Welcome To Hollywood

I'll be your tour guide for this evening
CAPM by day, Hobbyist DJ by night Techno - Psytrance https://www.mixcloud.com/sb404/ Old Dubstep days https://soundcloud.com/sb404/ Bitchute Channel https://www.bitchute.com/channel/sb404/
YouTube Creator - I'm an Aussie who had had enough of his birth country and now live in Thailand with his ladyboy girlfriend.
Not interested in Crypto!!....Husband of 1 wife for nearly 4 decades, father, grandfather and Living my best life possible in the land of my ancestors in Hawaii ... *Again...Not interested in crypto!!.. so please don’t message me about it!
I've got no strings to hold me down to make me fret, or make me frown I had strings, but now I'm free There are no strings on me!
Specialising in design, implementation and evaluation of blockchain-enabled systems. Telegram: @CorlynneO Medium: https://medium.com/@corlynne Twitter: https://twitter.com/corlynne Uptrennd: https://www.uptrennd.com/user/Mjc5ODk Topics Blockchain scalability, I'm studying the ability for participants in a blockchain network to process and store a large number of transactions. Speed of transaction throughput is often measured in transactions per second (TPS) and the size of a blockchain is measured in bytes of storage required. Showcasing blockchain interoperability, I write about different blockchain platforms that communicate and transact with one another. Tokenisation and Investing, I look at projects that enable accessible investing through decentralized financial technology (DeFi) and a a focus on property technology (PropTech) #blockchain #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #crypto #ethereum #btc #trading #cryptonews #blockchaintechnology #bitcoinnews #investment #cryptotrading #bitcoins #altcoin #fintech #investing #startup #ai #cryptoworld #cryptoinvestor
Professional Forex and Binary Trader Blockchain Lover❤️
Hello World! Welcome to the Garage Bar Gaming page. We are a team of beer drinking, table top playing, garage bar hooligans having a good time. Check out our website and social media for weekly content! Subscribe to our channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6aD7b4F-2_hlCItNy0eKbQ Visit the Website! www.garagebargaming.com Show some support! https://teespring.com/stores/garage-bar-gaming Find our other social media sites: https://www.facebook.com/garagebargaming/ https://twitter.com/GarageBarGaming https://www.dailymotion.com/GarageBarGaming https://www.bitchute.com/channel/HbZsKG1rgKKc/ https://gab.com/GarageBarGaming https://www.instagram.com/realgaragebargaming Music by: https://youtu.be/kb2WF4Gz1Lk Elevenbps - Back in the saddle
Thoughts of an independent man who loves to express common sense opinions mixed with humor and goodhearted fun. * Gay yet a father of 4 sons * Freedom lover * American Patriot As the Declaration of Independence says - Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of a penis. I love male beauty, classical music, politics, golf, arthouse films, hunting, fishing, shooting, and conservatism. A word on my lexicon - *Moronnial (millennial) * Fecesbook (facebook) * Demoscum Party (Democrats) * Muslime (Muslim) * Obarmarx (guess who?) * Filth (left wingers in general) Feel free to send me a message and I shall reply.
Deep independent thinker lover of witty memes this is my 2nd account , somehow got locked out of my password got it right on this one so subscribe already.lol
We aim to offer online work-based education at all levels, in all professional sectors. Our mission - make quality education accessible to everyone, everywhere. For more details https://www.eln.io/
Sep 2019
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