Aaron Nelson
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I'll be your tour guide for this evening
What You Don't Know Does Hurt You
Truth seeker living in Colorado. I don’t follow or promote any political, scientific, or religious ideologies. Pro-Palestinian freedom. Always looking to expand my knowledge and experience. Question everything.
I am the worlds queerest anarchist and the universes most politically incorrect queer. I self identify as transgender, genderqueer, panarchist, syndicalist, genderfuck, lesbian, post-Marxist, voluntarist, libertarian socialist, Rothbardian, Bookchinite, Guevarist, Dadaist, genderfluid, genderflux, sex-positive feminist, mentally ill, contrarian, Yippie, goth, punk, riot grrrrl, gonzo journalist, provocateur, iconoclast, pill head, gadfly, dabbler, suburban guerilla, anti-imperialist, service dom, mommy dom, brat tamer, Christopagan, pervert, weirdo, lapsed Catholic, dyke, crazy cat lady and enemy of the state, among other things. I hate big business, big government, organized religion, borders, prisons, compulsory schooling and the state. I write for Attack the System, Counterpunch and Rational Review, and I run the most dangerous blog online, http://exileinhappyvalley.blogspot.com/
Fighting groupthink and official narratives. Pro-free speech, free thought, free movement, free minds.
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Apr 2019
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