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Welcome To 2020, The Political Game is RIGGED Against You And Here Is The Proof. As we enter the decade of 2020 many are making predictions and plans for the future. But one thing is certain The game is rigged against you Whether you support Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump we can see the gears moving. As the media establishment ad political establishment struggle to cling to their losing system pressure is applied to major tech companies who then implement biased rule systems and unfair practices. Youtube is actively feeding mainstream media. Reddit is shadowbanning and quarantining political content Facebook makes selective bans Twitter has just implement "shadowbanning" officially Youtube has, for the past year, been forcing my subscribers and others to mainstream media sources. MSNBC And Fox News are getting propped up for discussing politics and independent political commentary is getting knocked down. For years Rachel Maddow peddled lies and absurdity but she has been rewarded for it. Fox news certainly has its faults as well but at least they didn't fall for the Russiagate nonsense. Either way both channels are getting propped up by Youtube at our expense. While many note that social media is biased against conservatives, Jimmy Dore and David Pakman are examples of leftists who are being hit by the same algorithm change that I am. Both are progressives and both are having their viewers pushed to mainstream media. its soft social media censorship and its affecting anti establishment content. The game is rigged and social media censorship will play a huge role is shutting down the little guy, those who seek to challenge the status quo.


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