
Pharmageddon Just an open-minded and concerned citizen. Vaccines can work, but today, due to their adulterated composition, they are just another slow-kill corporate vector to poison the masses. #vaccines #vaccinations #adjuvants #thimerosol #gardasil #fluoride #eugenics #cancer #polio #mercury #HPV #CDC #FDA #Autism #ADHD
Information gathering fringe dweller
Hey there. Name: David Rumsfeld. Reason I joined: Facebook kicked me for no reason. My RedBubble Account:
Are we not drawn onward we few, drawn onward to new eras. Radical Moderate True intelligence is not measured by what education you received but by what you work out for yourself. Vaguely left of a non-existent political centre Is it an honour or a burden to be the generation to finally free humanity, or witness it's fall into total, abject and perpetual slavery? YOU are the battlefield. Spiritually, psychologically, genetically, intellectually, emotionally, psychically, sexually, physically, mentally, on all dimensions, in all realities, in all times. Find me @resheyeh ----------------------------- #FreeJeremyHammond | #FreeAssange | #FreeMattDeHart | #PardonSnowden | #FreeLauriLove | #FreeRaif
We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. SNAFU
3ncrypt everything Security, Surveillance, Technology and Privacy Jacking, Hacking, Phreaking, Phishing, Cracking, Infosec, Fintech, Cyberwar, Crypto
Biological warfare is being perpetrated against all of us. We are being sprayed like bugs. The planet is dying. If we do not act to stop it we will become the last generation upon the earth. This message needs to get out. #chemtrails #geoengineering #HAARP #biowarfare #morgellons #lithium #nanotechnology #transhumanism #vaccination #genocide #bioweapons #barium #aerosol #TroposphericAerosols #StratosphericAerosolInjection #SolarRadiationManagement #SRM #AlbedoModification #WeatherWarfare
On an anti-cancer, anti-Big Pharma and health and #wellbeing crusade.
Who am I? A mask behind diffrent faces, a - Pick Pocket Magician 🃏 - Lock Picker🔓 - H4ckt¡v!st_ (GreyHat) ☠ - Hardware Tinkering 🔧 - Programmer/Web Dev💻 - Linux Admin👤 - IT/AV Department🎚 - Musician 🎼 - Software & Stencil Artist🖌 - 3D_Pr¡nt!ng 🖨 - Privacy Advocate 🎭 - Video Editor🎬 - AntiSkid🚫 News more important than repetative identity Politics Boycott Google Survaillance/Censorship: use and plant trees with privacy better than Google #OpAmazonia Facebook supports Isis: during #OpIsis, they censored my anti-Isis hashtags. I will be staying in minds #Anonymous is a collection of Ideas of: Activism, Cyber Security, Freedom of Speech, Self Defence, Self Sufficiency and Relience, Health and Environment, Alternative Energy Solutions, Alternative Decentralized News #OpHongKong #OpDeathEaters #MMM
Jul 2015
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