Rit Vand

I'll be posting only personal pictures and videos that I think are interesting, knowledgeable and entertaining and my thoughts in blogs.
location_onRhode Island, USA
I draw and do voice overs and I pet my cat and read the bible sometimes. Yeah I don't really do much moo
Seems Aggressive, I Am Not. I Am A Shield! A Defender! A Father! Our True Freedom Is Within Sight. Don't Give Up NOW! Fight! True Blue! 💙 🇺🇸
Never sorry! I live between US & Europa and want to help them both awake. Collecting college degrees at the moment with the hope to invest & empower OUR community.
RiCH DAD said: “Everyone experiences bad luck. LUCkY PEOPLE turn bad luck into good luck.” Reason many so people struggle in life is because schools teach “mistakes make you stupid.” Successful people know mistakes make you smarter & then turn mistakes into wisdom & GOOD LUCK.
A place where all Cats and Kittens can play....!!!
honest and trustworthy
Joined Dec 17, 2018 🌿🌿 Cultivating a slower way of life 🌲 #TrueLove is the key 🗝️ I like taking photos in my free time 📸 I like to share pics I have found online 🖱️ I also remind things from my subscribers that are relevant to myself and my likes 💡 #LiveOriginal 💖💐 #TraditionalValues 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 #Gardening 🌱 #Lepidoptera 🦋 #Vintage 🎀 #RainyDay 🌧 Vote up, Remind, Comment, Subscribe and be rewarded by minds 💡 🍀 Thanks for Visiting 🍀 ⭐Examinai todas as coisas, guarde o que for bom. ⭐Prove all things, hold fast that which is good. 👇 💡 See My Photos https://www.minds.com/VanessaSouza88/images 💡 Cover photo is from https://wallpaperscraft.com 💡 Follow me on Pinterest https://br.pinterest.com/VanessaSouza888/ 💡 Follow me on Twitter https://mobile.twitter.com/Vanessa_Souza88 📸
If you're gonna walk on thin ice, you might as well dance.
Rhode Island, USA
Mar 2019
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