
One Piece Top Fan
Freedom of speech warrior Meme hunter and creator Techno-libertarian Mischievous social gadfly Exposer of leftist and virtue signalling hypocrisy
An incredibly random guy who's trying to do some good in this World! Former Combat Medic (Army) and PMC, now an Aerospace Engineer who cannot stand virtue signalling celebs. Heavily engaged with my own efforts in Iraq, Syria, and Turkey. Projects focused on promoting/supporting education, science, debate, engineering as well as Women in STEM. My outlook on life is this. We've all got problems, you, me everyone has something going on in our life. Treat me with respect and I will treat you the same way. I'm willing to discuss the difference of ideas, I'd rather discuss our difference over a brew than knock seven shades of shite out of each other, We've all got more in common than not. I don't care for what's in your bank account or what job you have, I am more interested in who you are and how you treat others. Life can be hellish at times. I am just a guy doing his own thing and trying to do some good in this life.
Everything in life can be broken down to either Freedom or Slavery. Choose Freedom.
Direct Support Wallet: 0x74c92e8E835338195FeD1cCCC68aAeF8A6c17064
Inspiration, fun, and pretty much what ever catches my eye. I create original works. It’s not mine unless I claim it. Thank you for your support everyone. @honeysuckle19 x3 @lcolias @dino x3 @starhammer @willieleev1971 @standingoak x 4 :D @jim270 @moto1 @jcory444 8D @amazona @timothy1966 @delastman @Robert194622 @lilycreek @thelamb @shannon222 @aragmar @gwen @metroid
Sep 2019
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