I am an older gentleman now in retirement. I have paid my dues to the thieves in suits and hope that I can survive my remaining years while retaining whatever human(e)ity I have left. I don't take vaccines or meds and have not seen a Doctor in over 20 years and surprise, surprise, I am still very much alive and kicking.
Let's support every means to get mankind to space, the world must work together to achieve this task. My channel is to educate and get people excited about space and space travel. I just put the information out there for learning and to debate. All quotes I post are from someone else idea and don't make it my opinion. My channel is about learning and getting other people's ideas out there, everyone's opinions and ideas matter to me, I do not get mad if you don't agree and encourage others different ideas.
"LOVE" @Vets "LOVE" @GOD. "Love the people of t
"Please Follow my channel, maybe we can learn together and share ideas and views."
Let's stop building weapons to destroy man and use
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If you like my memes, please steal them and repost.
Deus Vult
866-DHS-2-ICE (866-347-2423)
Veteran - ESSAYONS!
Mark Price
Dream Pond: Lost in a world from a dream that never was, or could it be reality in the land of just because?!?
If you are one of the musicians looking for some of the odd ball fingerings I use, it was easier to show than to tell. The vids are under (M1 at the Pond) And (Pa4X at the Pond)
It started in Michigan with music. X-Navy (SteamPunk), Retired Telco, still music. Now it's made in Texas! Rough bits and pieces.
Kind-a Early American Wedding Band with a touch of Twang! Instrumental interpretations, not intended for vocals, mostly.
Tuned to 432hz
"I am what I am, that's all that I am."
Love, Light & Abundance, for all.