
Independent analyst.
Love, Light & Fcuk The System Namaste )O(utlaw Peace & Love Tin Foil Hat wearing~Aspie Contributor (R)
Here and grateful to be so.
You Don't Need Any Permit For A God Given Right!
Interested in art, science, spirit, and truth. I like to read articles and I'm interested in uncensored journalism. Also, I like mystical things - symbolism, hidden meanings, and the vast undiscovered void. A psychologist and content creator. I've been working as a freelancer lately - I write scripts and e-books, offer counselling and guidance, and I also do photo editing, design, music production, and voice acting. If you need anything, you can message me. In my free time I like to draw, do collages, watch movies, write poetry, make music, get lost in fantasies, and I love to read (books, comics, anything mysterious, like secrets or riddles). Oh, and memes - memes are forever.
My page is not for the faint of heart, but then again, neither is the truth. I'm just a dude trying to figure everything out who likes sharing with other like-minded individuals. I don't belong to any party or group since I've realized... It's all 1 organization. But the democrats are trying to be the bane of freedom. Once you realize what your dissonance feels like, you have a powerful tool. Don't shy away from it, dive in. ;) Goodluck. P.S. Feel free to meme anything that I say, IDGAF, I don't make memes, it's all stolen. Maybe eventually I'll get along well enough with Linux... just do it! ;)
Ambient House merges a multitude of electronic styles, into a genre all its own. Retro stylized synths, accompanied by modern beautiful pads and textures arranged around unpredictable and clever melodies. Organic/analog sounding drums and percussion guide many of the compositions whether the track is upbeat and emotionally moving to tracks that sit in a melancholy realm. Dreamy and expansive ambient tracks that will transport you to worlds unknown, round out Ambient House’s ever evolving portfolio. Influenced and inspired by many, some notable mentions are the music of Pink Floyd, Chicane, Carbon Based Lifeforms, Tycho, Washed Out, Enimatik, Static Autumn Sunset, Moongem, Ben Bleckett and Noisy Sauce.
In December Of 1945, A 5th Holy Gospel Was Discovered To The World, After Long Since Being Buried Deep Within The Sands Of Time.
Trader and Marketer
Just an average Joe blow who likes memes, wheels, guns, music, and pointing out that humanity hasn't progressed at all in 2000 freaking years.
Aug 2019
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