
Just be kind to pays
Think smart,it's the best smart minds
a pretty girl that takes no shit
A curious mind. Looking for the truth. It is no small victory to find inner peace and I truly believe this is the first battle a man must fight before going to spiritual war. End the Federal Reserve. Genocidal Globalist would love us to believe that we are all stupid and bad. It falls nicely into their eugenics program. We can see the world through their filter...or through the one we were born with. People are sentient strange beings capable of building empires, taking us to the moon and also capable of crying because a dog dies in a movie. You're beautiful. Debate is welcome, hate is not. Attack the argument, not the person. Or I will block you. Freedom of association means- I don't own you my time or access to my mind. But, I will grant it to you upon respectful request. If you like my page please send me some Minds coins 🐈
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Living life that helps others live better.
I'm kind, happy and open to positivity. Content creator! Crypto enthusiast! Nature Activist, lover of photography... You're welcome to my space!
Live for the world of peace. subscribe to my channel, upvote and remind and i will do likewise.
May 2021
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