
My name Risa . I am 25 years old . https://sexualhealth18.blogspot.com/
Jesus said, "Know what is in front of your face, and what is hidden from you will be disclosed to you."
I'll be your tour guide for this evening
Brainstorming Ideas, Commonsense, Outside of the box thinking, Truth, Facts and Opinions sharing, Anti war, Anti Globalism and fed up with with lying politicians, lying mainstream media and lying elites of the world. Interested in Social Networking, World News, Geopolitics, Photography, spiritual ... I also stand for individual freedom. I stand against violence and corruption. I stand for my right to speak. I stand for my right to pray and practice my own faith, I stand for my right to agree or not, I stand for any cause that save Environment and Wildlife, I stand for World Peace, I stand to help the Unfortunate, the needy, the abandoned kids and create a smile in every Human Face... We All Are Human, Descendants of Adam & Eve, we share the same earth, sky ,sun moon and Air lets defend dements
just another Dad
SanctuaryCounties.com is a website dedicated to archiving the Constitutional Sanctuary movement spreading across our country.
#LAWOFONE. #MAGA, #QANON, #WWG1WGA, #HAILTOTHECHIEF, GAB: jsmistro, Twotter: jsmistro. Part of the great twotter banishment just after POTUS.
This channel posts the most interesting things to keep this world as interesting as possible.
Retired army, retired twice, the Philippines, beaches, beach towns, social networking, Asia, Globalism, food. politics, free thought, free expression, global supply and demand according to free consumer
Oct 2018
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