Marco D.N.

Made in mountains
mi considero un pensatore libero We can be what we give ourselves the power to be !
Independent Journalist “An unbelieved truth can hurt a man much more than a lie. It takes great courage to back truth unacceptable to our times. There's a punishment for it, and it's usually crucifixion.” ― John Steinbeck, East of Eden
Hello friends, my channel will present American news and also world news !!!!
Philosopher // Rapper // AnCap // Pho Expert || Aspiring to build a freer and more prosperous world. 🖤💛🗽🌎🕊
Non esiste ne il "bicchiere" mezzo pieno ne quello mezzo vuoto, esiste solo l' "Acqua". La Non-Dualità è la Chiave,lo Specchio è la Porta ☀️🌱 ⚖️ Nessun confronto con uno Specchio,solo Introspezione. Questo sistema fa dimenticare...noi dobbiamo fare il contrario, Ricordare chi Siamo😉 Consiglio per un giovane mai-nato : "non seguire il ritmo del mondo,impara a conoscere il tuo piuttosto e,di tanto in tanto,Fermati e Osserva" Vivi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici☀️🌱
I was happy to be here 🌸 I choose MINDS instead of other social networks. But I am a little confused.
A free mind from Greece 🇬🇷🏴
A sinistra dei Baustelle, a destra del Gengis Khan
Satira d'Assalto/Assault Satire Quando indico la luna lo stolto guarda il dito medio/When I point to the moon, the fool looks at the middle finger. ITALY Canale Telegram
I want to share with you the best electronic music mixes and songs I can find! I am a DJ/producer and this is for the people that love music. Gosia Sc xx
Dec 2020
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