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Indipendant Truth seaker and journalist. I am a conscious, incarnate aspect of the creator of all existence, born into this duality of love and fear! and I recognize you as the same! I choose love and forgiveness OVER fear and hate ! If we each plant a seed the garden will grow again ! love and light !
A beautiful damsel, helping Nurse👩‍⚕️, anaesthetic,a rare gem with a heart of Gold 🤎🤍,very outgoing brown to earth,Great sense of humour, cheerful and vibrant,more logical than emotional, attractive looks and pleasing personality,l love going to the mall,movies,Gym and I'm a family oriented person 💏👪. #spread kindness🤗💐💞 #💃Renaissancewoman🌺 #🤍peace #Gymelocutionist 🦋 subscribe to my channel vote up my contents,remind and comment if you want to see more.. °INTERESTED IN; #sports#classic#health#fitness&wellness#flowers#nude#surrealism#abstract#impressionism#history#nature#Gymnastics#goodlife#sculpture#nature#outdoor#photography#blockchain#crypto and more💟.... °NICE GROUP:- https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/915107366376468480 °NICE CHANELS:- @Raina2q20 @Dreampond TX @chesschat @ladyred @The lamb @Tanawatee @HungPV @Eva_huynh02 @Thanh_Le @magic_woman @Kresimirpavlovic ⚕️medically Reviewed
I do some tech stuff, creative projects, and sometimes share things I like from other accounts.
Japan Traveler•日本旅人 Kappa-verse creator•カッパ・バースの創造者 Grave of the Fireflies documentarian•火垂るの墓のドキュメンタリー製作者
Basic American dude. I like Jesus, my wife's titties, my guns, my kids. Maybe my kids before guns....maybe not.....followed by my wife's cooking. Things I don't like, willful ignorance. Don't be stupid.
The legacy media and social media are the hackers, you are their botnet.
Dec 2021
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