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The 45 Days After 9/11 Campaign for 9/11 & Surveillance Abuse Justice

Thought JusticeSep 26, 2019, 7:34:37 PM

For the 18th anniversary of 9/11, I created a flyer to distribute in my local area of Los Angeles, that covers the very significant latest developments in the 9/11 justice movement, as well as, alerts the public to the surveillance abuse crimes that evolved out from the 9/11 false flag attacks, and the so-called Patriot Act. After I distributed these flyers on 9/11 and the day after, a series of news developments came together that inspired the idea to expand this solo leafleting project into “The 45 Days After 9/11 Campaign”—which was named after the fact that the Patriot Act was passed just 45 days after 9/11 on October 26th 2001.

By Thomas F. McFarlan

Featured image by Corbis used here with a RF license.

A recent news article brought to my attention the fact that the so-called Patriot Act, is at a critical crossroads in 2019, as section 215 and other very controversial Patriot Act provisions—that allow for extreme privacy violations of the population, by U.S. Intelligence agencies and their proxies—are set to expire at the end of 2019. Furthermore, the Trump administration is pushing Congress to reauthorize section 215 and the other very unconstitutional Patriot Act provisions indefinitely, before they expire at the end of 2019. Finally, just before the 18th 9/11 anniversary, news broke of U.S. Federal Judge Anthony Trenga’s ruling, that officially declared that the federal government’s watchlist of so-called “known or suspected terrorists” is unconstitutional.

This massing of very important developments that need to be brought to the attention of the public and Congress, centered around the 18th anniversary of 9/11, inspired me to create an action-step campaign for activists to engage with, to advance Congressional and public awareness of these intimately interrelated matters, and positive action to help initiate a trajectory of justice.

The Recent Significant Developments on the 9/11 Justice Front

The big news concerning progress that is being made to expose the 9/11 attacks as the false flag operation that they were, is that the 4 year $300,000 study that The University of Alaska at Fairbanks initiated years ago—to mathematically determine exactly how New York City World Trade Center building 7 fell—has been finalized. The outcome of this exacting study, is what everyone already knew from the “beyond a reasonable doubt” evidence, that has been readily available online for years... The University of Alaska study mathematically, and utterly incontrovertibly, proves that building 7 could only have fell, in the manner in which it fell, via pre-planted explosives in a controlled demolition process, not via a few moderate intensity office fires. Again, this reality could have been determined to a 99.999% certainty, via the evidence that has been available for years, but the fact this reality is now a mathematical fact, adds validation that is so concrete that it can’t continue to be ignored. The implications of this fact, expose the U.S. government’s official account of what happened to building 7, as a ridiculous premeditated fabrication and a massive lie. The broader implications, expose nearly the entire official account of what happened on 9/11, as a massive lie.

Additionally, New York City fire department Commissioner Christopher Gioia, of the Franklin Square and Munson Fire District, is now working with The Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth organization, in urging Congress to open a new and transparent investigation into the attacks on 9/11. This support from a New York City Fire Commissioner is unprecedented, and adds yet another extremely established, credible, and high profile voice, to the chorus of voices, calling for a new investigation into the attacks on 9/11.

The Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth organization, is working with both The University of Alaska at Fairbanks, and New York City fire department Commissioner Christopher Gioia, to bring these latest developments to the attention of the public and Congress. Please do your part to help their efforts, by visiting The Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth’s website action-step page, dedicated to this effort, and take the phone call and email actions they recommend. You can access their action-step page, to take these actions, at this link.

Surveillance Abuse Crimes Exploded in Scale and Scope After 9/11 & the Public is Ready to Hear this Truth

The 9/11 truth flyer I wrote and designed, equally tackles the 21st century surveillance abuse crimes that were driven by the 9/11 attacks, and the so-called Patriot Act. Moreover, putting surveillance abuse crimes within the context of the 9/11 attacks and the Patriot Act, helps people understand the reality of these surreal crimes, which are hard for the average person to even grasp are happening. I’ve distributed over 500 of these leaflets so far in September 2019 to people in my immediate neighborhood, and greater section of my city in the South Bay of Los Angeles. I’ve been mainly distributing them by placing the flyers on the front windows of parked cars, with the window wiper rubber blade holding the flyer down, as I find this is the fastest, and most effective way, to distribute flyers to the most people—people tend to take them into their car, even if they’re perplexed by the information or aloof to it, as most people won’t litter, so even with perplexed or aloof people, you usually get the person to take the information into their space, for further consideration. I’ve also been distributing flyers at farmers' markets, by directly approaching people with the flyers, and soliciting their acceptance of them. I’ve actually been surprised at how receptive most people have been to the information, I suspect my choice of approaching people at farmers' markets is part of the reason why, as those who frequent these markets are often open to progressive politics. However, this is a very slow method of distributing the leaflets, so I’ve spent most of my time using the car window distribution approach.

Front of flyer.

Back of flyer.

I hope to inspire others to distribute these flyers, in what remains of the month of September, and all of October 2019. Below are links to download high resolution files of this two sided flyer, that will print sharp on any regular 8.5 x 11 black and white printer. Download a high resolution image of the front side of the flyer here, then download a high resolution image of the back side of the flyer here.

The Patriot Act is at a Critical Crossroads

The so-called Patriot Act, is at a critical crossroads in 2019, as section 215 and other very controversial Patriot Act provisions—that allow for extreme privacy violations of the population, by U.S. Intelligence agencies and their proxies—are set to expire at the end of 2019. Furthermore, the Trump administration is pushing Congress to reauthorize section 215 and the other very unconstitutional Patriot Act provisions indefinitely, before they expire at the end of 2019.

"I want to deliver a warning — when the American people find out how their government has secretly interpreted the Patriot Act, they will be stunned and they will be angry." — Senator Ron Wyden, May 26th 2011

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has put together a very convenient online tool, to very quickly email your political representatives, to voice the opinion that section 215 and the greater Patriot Act should expire. Please take a few minutes to complete this online action-step via the link below, and then consider also looking up your representatives phone numbers, and call them to express this message, as phone calls and paper letters are paid more attention than e-mails, by these law makers and their staffs. Visit the Electronic Frontier Foundation's action-step webpage on this issue here, and take these action-steps.

The Federal Government’s Watchlist of So-Called “Known or Suspected Terrorists” is Ruled Unconstitutional

Just before the 18th 9/11 anniversary, news broke of U.S. Federal Judge Anthony Trenga’s recent ruling, that officially declared that the federal government’s watchlist of so-called “known or suspected terrorists” is unconstitutional. This development is a serious micro-sized breakthrough... Judge Trenga ruled that the Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB), known casually as the terrorist watchlist, violated due process because there was no clear standard for people to be included or removed from the list. 

“There is no evidence, or contention, that any of these plaintiffs satisfy the definition of a known terrorist." - Judge Anthony Trenga

The judge also wrote that non-dangerous ordinary conduct, could be grounds for someone ending up on the list.

“An individual’s placement into the TSDB (the terrorist watchlist), does not require any evidence that the person engaged in criminal activity, committed a crime, or will commit a crime in the future; and individuals who have been acquitted of a terrorism-related crime, may still be listed in the TSDB (the terrorist watchlist),” - Judge Anthony Trenga

Longtime NSA veteran, whistle-blower, and subject of extreme surveillance abuse crimes, Karen Melton-Stewart, wrote an article for Activist Post in which she precisely spells out, how people have been wrongfully targeted, watchlisted, and terrorized, all on an unbelievably massive scale. As Judge Trenga has asked for comments and remedy suggestions from the public on the matter, Karen Stewart has written a comprehensive letter to Judge Trenga, on the terrorist watchlist fraud, as well as, the full scope of the abuses suffered by those subjected to the most extreme type of surveillance crimes, as a result of this fake watchlist, and interrelated fake watchlists that are covert. Moreover, Stewart highly recommends that all subjected to surveillance abuse crimes, also send Judge Trenga an email and paper mail copy of her letter, with an additional statement of concurrence with Stewart’s letter, that she has also written. Ramola D has published an article with Karen Stewart's letter to Judge Trenga, that activists can cut and paste the letter text from, as well as, Karen's suggested statement of concurrence to be used, this article includes the email and paper mail address for the Judge. Click here to visit Ramola D's article with this information, and be sure to send the Judge the email and paper letter, by the end of the first week in October at the latest.

Please Support My Efforts… My journalism is unpaid public service work, and I’m subject to organized stalking crimes that have left my finances in ruins… If you would like to support my journalism with a donation, this would be very much appreciated, and will help allow me to focus my time on continuing to expose deep-state crimes against humanity. You can make a donation to me via PayPal at this link. Or you can support me here on Minds.com, with an Ethereum Crypto-Currency donation.

Please also aggressively share my journalism online, as well as, the journalism of Ramola D, and other genuine truth journalists as much as you can. Be vocal online, and in your local communities, about the reality of organized stalking, 9/11, and other deep-state crimes. Finally, flyer your local area with the custom organized stalking and 9/11 truth flyer I designed. You can download a high resolution version of the flyer here, that will print on a standard 8.5x11 page in black and white.