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UPDATE: After filming this segment I noticed the Veritas video was still live on Vimeo at a different link, it may have failed to load due to a bad link posted by Veritas on Twitter. I apologize for the error Google Email LEAKED, Proves Political Censorship At Youtube. Project Veritas has just published a leaked email proving political censorship was at least being entertained. The email targeted Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, and PragerU and called on removing the 'suggested feature' which we learned was later throttled on Dave Rubin's channel as well as all of my channels. Following Veritas' report Youtube even deleted the video in a shocking display of arrogance. The censorship against conservatives and those who oppose the far left is confirmed at this point. An email making overt political statements and calling on censorship based on politics and the video exposing Google's corruption was deleted seemingly to hide their wrong doing. They cited a third party privacy complaint but the women in the video worked for Google so that is clearly not true. It would seem that we have reached a tipping point. Ted Cruz and Louie Gohmert have directly called out Google over these actions. But will Democrats and Republicans come together to enact legislation to protect the commons and our Democracy?


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