
Author, Blogger, Survivalist, Life Coach - Author of the series "Survive The Coming Storm" on Amazon. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Much Thanks to Those Who Wire @delastman @ABS2017 @Uncensored007 Please continue to support this channel. The truth must be heard! -=-=-=-==--==-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-= Last Days Warrior Summit Discover what every American, Patriot, and Christian Needs To Know Concerning The Times We Live In! 24 + hours of exclusive content from speakers from around the world! What you get with summit access: 1. Online, On Demand 24/7 access to all the speaker video sessions! 2. Downloadable resources! 3. Downloadable MP3s of all sessions! http://lastdayswarriorcon.com POLITICAL I am a right-wing, conservative, gun toting Christian. Yep... everything the far left hates and probably then some. http://lastdayswarriorcon.com/ SURVIVAL It is our intent to provide solid survival and preparedness info for Bible believing Christians. This isn't "Mad Max" or "I am legend" info, we are working to make this real world info based on what has happened in other countries and learn from their situations. LEARNING THE KETO WAY My wife and I lived in Central America for the past 4 years, we were pretty lean and trim due to the tropical fruits and food down there. Well, we came back to the US and OMG, all the restaurants, and food and junk food. Everything went on our bucket list and we ate like crazy. 27+ lbs later and I had no energy, no enthusiasm, walking up stairs was causing me to be winded. FOLKS - I was fat, out of shape and was not liking what I saw in the mirror. Jan 15 - I decided that I needed change otherwise I was looking at health issues. This is where I flash-backed the ketogenic diet. I did this from time to time, but I have never really pushed hard at it and really applied all the things that you can do to really gain max benefit. I am showing all the things I do, cooking ideas, gear, and workouts that have helped me. Website - http://raygano.com Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/RayGano Minds - https://www.minds.com/raygano Twitter - https://twitter.com/RayG_Prophezine Gab - https://gab.ai/Raygano VIDEO CHANNELS PZTV - https://www.youtube.com/c/raygano Learning The Keto Way - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5E0SZIpi49C4ZxBPNzuwQQ The Scottish Texan - https://tinyurl.com/The-Scottish-Texan
I am a U.S. Navy Veteran, A moderate conspiracy theorist, I have no political affiliation. I believe in intelligent common sense and what supports it.
The Survival Outpost is a unique marketplace for survivalists, outdoor enthusiasts, preppers, military personnel and anyone living a self sufficient lifestyle.
There was a time when our Govt. was only responsible for protecting trade, our borders, and for national defense. And WE the PEOPLE were responsible for we the people. We are looking for those who believe in, Neighbor helping neighbor, Americans helping Americans. I have 2 native languages, Texan and Sarcasm. Up to you to determine which I'm using at any given time.
American Warrior & strong believer in the ideals that makes America great. Time to take these American hating shit bags to task. Let this be a task force for truth, freedom & the rejection of the globalist bullshit narrative & their puppets. Join in establishing integrity & justice back into our centralized corrupted system. Don't buy into the two party dynamic bullshit. We are all independent thinkers. Above all, truth, honor, freedom, integrity. I am neither left nor right. It's about right and wrong. Fuck your label boxes. First we take down the immediate threat to our Republic, the dims and their international backers, then we take down the RINO cowardly compromised fucks on the other side. I don't post and share for reward(s); however, if you would like to send me wires or maybe in the future patreon, if I do a page, I will buy some high grade whiskey and handmades and toast to your honor. #FucktheDeepState #RICOtheDeepState #2A #MindsVets #FuckPedos My Groups #MindsVets https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/803056603186888704 #FuckFakeNews https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/812074933861588992 #THFCoalition https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/784656395734622216 #QAnon #Breadcrumbs https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/775872105798443028 Western Civilization & Current Events https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/761524637162020864 Real Shitlords https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/755112606615740417 Concerned Minds #FuckPedos https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/730601007318310912 Trolls R Us https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/733870233843933184
Only we can be us. 
Posting today's news and related spicy memes. Always open to discussion with liberals. Just come prepared. I am not a Russian bot My groups: Cord Cutters https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/937412695853502464/feed MAGA MEMES https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/895109050284937216/feed Breaking 911 https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/893991356679593984 Not Tired of Winning https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/886670852461461504 Drain the Swamp https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/885661075801632768
Raconteur, bon vivant, boulevardier, Libertarian conservative, NYT bestselling author and star of the new Netflix documentary "Get Me Roger Stone." VISIT: https://stonecoldtruth.com
Drinker of Whiksy. Destroyer of Worlds.
Speakeasy my friends...
Traveling around Texas on two wheels
Jan 2018
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