
My Prayer For Our Nation: Dear God, I come to you as a man who is in need. My needs in question are not of a personal nature, but for our nation and even the world, as a whole. We are at a point in our lives where we find ourselves being confronted from all sides by an evil entity which is within our own borders. That entity has created an illusion of being representative of doing what is good for the people and what is in our collective best interest. This entity is working against you, and is interfering with your words and your chosen path, and it is moving at an alarming rate of speed. I can only speak for myself, as for the level of my faith, and my willingness to fight this evil entity with all that is within me, along with my support from you each day. I ask of you, on behalf of all of us who place our lives in your hands, that you give us strength, direction, and the endurance to fight those who are working against your very will. I ask that you stay with us every step of the way and guide us with your love as we uphold your goals for us as individuals, and as a people. Please help our numbers, our intentions, and our resilience to be seen by the enemy with the actual strength and power which it truly represents. Help us to show the true power of this world, as we place our trust in you to show us the way, as we fight to conquer this evil entity. Our government is not our source of power, our source of leadership, or the foundation for our daily existence. You are our light in these dark times, and we turn to you, and place all we have, and all we are to be, into your hands. Please hold us tightly as we move forward in your name. Amen WHO I AM AND WHY I AM HERE: JUST A LITTLE INTRODUCTION OF MYSELF: I am a registered Republican, however, I choose principles and truth over the silly concept of unconditional party loyalty, right over wrong as I place absolutely zero value upon the completely misguided premise of political correctness, and I will always choose God over any man, group, or government. My writes are mainly political in nature, but I often write on issues related to science and technology, but are certainly not limited to that array of concerns. I do have a poetry group on this site, but I try to keep my creative writings mainly within that separate platform, although I do, as you will see, rarely place my poems and short stories here for others to see who have not been to my group. As it relates to my political posts, I welcome opposing thoughts and ideologies, and I only request that the communications remain civil; I have no time or patience for rude political stupidity or biased twisted personalities; they bore me; I leave that for the people on FaceBook and other such sites. There seem to be a lot of good people on this site, from what I have seen so far....Vic Damico JUST A THOUGHT If you erase America's history, you erase memories of what made America great. If you eliminate memories of that greatness, you eliminate the desire for continued greatness, and even the acknowledgement of the possibility of returning to greatness. Now, you should understand what the Democrat Party is actually trying to do to America. Socialism cannot coexist with what made America great; socialism destroys what made America great..... @Bearing # @MarkDice # ## @NoBullshit ## @Sargon_of_Akkad # # @StyxHexenHammer # ## @PaulJosephWatson ## ## @blackpigeonspeaks ## #### @HighImpactFlix #### ## @SeekingTheTruth101 ## ####@CountDankulaTV #### ## @AmericanRevolution ## #### @JustinAntitheist #### ##### @pressfortruth ##### ### @MLChristiansen ### ## @StefanMolyneux ## ### @NeoUnrealist ### ## @TheQuartering ## ## @MisterMetokur ## # @danielduerst77 # ##@garyfranchi ## # @RedPillShark # ## @LisaHaven ## # @LeftistCuck # @HardBastard @BrownBear @DaveCullen @StacyKing @NextNews @TimCast @TealDeer @Infowars
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Date: All
My Prayer For Our Nation: Dear God, I come to you as a man who is in need. My needs in question are not of a personal nature, but for our nation and even the world, as a whole. We are at a point in our lives where we find ourselves being confronted from all sides by an evil entity which is within our own borders. That entity has created an illusion of being representative of doing what is good for the people and what is in our collective best interest. This entity is working against you, and is interfering with your words and your chosen path, and it is moving at an alarming rate of speed. I can only speak for myself, as for the level of my faith, and my willingness to fight this evil entity with all that is within me, along with my support from you each day. I ask of you, on behalf of all of us who place our lives in your hands, that you give us strength, direction, and the endurance to fight those who are working against your very will. I ask that you stay with us every step of the way and guide us with your love as we uphold your goals for us as individuals, and as a people. Please help our numbers, our intentions, and our resilience to be seen by the enemy with the actual strength and power which it truly represents. Help us to show the true power of this world, as we place our trust in you to show us the way, as we fight to conquer this evil entity. Our government is not our source of power, our source of leadership, or the foundation for our daily existence. You are our light in these dark times, and we turn to you, and place all we have, and all we are to be, into your hands. Please hold us tightly as we move forward in your name. Amen WHO I AM AND WHY I AM HERE: JUST A LITTLE INTRODUCTION OF MYSELF: I am a registered Republican, however, I choose principles and truth over the silly concept of unconditional party loyalty, right over wrong as I place absolutely zero value upon the completely misguided premise of political correctness, and I will always choose God over any man, group, or government. My writes are mainly political in nature, but I often write on issues related to science and technology, but are certainly not limited to that array of concerns. I do have a poetry group on this site, but I try to keep my creative writings mainly within that separate platform, although I do, as you will see, rarely place my poems and short stories here for others to see who have not been to my group. As it relates to my political posts, I welcome opposing thoughts and ideologies, and I only request that the communications remain civil; I have no time or patience for rude political stupidity or biased twisted personalities; they bore me; I leave that for the people on FaceBook and other such sites. There seem to be a lot of good people on this site, from what I have seen so far....Vic Damico JUST A THOUGHT If you erase America's history, you erase memories of what made America great. If you eliminate memories of that greatness, you eliminate the desire for continued greatness, and even the acknowledgement of the possibility of returning to greatness. Now, you should understand what the Democrat Party is actually trying to do to America. Socialism cannot coexist with what made America great; socialism destroys what made America great..... @Bearing # @MarkDice # ## @NoBullshit ## @Sargon_of_Akkad # # @StyxHexenHammer # ## @PaulJosephWatson ## ## @blackpigeonspeaks ## #### @HighImpactFlix #### ## @SeekingTheTruth101 ## ####@CountDankulaTV #### ## @AmericanRevolution ## #### @JustinAntitheist #### ##### @pressfortruth ##### ### @MLChristiansen ### ## @StefanMolyneux ## ### @NeoUnrealist ### ## @TheQuartering ## ## @MisterMetokur ## # @danielduerst77 # ##@garyfranchi ## # @RedPillShark # ## @LisaHaven ## # @LeftistCuck # @HardBastard @BrownBear @DaveCullen @StacyKing @NextNews @TimCast @TealDeer @Infowars