
Memes Supremacy ! The Guy is a Great Capturer 📸. Analyst, Crypto Believer, Traveller 🏖 A mixture of motivation, food , nature, culture, fun etc lol🤪 almost everything in my posts . My tastes are mixed 😎
Musician, Producer, Production Sound Engineer.
Call my name Freedom Wall of Fame (Thank you for your support) @tenpoundsterling - 1 token @hoang0650 - 2 token @RedDragonLS - 2 token @Israphel - 1 token Wires me at:
Hàn Hằng Freedom Wall of Fame (Thank you for your support) @jerrykimbro - 1 token @n3rfed - 4 token @RedDragonLS - 1 token Wires me at:
I’m old, tired, and extremely pissed off at the state of the world. As a former truck driver, former licensed psychiatric technician, and a former navy corpsman, I have a take like no other and I’m not afraid to tell it like it is. I guarantee that, if nothing, I’m going to, at the very least, ruffle some feathers. I now do back work for a living while posting memes, essays, and comments on Minds in my off time and I’m really happy to be here. My Podcast:
Entertainer, YouTuber, Generally Terrible at Gaming... But I love it!
The Ends Of The Earth (TEOTE). I am not a professional anything. Nor, have I ever been. So, you can take this or you can leave this. But, even if it maybe the ONLY thing we WILL agree on, it is that there IS "THIS"... This, that we will be sharing. This, as you continue to read further. Alright? This is most likely for your entertainment So... There's your fuckin' "disclaimer", mkay? Don't say nobody ever told ya. "BE PREPARED". The Ends Of The Earth on YouTube Oddysee Rumble Twidder SoundCloud Music The Ends Of The Earth noun phrase Definition of the ends of the earth: The most remote places in the world —used figuratively to suggest no limit to an effort. Deuteronomy 28:49 The Lord will bring a nation against you from far away, from The Ends Of The Earth, like an eagle swooping down, a nation whose language you will not understand. Isaiah 40:28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of The Ends Of The Earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. Isaiah 5:26 He lifts up a banner for the distant nations, he whistles for those at The Ends Of The Earth. Here they come, swiftly and speedily! Not one of them grows tired or stumbles, not one slumbers or sleeps; not a belt is loosened at the waist, not a sandal strap is broken.
This otaku HHH casual filth of the USMC, FEMA, CCC, PCC, other PCC, GNOME, PSN, 208, and TLA does not exist.
News Culture Headlines Podcast TWITTER.COM @INDEPENDENTNIG1 YOUTUBE.COM @INDEPENDENTNIGHTLYNEWS Bitcoin Donation: 1FLQKrTp37WeJVFPiYb882ciqHpVSC1LgM DASH Donation: Xn2NUpo4BWLrFBcuvvPbULg3PZ2FddB2xd ETH Dontaion: 0xd76b9549f5952c7bb7f83cb612bf6a141a324a14 BCPT Donation: 0xd76b9549f5952c7bb7f83cb612bf6a141a324a14
I have two daughters, seven grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. My faith is in Jesus who is my savior and in His Father who is my God .The Holy Spirit is my teacher. I trust in no man.
I'm an Aussie Christian who stands for free speech, and that all lives matter. Ask plenty of questions, seek the truth, and you will eventually find it! I'm also on Mewe: Gab: Rumble: Bitchute: and Odysee: My main site
Jun 2021
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