
Helpful Hint. Hello, Best way to get a Subscribe back from me is to comment on one of my posts. BTW, If you down vote ANY of my posts, I will BLOCK you. If you're offended, better that you block me first :) Thank you... I know troubleshooting yourself in the foot and acting as center of your own universe is a tricky dichotomy to deal with but, yes, you ARE the center of the universe. If you weren't you wouldn't be here. So as the middle of space and everything floating in it it is your job to know that the emptiness is just emptiness, that the stars are stars, and that the flying rocks – fuckin' hurt, so please stop inviting walls into wide open spaces.
The Ones who retain the Testimony, Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, within with them, have overcome the lion (satan). https://theoriginalnamegnosis.wordpress.com
Art, Photography, Poetry, and Nature.
Always thinking, always observing. I share my thoughts in writing.
Award Winning Journalist and Technologist Making Documentaries, VR, Drones, Immersion Storytelling, and Live Video | [email protected]
~Autodidactic polymathic critical-rationalist; A Mind cultivating self-mastery via self-individuation and sovereignty My MBTI is INTP my masculine personality is Sigma I have been on Minds since 2016 reference link; https://www.minds.com/register?referrer=Gediganspirit
Sep 2019
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