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New York Times SLAMMED For Publishing FAKE Trump Supporter Interview, Media Lost Touch With Reality. As media struggles with ideas and information overload starts to turn us away from media desperation sets in with journalists and fake news becomes the only solution. The new york times wrote a fake conversation between "urban guy" and "flyover man." Flyover Man is essentially a straw man argument against Trump and his supporters. The desperation for content is becoming palpable especially with this article. It pretends Trump supporters see him as the devil and corrupt but that its worth it for a good economy. Democrats have laid out their arguments and policies, media has argument them to the point of exhaustion and now there is little left. For Democrats, in order to stand out they continue to push further and further left in order to maintain press, for the media they just make stuff up. But what about regular Americans who are not online as much? For these people they are being left behind. Democrats are facing a serious problem if they keep chasing the will of Twitter and ignoring the will of the people. We all know it but at a certain point it becomes obvious the media will not stop. In their last breath they refuse to give up the narrative and instead just push harder into the ground. They are scraping the bottom of the barrel so hard wood shavings are coming out. After the recycled story about Kavanaugh the New York Times and the correction, the book sold only a few thousand copies, abysmal. How many times do we need to hear the same thing over and over again?


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