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I'm very disappointed in @minds. If I stay here and continue to post content that is deemed religious, then my account will be marked the same as a pornography account. That's just unacceptable. Christians now have to subscribe to NSFW channels in order view content they like? That's not going to happen... I used my show and platform to convince people to come here, now I might have to revoke that. @ottman and not evil @jack I really hope you fix this...

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This weekend I worked with a team of developers to create a new kind of petition that is geared towards protesting businesses. RedPetition.com doesn't just send your name, it calculates the value of being a customer and places the total value of all customers as a giant red number on the front page. If you are fed up with #netflix and #disney and are looking to really show them the value of the conservative market follow the instructions at http://redpetition.com

Why did Greg choose Christianity Today as a platform for his coming out? Shout your orientation? Greg had his chance on our show to be honest, but instead he waited to shout his orientation on the big stage of Christianity Today. He did this while claiming he just wanted to be an “average Joe”. Average Joes do not flaunt their sinful orientation, they confess it. https://crosspolitic.com/it-is-so-passe-to-come-out-as-a-gay-pastor-unless-you-are-in-the-pca/

Time for my 'Wow #Aladdin was absolutely repulsive #SJW crap and hot garbage' thread. There's spoilers here. So be warned. But the movie exists, so it's already been ruined for everyone. The good, underlying message of Aladdin is very clear. Those that desire power, destroy...See more

More from Imkingginger

This weekend I worked with a team of developers to create a new kind of petition that is geared towards protesting businesses. RedPetition.com doesn't just send your name, it calculates the value of being a customer and places the total value of all customers as a giant red number on the front page. If you are fed up with #netflix and #disney and are looking to really show them the value of the conservative market follow the instructions at http://redpetition.com

Why did Greg choose Christianity Today as a platform for his coming out? Shout your orientation? Greg had his chance on our show to be honest, but instead he waited to shout his orientation on the big stage of Christianity Today. He did this while claiming he just wanted to be an “average Joe”. Average Joes do not flaunt their sinful orientation, they confess it. https://crosspolitic.com/it-is-so-passe-to-come-out-as-a-gay-pastor-unless-you-are-in-the-pca/

Time for my 'Wow #Aladdin was absolutely repulsive #SJW crap and hot garbage' thread. There's spoilers here. So be warned. But the movie exists, so it's already been ruined for everyone. The good, underlying message of Aladdin is very clear. Those that desire power, destroy...See more