The Ends Of The Earth (TEOTE). I am not a professional anything. Nor, have I ever been. So, you can take this or you can leave this. But, even if it maybe the ONLY thing we WILL agree on, it is that there IS "THIS"... This, that we will be sharing. This, as you continue to read further. Alright? This is most likely for your entertainment So... There's your fuckin' "disclaimer", mkay? Don't say nobody ever told ya. "BE PREPARED". The Ends Of The Earth on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7057z3Q1_Ea4oa3w6pZb-g Oddysee https://odysee.com/@TEOTE:4?r=CrMSBH9t7dhwmebHTWD6VEuw7rvx5Uo8 Rumble https://rumble.com/user/TEOTE Twidder https://twitter.com/EpNeEx?t=Z6_6ZnJS0nBPntOGZ-NN3g&s=09 SoundCloud Music https://on.soundcloud.com/u7xkz The Ends Of The Earth noun phrase Definition of the ends of the earth: The most remote places in the world —used figuratively to suggest no limit to an effort. Deuteronomy 28:49 The Lord will bring a nation against you from far away, from The Ends Of The Earth, like an eagle swooping down, a nation whose language you will not understand. Isaiah 40:28 Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of The Ends Of The Earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. Isaiah 5:26 He lifts up a banner for the distant nations, he whistles for those at The Ends Of The Earth. Here they come, swiftly and speedily! Not one of them grows tired or stumbles, not one slumbers or sleeps; not a belt is loosened at the waist, not a sandal strap is broken.
I'm an amateur Christian apologist so if you have questions I might have an answer. But mostly I just re mind memes and stuff. You will NOT find pornography, nudity or gore (excluding occasional historical photos that feature dead bodies, but nothing disrespectful). But if you're looking for a "clean" page this ain't it chief. I am not that person. I appreciate vulgar, edgy, offensive humor. I swear and I will aggressively debate my positions. I'm still working on switching from "treat people how they treat you" to "treat people how you want to be treated" so don't be surprised if I match somebody's rudeness with my own rudeness. I'm working on it. Thanks for stopping by. I hope to hear from you soon. You, particularly! 🦅🇺🇸🐸🌈🦏🦄🤡🌎👌👍🥛✝️ -Please don't wire me tokens. I appreciate the gesture but the whole situation makes me feel turbo awkward. And I'm not good at peopleing in the first place. If you choose to wire me tokens anyway I'm just going to say thank you here and now: thank you. -seriously though, if you have ANY questions about Christianity please ask them! it gives me a chance to practice my skills and I love helping people understand the Bible! -if you're only looking for squeaky clean Christian channels go check out @nanalovesjesus they're great -some of my favorite minds channels @jonw116 @cyb3rpunk -minds artists I really appreciate @aragmar @night_shade @kestrel_black @rizzyfig -if you're looking for "edgy" content @oldmanrants @mindofjack @auroradeasiza @sinner1905 @lillspence and @despicablememes are amazing
Shameless reposter Plus some jokes and opinions The reasoning behind 'Conservative Banana' is that I'm a "white" Asian. If me identifying as a yellow-on-the-outside-white-on-the-inside banana isn't funny to you, then you probably won't like this page.
I'm Brian. My aim is to create relevant content that impacts, engages and entertains! Enjoy!
Minds went full Fakebook. BEWARE! There will be consequences to giving out your or your friend's phone number (ID). Don't be fooled by fake guarantees of 'nobody's collecting anything', someone is. That's what all the corporate social media sites said as well at the beginning. You are signing your own warrant. F.CK FANTASY PEANUT TOKENS Wake up, you are never going to make any meaningful income posting on social media unless you become just another spammer. It's just to keep you busy and all of your most successful efforts will be stolen and reposted using bots. There are other ways to have 2FA than simply to give away your ID. If Minds supports free speech then why am i shadow banned? Member since 2015, contributed many things, trust me i know what they're doing.
Mostly unhappy person. I ❤ LeBron James! Go Suns! I realize its a bit of a dichotomy - oh well 🤣
A.nti C.abal R.ebel A.lliance, /MCV/ Memetic Warfare Division / 1rst Weaponized Autism Battalion, POWER LEVEL +++
I'm a Christian conservative. A Wife, Mother grand mother I love God, my family, dogs and country.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 I ask God to continually Bless Israel, and America. Genesis 12:3 I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you." If you're a Patriot, and love America, then please share my post's and help educate the Left-Progressives, and Socialist on Mind's, and other platforms. God Bless America, and let's continue to MAGA. MAKE AMERICA GODLY AGAIN.
"THIS Was a ABANDONED CHANNEL" It has now been taken over by https://www.facebook.com/shayla.rayecody.1 My other personality..) this one is a little more of Entwined with the buzzing in my head .. I am a rebel and might be a little more moody than Porter .. ok .. ok ..upbeat stuff Is fun but Expectations are not .. so don’t expect poop and you won’t be let down , but let’s hope for the best ,I love all kinds of stuff .. so I don’t know what she might post so be aware .. deep down she’s just sad and lonely because she expects more than can be given & expects perfection but will never obtain it.... I enjoy astral projection music and Music To Meditate & Pray by #music porterskingdom https://www.facebook.com/shayla.rayecody.1 But never really do ...if you want to share some of your upbeat stuff ..lets do it..) .......................................................................................................................................................................Channels I love............... @K23News @DeadyPolarBear @StandingOak @Willieleev1971 @kbug68 @RisingSouth @Mission612 @Roamer159 @JenaGoddess @Arkos @TheStrike MentalPancakes @SouthernWind @Rush @Rushofwaves @SunshineMom Course @porterskingdom ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @Cowboytech @toete there is a couple more but those names are in Porter‘s head… @ShaylaRayeCody on fb @porterskingdom here on minds .. I will let her come back soon no worries ..💙🎨💙
I don't pay attention to the world ending. It has ended for me many times and began again in the morning @willowhgrimm @Kurt_B @willowhgrimm: was born and raised on the Texas Louisiana border, into strict southern baptist family. She relocated numerous times in childhood as a result of divorce and military influences. Since separating from her immediate family she married, lived outside the country, lost her faith, and uncovered traumatic events that need to be healed. All of these events enabled her to forge a path of spirituality for herself and for the benefit of the people she can help in the future. @Kurt_B: is a runaway from rural farm community Nebraska, I joined the Army without the insight I have now. I was an Abrams Tank mechanic. After 4 years I separated and went back to Nebraska. Tried community collage for a while, got into a motorcycle accident and had an awakening that life is important. Ever since I have been on a journey/mission to up my physical and intellectual self defense and build a tribe I’m comfortable to raise a family around. Its an ever-growing project currently based in Richmond VA. @willowhgrimm Interests: art/music/photography fantasy /fiction novels psychology/spirituality witchcraft occult/esoteric knowledge survival skills writing (poetry, short stories, books, blog) @Kurt_B Interests : Education/Trivium Computers/Linux/Hacking InfoSec/PhysicalSec FOSS Autonomy Entrepreneurship Tinkering/DIY Common interests: Liberty/Freedom/Property rights Firearms/Self Defense Education Capitalism Cannabis Communication Community Autonomy Permaculture/Gardening/Bush-craft
Aug 2019
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