I study western esoteric traditions. I write music. I analyse politics. I watch without getting involved. On this platform, I will get involved. I will speak my truth. God willing, the Peacock's tail will be unfurled.
Self taught artist. Mom of 1 amazing child! From Seattle, WA 🌲💖 Trying to follow my dreams. People can be anything they want if they work hard enough. Help me prove that to my daughter! Follow me on InstaGram: @_sophiawolf1715 Add me on SnapChat: @Shewolfninja91 Email me at: [email protected] for commissions or art trades 😜💍 Buy me a coffee at: https://www.ko-fi.com/F1F46NR6 for 3$ get a thank you gift from me. 10$ digitally draw your name 15$ for hand drawn head shot 25$ for digital head shot You may now donate to my bitcoin if you support me as an artist. 1GNQSAU99WbQc1muoCL2ep64YSWQ2dXVJH
AUTHOR: The Essential Guide to Confidence https://www.amazon.com/dp/1521350124 & Managing The Diversity Maze https://www.amazon.com/dp/1720027129 #All ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IF YOU ARE A NEWBIE to MINDS you should find this very useful. https://www.minds.com/blog/view/742327794419113984 JOIN THE POSITIVE PEOPLE GROUP https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/739776485623078912/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you find my posts helpful and informative, you can support them through TOKEN wires (see the VIP list of donors below), or PAYPAL donations, here: https://www.paypal.me/ElaineSihera It really helps the creativity and motivation!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH! :o) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Opinionated British writer, speaker, sociologist, Cambridge postgraduate, and Open University doctor, who enjoys positive people and life in all its amazing forms. LOVES laughing a lot, celebrating diversity, and empowering others to increase their aspirations, activities, expectations, and social interaction. DISLIKES: Injustice, negativity, ageism, sexism, racism, and any other awful ism, because they all share one major factor: low self-esteem and a naked FEAR of difference. #motivation #socialinteraction #diversity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PLEASE NOTE: I believe in mutual respect, and prefer politeness and civility, even if we disagree. Anyone who cannot reciprocate that basic requirement will be blocked. I do NOT subscribe to negative or hate-filled, sexist/racist posts posing as 'free speech', that do nothing to enhance my life. As Oprah Winfrey once said: "Surround yourself with people who uplift you. Everyone else will drag you down." I live my life by it! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TOKENS DONATION Tokens help to BOOST popular posts to a wider audience. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Channel's VIP Supporters (5 TOKENS, or more) @Shannon222 @Bernie4 @TOPI_Wolf @LMCD @skydog @MinnieApolis @SkylerBearGunn @John @TOMBEEGEE @GemDigger @pinn @ottman @pwaldrop @Tanawatee @Gorfski @JohnMcKenzie @goldpointe @TheronH @lolatthat @TRACYARTHURKING @LaRevolutionEstEnMarche @Robin6 @FatherGuido @VerbalBarb @Silvino @twodogs29 @Twido @Qomplainerz @Saboin @huy_guitar108 @Par4thecourse @aboniks @Wishful_Thinkin @LynneParker @scottychams @scottcbusiness @Lebowsky @Thyers @ladyhug @nguyenanhtu @Chrischel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ $ PATRONS Dollars (or £s) enhance efforts and quality of life. Your support is warmly welcomed. :o) @Peggy2 (very first donation: THANK YOU!)
Minds went full Fakebook. BEWARE! There will be consequences to giving out your or your friend's phone number (ID). Don't be fooled by fake guarantees of 'nobody's collecting anything', someone is. That's what all the corporate social media sites said as well at the beginning. You are signing your own warrant. F.CK FANTASY PEANUT TOKENS Wake up, you are never going to make any meaningful income posting on social media unless you become just another spammer. It's just to keep you busy and all of your most successful efforts will be stolen and reposted using bots. There are other ways to have 2FA than simply to give away your ID. If Minds supports free speech then why am i shadow banned? Member since 2015, contributed many things, trust me i know what they're doing.
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Apr 2018
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