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Ben Garrison is an independent political cartoonist from Montana. He has been published in newspapers and online at Zerohedge.com, Breitbart.com, Politico.com, Slate.com and InfoWars.com.
decentralized infrastructure evolution
I haven't been a conservative all my life. I actually became a conservative when I rejected the leftist globalist dogma that was being forced fed down my throat as a Freshman at U.C. Berkeley. The more I opened my eyes and observed, the more I could see the dangers of leftist theology. As I gained more education in politics, history and economics, the more my eyes were opened. In this channel I will share my common sense, (mostly) colorblind conservative commentary on current events, politics and social issues. Take the red pill and let's hold hands as we go deeper down the rabbit hole and see how the world really works.
I learned to code, then worked in the tech industry where I "trained" my H1-B replacements. I had spent 5 years learning Russian so I could participate in the cold war, before the wall came down. A former Master Mason, there is not elightenment to be found within a group, it is a personal journey each person must take upon themselves. There are no answers within the mysteries of Babylon religion or its watered-down occult derivatives. Truth is exclusive by nature, it is not inclusive. For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open. What you have said in the dark will be heard in the daylight, and what you have whispered in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed from the roofs. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. Sometimes, I can be a bit of edgelord when it comes to telling the truth. I know that sometimes what I say offends people. A lot of the time I am banking on it. Don't expect an apology, unless you are a personal friend, and never expect a public apology.
Welcome All We are here to share, enlighten, awaken and inform. We are truth seekers and love our nation, it's people & it's goodness. Join us on our journey and path of discovery. We believe in & support the non aggression principle. #Unalienable #1A #2A #BillofRights #Knowledge #Power #Nocontract #Noconsent #Freedom #Truth #Equal #UnitedStatesofAmerica #America #Exposingfraud #Decency #Sharing #NAP #Belonging #NoSlaves #FreeBeings #Liveandletlive #RealMoney #NaturalRights #NoMiddleMantoOurFreedomRequired #NoUN #NoNWO #NoDeepState #NoRevenueCollectors #NoOrderFollowers #NoLies #NoDeception #RuralServiceDistrict #NoZIPcoderequired #StateCitizens #NoRulers #NoMasters We adamantly oppose the globalization effort / scheme, the deep state, the pedo agenda, thuggery, theft, deception, governmental deception and abuse, enslavement, corruption, oppression, the campaign to turn people against one another, labels, banking cartels, the UN one world agenda, and any and all schemes to profit off of the people by proxy, war, deceit or otherwise. All information we provide is for educational, information and entertainment purposes. The following information shared and provided and accuracy is dependent on the creators of such information. Please ensure you do your own due diligence and learn for yourself the truths. Please share any and all information with us on any of the areas we are interested in.
www.jaydafransen.online Faithful to God and Britannia ✝️🇬🇧 Purged from Twitter 18/12/2017 Declared a “Dangerous Individual” by Facebook 28/04/2019 ‘If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first’ John 15:18
Eastern Europe is underrated
Politically Incorrect - And Always Right Gab: https://gab.com/PNN WrongThink: https://wrongthink.net/polNewsNetwork
Jul 2019
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